Although we can’t kill him at once, the ninjas still don’t mind destroying him first!

After all, it was once the peak of forbearance, and now not everyone has the opportunity to detain this kind of film-level strong person.
People jokingly gathered around him, and some senior allied forces also acquiesced in this line-they really hated this young man!

In the ecstasy of victory, no one noticed that they were reared, came to inquire or fight, and all the animals stopped in front of the man and knelt down …
All creatures felt fear in front of him, but most humans have been covered by excitement. Only those loyal animals realized the threat before them-if they were not trained, I’m afraid they would have turned around and run …
They didn’t even notice what kind of sadistic smile the man who had been taken prisoner by them was wearing …
Ha ha…
"I’ll ask you for the last time. Where is Jin Yong now?"

I haven’t slept for three days and nights … but I just woke up from my dream in less than an hour after sleeping with the vulture-a strange feeling seems to be waking up. I’m afraid that the man who has been covered in scars will have another adventure.
And when she arrived at Zhenyong ward, the hospital bed was already like this …
Almost without hesitation, the vulture immediately set off and began to March to the front!
From the moment Jin Yong woke up, the hatred flash in the other person’s eyes never disappeared-that despair and anger vulture is really familiar …
She must stop Zhenyong … At this time, besides lying in the ward watergate, she can do it.
But just as she was about to climb over the fence, an absolute method predicted that someone would stand in front of her …
"Mother … you can’t go there."
In the past few years, he has long been a handsome young man. Although his skin is too white and somewhat delicate with some girls, in terms of strength alone, he is no longer the same as that young kid-he is firmly in front of the vulture with complex and decisive eyes.
He has a reason not to let vultures through here …
"Where is Zhenyong?"
The voice of the vulture suppressed the anger, but the murderous look of wanton pouring has made everyone around feel the pressure … The battle three days ago has made everyone realize that this woman is terrible, but now almost no one has the courage to look directly at her spinning sharingan …
Yueyin didn’t answer. He shook his head silently with his hands outstretched in front of the vulture.
He can’t let his mistress go …
"I’m going to ask you one last time."
The vulture’s fists have been clenched and the three gouyu in his eyes have been reassembled into an unknown kaleidoscope after rapid rotation …
"Thousands of hands really brave in the end where! ?”
She almost yelled out these words! And everyone, including Yueyin, still chose silence …
Is that right …
"Moon Silver …"
The scarlet kaleidoscope began to turn rapidly, and almost at the same time, it stood in front of her. Moon Silver immediately fell to his knees-he was panting heavily, but he couldn’t control his actions.
"How dare you!"
The angry punishment vulture instantly crossed the blockade and appeared on the tall wall of konoha …

And then she saw …
This is probably a scene that she will never forget in her life.
Ps two more sent to chapter one hundred and thirteen, trapped beast out.
All creatures felt fear in front of him, but most humans have been covered by excitement. Only those loyal animals realized the threat before them-if they were not trained, I’m afraid they would have turned around and run …
They didn’t even notice what kind of sadistic smile the man who had been taken prisoner by them was wearing …