"This is pretty for me …" Pangpang winked at Lengqiao.

Did something happen in such a short time that you didn’t know?
Cold face a red is no excuse to admit directly "I don’t know how to tell you! Is * … I think he’s fine, so does my dad and my brother … "
"ouch! What the hell happened? It’s amazing! " Qina asked with a smile
Leng Qiao’s face was reddish, so Qina asked a face of entanglement.
Look at hate beauty and chubby, but they stopped laughing. They stopped talking. Something must have happened, but she didn’t know it yet. I felt a bad feeling in my heart. "What’s the matter?"
Chapter 271 Adventures in the Mountains
"I knew I couldn’t hide it." Lengqiao was a little depressed.
Several people become depressed as soon as they are in a mood.
Qina look at them. At present, it seems that everything has been satisfactorily solved. It shouldn’t be like this!
"What the hell happened? Who had an accident? " Qina anxiously asked
That’s what she doesn’t understand. She looks like she’s cold and pretty. Otherwise, when it comes to *, she looks wrong. But since Wang hates beauty, they can still joke and Qiaoer doesn’t shy away from them. Qina is a little confused.
Fat? Or hate beauty?
"It’s a long story," said Pangpang with a sigh.
She smiled bitterly before her mouth. "It turns out that we made up our minds not to let you know that it’s not that we don’t believe you. Second, peony, we think you’re working too hard, and there are so many things at home that you have enough headaches. You always have to worry about a few things …"
Qina breathed a sigh of relief slightly, and things didn’t get serious.
Qina laughed again at the thought of this and told them the results of those broken things at home. "You see, nothing in my family is happy."
The implication is that you can safely say it.
"That … that cheap brother who always follows you?" Pangpang is still a little uneasy about this.
Qinan also expected that her smile was a little weird. "Do you think that those children were abducted and Huang Dagui was so uncooperative that he even talked nonsense? In fact, he was involved in it, even though his grade was so big, would parents be willing to let him go after accounting?"
In fact, some parents have vaguely expressed this meaning. They don’t know the Qinan family, but at that time Qinan stated that they didn’t have it with me.
That group of parents also have a good idea.
Now Huang Dagui’s fear is the real fear.
All day long, the abacus has been playing scratching, sharpening its head and going to calculate others. Now someone is dealing with him in turn, and I don’t know if he can enjoy the sour taste.
God spared who!
After hearing what Qina said, several people have a good idea.
Pangpang said, "It turned out that we thought that there were so many broken things in your place that it was easy to go out. When we came back, we were forced to solve it ourselves. I didn’t expect to stay here in the end, but … I won’t be polite to you!"
Qina listened carefully to Pangpang.
Pangpang tidied up his emotions and said, "It’s Sister Mang who had an accident."
Qina slightly a thoughtfully to get up.
This is still the time when their store just happened to be here in Shihou Zhang, and when someone else planned to buy it, she was still awake.
This is my little sister Qinan, whom Pangpang knew when she was a child, and I was quite impressed.
In particular, Wu Manxian met something and then worked in the shop with all his heart, even if he was down and out and didn’t even change his laundry, so he survived and was very concerned about things in the shop.
"What happened to Sister Man?" Qinan asked
What does this have to do with them?
See Qina remembered chubby and then said, "I just learned that … those children had an accident. I don’t know when everyone went to various places to find out where a few of us went …"
Qina listened silently, and you can imagine the scene at that time.
Leng Qiao took the woman’s words. Although her expression was a little unnatural, she was generous. "The ex-crab came to take care of him when he was here. When something like this happened, my dad was not at ease when we were going out, and then we just met him."
"* Follow us and go to our town and village. There is nothing not to worry about going to several places. Sister Wu Man almost had an accident when she didn’t find those children …"
Leng Qiao said that he paused and seemed to be thinking about the scene at that time. "At that time, Pangpang accidentally fell off a steep slope … We went to find someone separately, but it was a good person who didn’t come at last …"
Lengqiao has some language.
The chubby face is also very sad and angry. "Fortunately, I was so fleshy that I definitely fell when I slipped!" Qiaoer said that it was actually very thrilling. People were called around. Do you know who those people were? What a unruly into the badlands! They looked at us coming out of that shabby house in the mountain, and they would surround us without asking, and they would tie Qiaoer * all the time and get hurt. I was still in the pit, and they were afraid to run. "
Qina can imagine that it was thrilling at that time. If it were really in that place, it would really be called "What do those people want to arrest you for?" Where on earth have you been? "
It’s no wonder that Qian Lengqiao and * were interested in each other after such a thing, and their feelings must have been rapidly sublimated, otherwise the family would not recognize him.
Pangpang went on to say, "It’s a good thing that May scared those people. Do you know what those people think? They actually think that we are people who have just been brought into the mountains to be wives. We want to sneak away and many people come to block us. It’s a ghost! "
"May frightened the group of people, but it was a conflict that broke out on our side. It was * a little worse where the enemy had so many people! Later, when I got a blank, I directly reported my father’s name. People who thought about it dared to bully us like this and said the names of many people I knew in the town, but they didn’t care! " Pangpang pursed his mouth and looked desperate.
Qina patted her arm. Although she was often frightened by Ma Yanli to give an old bachelor a daughter-in-law in the mountains, Qina always thought it was a joke. I didn’t expect such a thing. Ma’ an Village is close to the town, but there is no such phenomenon.
"Fat Amy Qiaoer did a good job in that situation, because those women who were sent in were probably sold from other places. You said that they should not dare to move anything, and Amy could fool them. If I were here, I couldn’t think of a better way."
Speaking of this, Qina asked, "How did you finally get away?"
That’s where the key is
Fat face dim way "tendril elder sister came later"
Chapter 272 into the badlands out unruly.
Things finally became a line in Qina’s mind
From their scattered narration, I can imagine that they have gone through these things in this short time. Although the expression is calm now, there must have been grief, anger, fear and fear at that time
"When Sister Man gave us those places, it was always my brother. They sent people here to find them. When she knew we were going to help, she went separately. When she knew it, she ran back. It was all our fault." Pangpang’s face was very ugly
She said something about not going.
Lengqiao then she stopped and said, "When Sister Man came, she was hurt all over her body. We couldn’t escape running around the mountain. When Sister Man came, we directly frightened this group of people. We didn’t know that Sister Man’s husband’s family was here."
"Where is it?" Qinan asked
"Lingtouao" Lengqiao said.
Qinan instantly understood that Lingtou ‘ao is still a long way from the town, and it is difficult for them to find it. Even the road in that place is rugged, let alone unreasonable. It still keeps the habit of sunrise and sunset, and the fields are rarely barely enough to make ends meet. It is a poor village.
Many young Cheng Zhen people know that they have never been to that place.
When watching jokes, they are also teasing. If a child is disobedient, he will say, "Send you to Lingtou ‘ao!"
"When Sister Man got there, she said that a few of us would go in and play with that group of people or some wouldn’t give up and were frightened by Sister Man, so she let us come back. We thought that she was from that place and somehow nothing would come back," Lengqiao said.
"Where know tendril elder sister came back with injury the next day … and then there was a lot of noise in the shop. There was also an old man who insisted that tendril elder sister was his wife to take her away. If it weren’t for lobster, some of them didn’t know what it was like when that person was scared." Lengqiao looked sad.
"What’s the secret here?" Qinan asked
Perhaps this can explain what despair is when Wu Man appears in town.
The vicissitudes of life seem to have gone through many hardships.
"Isn’t Sister Man also abducted?" Qina boldly guessed.
Pangpang shook his head and said, "At that time, Sister Mang was a famous beauty in our street. Later, something happened to her family. Later, I haven’t seen her. After these people came to make trouble, Sister Mang told us about the former things."

To Wu’s surprise, this little girl is really calm. She didn’t cry and make a scene when she encountered such a thing. She didn’t even say a word for mercy.

Liu Jinyuan’s face didn’t get a smirk. He grabbed his eyebrows and comforted Feng Baobao lightly. "Don’t be afraid that I will be fine."
Feng Baobao also don’t answer is tightly biting his lip.
"Come on, what do you want?"
Now that Feng Baobao is in Shen Mei Wu’s hand, he has no mind to beat around the bush with her.
"Since Master Lu brought me here, please take me out!"
Mei Wu’s voice just fell into the pool and Muhan stood in the way of "no!"
The whole world knows that Mei Wu is missing. Not only the police, but even Chi Zhongyao is sending people to look for Mei Wu. It is not a good time to go out now. If something goes wrong and falls into Chi Zhongyao’s hands again, it will not be as lucky as last time. He can still save her!
"ChiMuHan what makes you say no? Don’t you see? Feng Baobao is in Shen Mei Wu’s hand! She’s crazy. No matter how you tell her, she won’t make you feel bitter, just like-"Just like Feng Baobao will never understand him!
But later words Liu Jinyuan still didn’t say it.
In fact, it’s not a problem for two big men to deal with a woman, but he has scruples about Feng Baobao’s safety. Shen Mei Wu is such a crazy woman, and he is really afraid that a slight mistake will cause a tragedy of one body and two lives!
Calm a pair of eyes tight line "Shen Mei Wu I promise you what you want! I want you to ensure that Feng Baobao can be safe! "
"Of course, I don’t have the heart to hurt a lovely girl like Miss Feng, but I have to bother you two smelly men before I hurt her. Behave yourself. After all, accidents are likely to happen when my hands shake."
Eyebrow Wu glanced at Feng Baobao. This blow bomb can break the girl’s skin. If you make a blood stain, can you bear it?
She lifted up her face and swept Chimuhan with a light smoke, focusing on the original body of Lu Jin. "You take charge of Lu now, go start the car first, and Miss Feng and I will go later."
A word "good" readily spit out from Lu Jinyuan’s lips and teeth and then turned neatly.
To ensure that Feng Baobao Ann is a driver for Shen Mei Wu, he will do it even if he sends her to the ends of the earth.
Chi Muhan quickly chased Lu Jinyuan and grabbed his arm. "I’ll send her!"
"You send?"
"Don’t trust me? I will make sure that Feng Baobao is safe! "
In case of Feng Baobao, Lu Jinyuan’s mind will faint.
At this point, Chi Muhan has a deep understanding!
Even if you are crazy about it, you can’t do it to your niece, but Lu Jinyuan can do it!
Feng Baobao’s principles and morality can be left behind!
So Chi Muhan can’t let him be the driver!
"Chimuhan don’t be ridiculous. Can you guarantee Feng Baobao Ann for me? You have to make sure that you are safe! "
Liu Jinyuan’s lip line suddenly slammed into Mu Han’s hand. What’s wrong with this man? Can he not know?
Chi Muhan can’t take risks, and neither can he.
"The head can be broken and the blood can flow. Feng Baobao can’t be hurt even a little!"
Mu Han sorry!
"Shen Mei Wu, hurry up!"
Say "Liu Jinyuan pulled out the trouser bag car medicine spoon, which is out of the door.
ChiMuHan tightly twist the eyebrow at Liu Jinyuan figure hurried to the first floor.
I turned around and saw the eyebrow holding Feng Baobao coming towards me.
The man’s deep eyes wandered in her face.
"Mei Wu, do you hate me so much?"
"Chi Muhan might as well tell you that you and I are in the same roof, breathing the same gas is almost suffocating."
Yes, a thin, ill-looking woman has been hungry for two days and is about to crumble, but she can still pick up a sharp weapon to hold others hostage to escape from him!
I don’t hate him. What else can it be?
Chi Muhan took a deep breath. I didn’t expect that one day he needed to take a deep breath to calm his mind.
"Okay, I’ll let you go!"
Eyebrow Wu ignored in the heart is slightly lax Feng Baobao directly across from before him.
At this time, Xu Ma came with preserved eggs and lean porridge. When she saw this, she was so scared that she felt a tingle and knocked over her plate.
But this Miss Shen seems to be a kind-hearted woman who doesn’t like to be cruel and do such harm to people.
I wouldn’t have taken this step if I hadn’t been cornered!
Look at Feng Baobao again. He’s got a big belly. What if there’s one good thing?
Xu Ma couldn’t bear to frown, so she waved her hand and whispered, "Miss Shen, don’t think about it. There’s still a long way to go. You should put your things in your hand quickly."
Wu eyebrow know Xu Ma a well-meaning slightly chin first pull lip nai smiled "Xu Ma thank you for these two days to take care of your craft is really good"
Xu Ma sighed and shook her head again and again, letting the way go or letting the eyebrows go out.
But just as she walked to the door, Chimuhan split her hand on the eyebrow Wu’s neck socket, and suddenly the eyebrow Wu lost all consciousness at the moment, and the whole body went soft.
Chimuhan will be a woman soft body received his arms as soon as he reaches out.
Lip gently against the woman’s cheek low way "I’m sorry eyebrow Wu I lied to you again"
Feng Baobao is got to take off, but looking at the faint in Chimuhan’s arms, Wu’s eyebrows hurt a lot. She’s so thin that she’s almost left with skin and bones. Chimuhan actually knocked her out with a palm?
"Chi Muhan, do you still have humanity? How can you do this to her?"

There were many whispers in the void.

"There is such a thing."
"See you again for many years …"
"This batch won’t do."
"A timid person blessed by fate"
"This is rare."
In a moment, it seems that these sounds agree.
"Let him die of old age as a cleaner island."
All sounds disappear
At the same time, a black hole appeared on the foot of the man who was running hard.
He suddenly fell to the ground and disappeared.
Black holes soon disappeared, too.
The square is flat and there are no traces.
Only then did the testers suddenly realize.
It turns out that the college instructors have been there all the time, but they can’t see it themselves
Maybe all the tutors are watching them silently.
"Does anyone want to quit?" Asked the behemoth of fate
It waited for a while.
No one came out.
"Then I will continue," said the behemoth of fate.
No matter what fate these testers are thinking, the beast will devour again.
One trial after another was eaten and all sorts of strange things were spit out.
Fate beast sometimes spits out a mouthful of blood, sometimes spits out a mouthful of meat and even spits out a bone.
No matter what it spits out, the tester will be reborn if it spits out.
When the behemoth of fate spat out a mass of water, there were several arguments in the air.
"Look, it’s water!"
"It’s rare that the soul can form a water omen after rebirth."
"Good qualification"
"Well, I want to accept this person as an apprentice."
The water soon turned into a trainee.
Three leaves appeared in front of him
At this moment in the trial, he has won the most natural selection!
Many trainees watched this scene and listened to the empty talk, and gradually became jealous and competitive.
The next test was carried out very quickly without any problems.
Finally it was Su Xueer’s turn.
The behemoth of fate suddenly became gentle.
It sticks its head across Su Xueer’s face.
"I know that your parents died in that disaster in Kirishima."
The behemoth of fate said with a trembling voice.
All the sounds in the virtual space around are quiet.
It seems that everyone is lost in memories.
The Beast of Destiny continued, "Don’t worry, if you are not qualified, I will motivate you to be reborn as an ordinary person. Kirishima will live a safe life."

He freed his hand to get out of the way of the robe.

All his clothes were stripped to reveal his strong chest, strong abdominal muscles and full of bullets.
Taking off his clothes, he stripped her of her silk nightgown.
When he buried his head in her chest and his wet lips stirred up layers of love fire in her sensitive parts, she couldn’t help shivering and moaning.
"no!" Her body has been soft but hard to push his voice is more attractive than resisting it. "Wenxuan can’t really have children …"
Hua Wenxuan, a tingle filled with crazy in love, was awakened by these two words and returned to reason. He slumped to the side and was panting by his younger brother’s sword.
"Do I have to abstain from sex for ten months?" He turned to insatiability to look at her.
"Not really." She is still a little reluctant to let go of such a question. "It seems that it is ok to be careful when it is necessary to ban China in the first three months and the last three months."
"But what do I want you to do now?" He stretched out his hand and hugged her to rub her in front of him, feeling more and more hungry.
Her little head was buried in his arms and she didn’t speak, and she didn’t know what to do.
He grabbed her hand and forced it on his younger brother. She was so scared that she quickly pulled her hand back, but he held it down.
Section 5
He is as hard as iron and as warm as fire, as if every cell is clamoring for it.
"Can you help me?" He whispered close to her ear and licked her earlobe.
"How can I help?" She’s a little scared, but she doesn’t want to see him suffer like this.
He whispered two words in her ear, and she was so ashamed that she could pretend to be deaf.
"Wife, I feel uncomfortable!" He pulled her up and held her face. She saw in his eyes that he was forbearing, "Give me what you love, give me all your departments, okay?"
He kissed her lips again, described them carefully, rolled them gently, and then slowly leaned into his body, constantly sticking to her as if eager to please the sex slave.
"Good wife, help me!" He begged her to reach out and gently rub her in the most attractive part of her body until she couldn’t stop wheezing.
"Wenxuan don’t!" She tried to escape, but she couldn’t help getting closer to him
"Call me husband!" He was flirting in her ear.
"Husband! Give me a break! " She clung to him desperately, wanting to beg for mercy.
"Okay, I’ll spare you, but you have to save me first!" His voice was hoarse and he endured very hard. "If you don’t help me, I’m going to die!"
Listening to his pleading, looking at his face tortured by lust and his body hitting her like a soldering iron from time to time, her heart softened.
She slipped slowly from him and left a shallow kiss on his Adam’s apple.
He suddenly rolled a pair of hands in his throat and grabbed the sheet with great strength.
She gently and shallowly stretched all the way to the atrium to eat strawberries around her navel and finally stopped at that towering place.
It’s the first time I’ve seen this magnificent and high-spirited artifact alive in front of me after living so much.
A little creepy
She was too scared to open her eyes.
"wife!" Hua Wenxuan can’t bear to call it out and push up her ass and send it to her.
She held the object tightly with a horizontal hand and opened her mouth to contain it.
At the weekend, Hua Wenxuan drove the car to move Shen Xintang’s things, and the two formally lived together.
A few days later, the two also went to the hospital for an examination to make sure Shen Xintang was pregnant.
Both of them are very happy that Hua Wenxuan is also planning to go back to their hometown with Shen Xintang to visit her parents to discuss marriage.
Come to HuaWenXuan means that because he is also busy and Shen Xintang is pregnant, it is not convenient to travel long distances. He thinks it is best to bring his parents to the sea, and then arrange for their parents to meet after he has obtained their consent.
However, it’s just the time when the family is busy with farming. They can’t leave Wenxuan for nothing.
Shen Xintang’s magazine has recruited new people. She has become less busy in the company, but she was still shocked when she was paid.
"How did my salary get more?" She found the editor-in-chief and asked in wonder, "and what about this 20 thousand bonus?"
"This is a decision," the editor-in-chief said with a smile. "You have done a good job in the company and have been working hard. This time, the advertising department and the distribution department have achieved good results. There are some benefits for senior employees, including the year-end bonus in previous years and the high-temperature allowance for housing stickers, car stickers and traffic stickers … Anyway, it is to give you more money, not to deduct it. Just take it with peace of mind."
"Is that right? Is that for everyone? " Shen Xintang wanted to think about her qualifications. She is really an old company member.
Because the company’s efficiency is not very good, and there is no year-end bonus, many people leave after a long time.
"Not everyone has it. Only those who have made great contributions to the company have it." Yu ‘an still walked over. "Are you and President Hua getting married soon? Will you stay in the company class after marriage? In fact, the company gives you a raise to keep you. "
"Thank you, editor-in-chief and thank you very much for the company’s cultivation." Shen Xintang nodded with great loyalty. "I won’t abandon the company if the company doesn’t abandon me!"
It is said that the iron camp and the flowing water soldiers go high, but Shen Xintang is a stubborn man. He treats the company like a lover, and he doesn’t want to move to one place.
She said that after a long time in the company, she had feelings and didn’t want to leave.
Money? I wish I could spend enough.
Anyway, she has no ambition to rent a car if she can’t afford a house. It is a consumption. She has to eat three meals and have a job, so she has no idea.
The most important thing is that she deeply felt that she was so happy after contacting the backward place like the cave tribe.
So I lost my fighting spirit.
Well, actually, she’s a huge loser
☆ Chapter 11 Less land ☆
Shen Xintang happily took the paycheck and put it in her bag. Everything has been going smoothly recently. The life-long event has also been decided, and her life value has been affirmed because of a raise …
Life is perfect!
But think about why the company didn’t give her a raise early or late, but why did it do so at this time?
The editor-in-chief said that the advertising department and the distribution department had a good benefit. Isn’t it that the distribution department and the head of the advertising department went to Huaxuantang together?
At that time, Hua Wenxuan also kicked her out of the meeting room.
There must be something fishy!
She called Hua Wenxuan in a hurry to get some news from him, but it was on the phone.
She hung up temporarily and called Hua Wenxuan later.
Hua Wenxuan got the message that it was a private detective.
The other party said that Lin Lang’s footprint was found on the Yunnan border, and Lin Lang had plans to flee to Myanmar.
The other side also said that their troops were all injured in the conflict in Lin Lang, and they recently asked him for financial support.
The other party sent the photos of Lin Lang’s absconding to Hua Wenxuan for acceptance, and Hua Wenxuan transferred a sum of money to the other party. The other party said that he would bring Lin Lang back to the sea as soon as possible.
The moonlit breeze is soft in the quiet border town of Lin Lang, which comes out of an alley and clings to the wall and looks around warily.
I never thought that I would hide in hiding like this one day. I have never been so embarrassed and tired as I am now. It is because I made a small mistake that he dare not face it because I don’t want to implicate his beloved.

Long Ze kissed her hot skin, stroking her eyes with big hands, and it was full of color *

It’s very simple and possessive, but it also carries *
Lip prints on her skin, not ambiguous kisses, but biting by wild animals …
In a short time, she had large and small tooth marks …
Long Ze looked up at the bandage that was in the way. He stretched out his hand to pull …
Suddenly, Long Ze suffered a pain in the back of his neck. His eyes turned black and his body slowly fell to Nalanqing …
Behind Long Ze, a man in a pale blue robe appeared behind him, and the moonlight shone on the man’s body and reflected on the silver side of his face.
A black hair is plated with a layer of fluorescence in the dark. Even if Bai Yueguang is quietly there, it is full of charm and charm, giving people a sense of noble Tsinghua
Even if you can’t see the face, you can guess that this person must be extremely beautiful. If you show half your face with silver, you can’t help but sink in.
In particular, those flashing eyes are particularly noticeable. Something flashes in his eyes so fast that people can’t catch it and peep at it.
Pull Long Ze aside. The man looked back at Long Bai and Na Lanqing lying on the ground, especially when he saw that Na Lanqing’s robe was broken and there was a chest cloth wrapped around his chest. He took off his coat and covered her.
"What if I haven’t seen such weakness for four years?" The man sighs lightly, but he can’t tell the complexity, and there is an unspeakable coldness and indifference.
Bend down and gently lift NaLanQing aside and take out medicine to clean the wound for her and wrap it up carefully.
Make sure that there is nothing serious wrong with her. It’s only when she loses too much blood that she narrows her eyes and covers her eyes for a flash and becomes angry.
Male indifference looked at lying in the medicine juice Long Ze looked at his face back to normal, and some curiosity put his pulse … Frown.
What’s going on? Recovered?
It’s not easy to calm down the world by being possessed. People can do this unless …
The man turned his head fiercely and looked at Nalanqing’s pale face. He seemed to have guessed something. His indifferent face raised a rare shock.
And then … He hooked his lips happily.
Go to the front of NaLanQing fingertips slipped a silver needle into her wrist, took out a small bottle of blood and put it in the bottle.
"If I didn’t guess wrong, you are … so it’s no wonder that your blood can dissolve Long Ze’s obsession!" The male voice is crisp and faint, like the sound made when Zhuyu falls, which is particularly moving and pleasant to listen to.
Lingcui is like a clear fireworks without eating people.
Slender as jade hand stroking Nalanqing’s face, the man looked at it very carefully. "So you are the recently famous Wan Ku Nalanqing, hehehehehehe … you really deserve to be your business genius Tian Wan Ku Nalanqing … I look forward to meeting you again!"
The man came and went quietly and didn’t find him.
Na Lanqing frowned and opened her eyes. She suddenly sat up for a while, and she fell back abruptly.
Long Bai Long Ze both lay on the ground and didn’t wake up. It can be seen from the ups and downs of the chest that they are still angry.
She struggled to get up and put a hand over her head. What happened not long ago came to her mind.
Only in hindsight did I realize that her gown was not the original one, and the size was obviously someone else.
Long Bai woke up slowly, and she was awake for a moment, looking for Long Ze. When she saw Long Ze beside her, she immediately took the pulse …
Suddenly stare big eyes …
"Why? Ok? " Long Bai was very surprised that it was impossible.
"How is he?" Na Lanqing sat in the distance and covered her head with some nausea.
"Not only has she recovered, but she is being neutralized … what’s the matter … yes …" Long Bai looked at Na Lanqing and found that she was wearing that coat. Her eyes were happy and excited and said, "Ah, it’s Master! It’s Master!"
"Master?" Na Lanqing is a little curious. Which master in the world would teach his brother such an evil spirit to be heretical?
"This is Master’s favorite robe. He must have come to save his brother. Great. If Master comes, he will be fine. He is so skilled in medicine that he will find a way!" Long Bai has thousands of letters to the master, which can be clearly read from her expression at this time.
Na Lanqing looked down at the robe, which was as dull as Tao, and she had seen it before, and the man loved it the most.
"I’m going to find master. He must have a way to solve this problem of my brother …" Long Bai went out to find someone regardless of his whole body injury.
Na Lanqing got up. When she went to the door to call someone, she found that Ji Sumu and the unknown dark guard department fell to the ground and lost consciousness
Her eyes froze and she pulled Sumu’s collar and shook it. "Sumu, wake up!"
Sumu faint woke up consciousness and attacked NaLanQing. When she found that the person in front of her was her, she quickly withdrew her hand.
"Lord forgive me!"
"What is this?" Na Lanqing frowns. Sumu’s martial arts are very high, and so are his martial arts. Why are they put down one by one?
Sumu thought a frown. "A silver-faced Tsing Yi man has high martial arts. We are not rivals!"
It’s rare that Sumu can’t fight back.
It seems that Long Bai just said something about Master Long Ze, right?
In order to thank you, you have been supporting the moonlight fairies. On the 1 ST of the month, Moonlight plans to hold a small activity, which can be attended by qq reading, hand Q or Xiaoxiang.
The specific participation process is announced in the group. If you want to participate, join the group to learn more about the activities, right?
For details, please add group 53371262.
For details, please add group 53371262.

Jing Su Qin corners of the mouth slightly Yang "I want to do something!"

"Ha ha ha!" Report a burst of laughter "JingSu Qin you won’t old is just chose the south friendly on the one hand? Don’t you want to know how Xu Xuelin was defeated in Mobei? Xu Xuelin, didn’t you feel the mobei fighters behind you when you retreated? "
Xu Xuelin a sullen secretly way "is your collusion MoBei? And lead it to the side of the Dalong dynasty? "
"You are very clever! However, I didn’t attract Mobei forces, and there was a big country in the south. This time it was really a north-south attack! Your dragon dynasty is dead! " The Lord Li was excited to tell his own planning department.
At this time, Jing Su Qin came here for nothing. It turned out that colluding with the southern forces was the first step in the plan of Li Wang Ye, and his second step was to collude with the Mobei Army by selling Xu Xuelin’s forces in the front battlefield and lead their fighters to the border of Dalong Dynasty to form a state of north-south attack.
Otherwise, Xu Xuelin’s excellent military commander would be defeated by the border Mobei, which turned out to be caused by the great traitor Li Wangye!
Jing Su Qin bit Kouga. "Are you still fucking human?"
Lord Li is gloomy. "Jing Su Qin, I know you are a rare talent. Follow me in the future. I promise you will stop deceiving yourself when you become an official and become a Jue Cong!"
"Is it more beneficial to increase the rank and rank than to sacrifice your home?" Jing Su Qin raised his eyebrows and said word by word, "Give up. If you want to be old, you will fight until you are driven out of your homes!"
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Chapter 37 Li Wang ascended to heaven
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"You want to die!" Hear Jing Su Qin discourse ritual report immediately fire up "since you don’t know somehow don’t blame me shameless! Somebody kill his department! "
Jing Su Qin corners of the mouth slightly Yang, "General Xu, am I okay with Lei Lei?"
Xu Xuelin also smiled with relief. I didn’t expect Jing Su Qin to still think of his daughter in such a crisis, so she whispered, "Don’t worry, your daughter-in-law is very safe!"
"Then I don’t care!" Jing Su Qin smiled and nodded, and then the Rowen gun in his hand raised its arm and shouted, "Brothers, wait for us to reorganize the mountains and rivers in deus ex!"
With the wind, the squad made a loud noise and drank loudly, so they raised their hands and rushed into the crowd with weapons in their hands. Their opponents fought against each other. * Pop-ups? @++www* C
Jing Su Qin rushed into the crowd, left and right, killed seven in and seven out, so he drank a "crisp wind to protect General Xu!"
But who knows that Xu Xuelin is a wave of his hand, and then he beheaded two soldiers and took a long knife from his hand and shouted at Jing Su Qin, "Don’t look at me. These king eggs can’t stand me!"
Jing Su Qin was deeply moved by laughing face upwards and then rushed into the crowd to carve out an escape route.
Such a scene can make Gao Taili’s report feel nervous. If several of them rushed out smoothly, then the sadness would be their own! So I struggled to command and set out to kill it and then quickly!
With the wind, the team of six people gradually gathered the front line, and several people gradually formed a huge circle, so that the situation can maximize the deterrence, so that everyone has a greater chance of escaping and rushing out …
"Shit!" Ye Sufeng cursed, "Brother, this is not the way to go!"
Jing Su Qin nodded his head and turned around in minutes, watching the defenders surrounded by the surrounding area increase more and more. Besides, there is a limit to how many people can go physically, but when they are exhausted, no one can escape.
"Ye, give all the Yan bombs to Pangpang. We will cover you and catapult Yan to the King of Rites!" Jing Su Qin used his quick wits!
Ye Wutong quickly set off in the cover of the other brothers and handed the Yan bomb to Li Yunfang. At this time, Li Yunfang has been surrounded by the crowd. Looking at the hands, there are seven Yan bombs nodding heavily, and then quickly picking the bow and quickly attaching the Yan bomb to the arrow.
Seven arrows were pulled up and flew out in the direction of the ritual report!
Bang, bang, bang!
A huge’ group of arrows’ composed of seven Yan bombs flew towards the Lord Li after crossing a meteor in the sky, and the sound rubbed out in the air as if it were a storm, more like a sickle of death!
"Come and protect me!" Ritual report to see such a scene was immediately surrounded by all together.
Booming …
Huge roar scene Su Qin they root not to find out the ritual report life and death directly with Xu Xuelin rushed out seven people straight to Xu Xuelin said direction because they all know that there is general Xu stationed!
The pursuers behind him are still flying in the middle of the siege, and the arrows are like bursts of life harvesters, killing them overhead in Jing Su Qin.
"Fat stay with me to stop!" Jing Su Qin ran and said, "You follow the general to find the soldiers!"
Ye Sufeng’s eyes are red and his voice is hoarse. "I’ll stay, big brother!"
"Don’t talk nonsense, no one can leave late!" Jing Su Qin shouted at him, "Fat remote is enough! Hurry! "
Everyone shed tears and then followed Xu Xuelin to find those soldiers. According to Xu Xuelin’s words, they brought back 100 thousand soldiers this time, but he didn’t bring all his soldiers to the capital. Before he entered the capital, he had already sensed that there seemed to be something unknown happening in the city, so he hid all the soldiers in the mountains not far away
No one knows that Xu Xuelin’s skill of "hiding soldiers" is the biggest asset for the rebirth of the Dragon Dynasty in the future!
There are not many arrows in Li Yunfang’s hand, and there are even fewer left when he just covers everyone’s escape. "Brother, what shall we do?"
At the moment, both of them are lurking in the weeds. Jing Su Qin closed his eyes and said slowly, "Fat, remember that we are attacking soldiers in blue now!"
"good!" Li Yunfang didn’t ask anything. He raised his hand directly, the arrows flew flying, and the arrows danced rapidly. Suddenly, two soldiers dressed in blue armor fell to the ground.
At the same time, Jing Su Qin suddenly rushed out of the small graben and came to the street for several consecutive rolling hands. The light dagger danced repeatedly, killing all the blue armor soldiers. The crossbow was already gone, and Su Qin Rowen gun was also lost in the battle just now. Two people now have two light daggers left in their hands.
After all this, the two brothers quickly switched places and went in the opposite direction to the fortress with the wind, so that more or less the pressure on the emperor would be reduced. Now Xu Xuelin already knows where the emperor is. If he can get there in time, then the emperor must be fine!
Now, Jing Su Qin and Li Yunfang, two brothers, are going to attack the city and stir it up as much as possible, because only in this way can they reduce their pressure and successfully tide over the crisis of destroying the sky.
Hey! A metal impact sound scene Su Qin immediately stabbed a dagger through the throat of a soldier dressed in gray, and then there was one of his companions who didn’t end his life but let him go directly.
Li Yunfang asked, "Brother, why did you do that?"
"Now there are three forces in the city gathering together to salute the sovereign, the blue armor, the southern soldiers’ gray armor and the Mobei soldiers!" Jing Su Qin then said, "What we are doing now is a gift to Wang Bing, don’t you think?"
"Create conflicts between them!" Li Yunfang immediately to react.
Jing Su Qin nodded for this reason.
Now the capital is facing the most difficult time when the city’s own people are attacking the north and south soldiers outside the city. If you don’t have some ingenuity, you must not be able to break out of the encirclement!
The two brothers then ran forward, and suddenly Jing Suqin pulled Li Yunfang into the weeds and the two brothers hid.

She’s so proud that people will recognize him if they do it.

He felt bad at the thought that he had wronged Ji Yue.
The new emperor looks ugly and has to smile. "… Cousin aside, the most important thing now is to get people back …"
It’s too disturbing for him to leave her outside. She could come back at any time.
Nangong Hanxi’s face sank. "Get it back?"
The room temperature dropped several degrees, and the new emperor choked back his anger. "Yes, please come back. I’m afraid she will do something bad for God bless, and please ask my cousin to help me."
Nangong Hanxi flatly denied that "she is not that kind of person"
The new emperor is depressed. This cousin has never been against him since childhood.
"Can you guarantee? She is a love-hate person. I have sinned against her. Sooner or later, she will retaliate against me. There must be nothing wrong with the lives of my subjects. "
To put it bluntly, I am afraid of death!
He cooed for a long time and carried the first emperor out. The Nangong Hanxi moved in his heart. "All right, then I’ll take a trip."
Now that the country is in a stable situation, he might as well go to Ji Yue to make amends.
The new emperor was beaming and knew that it would be very comforting to move out of his father’s house.
Nangong Hanxi doesn’t like to hear this. "Too many words like this will hurt feelings, although we don’t have much feelings."
It’s a shame to say this. "Cousin, you are the most trustworthy person in my heart. We are brothers."
He frequently tries to pull in two people, but it’s quite annoying that Nangong Hanxi doesn’t get oil and salt.
The nangongshan Han Xi gave him a deep look. "I don’t want to be your brother. I still want to live."
"…" The new emperor is all bad. Is there such a face?
He really wants to drag Nangong Hanxi out and cut it down, but he can’t.
"I know you’re upset about that, but I can’t help it. If I don’t kill them, I can’t live …"
He tried to take it off himself and put himself in the victim’s position.
But it’s all in vain to say that Nangong Hanxi has convicted him in his heart. "There’s nothing to say. I’ll go first."
He bowed his hand and turned away.
This is also the interest of Mr. Yu. "That day will not be too far away."
The new emperor is happy and finally has a loyalty. "Fortunately, I have you around me, Mr. Yu. If you help me well, I will give your grandson a good background."
Mr. Yu was stunned. "Grandson?"
When he returned to Beijing, the second emperor called his eldest daughter into the palace. I heard that he had been favored and sealed by Yu Fei.
This made him very anxious at the moment?
It’s filial piety now, and everyone is staring at the new emperor’s every move, but the new emperor himself doesn’t care about doing whatever he wants.
Maybe it’s broken. There’s no good name anyway.
The new emperor smiled and said, "I and Yu Fear are not your grandchildren? Rest assured that my first son must come from Yu Fei’s belly. "
Mr. Yu’s heart moved with a smile and bowed deeply. "Thank you for your kindness."
He’d like to hold his grandson’s throne. It’s too difficult to control this new emperor. It’s often difficult for people to defend themselves. Every day, he cleans up the rotten stalls.
Seeing that he is so sincere, the new emperor is very proud and feels that his control level is high. "Get up."
Mr. Yu got up and hesitated. "The emperor …"
The new emperor frowned. "If you have something, just say it. We are not outsiders."
Mr. Yu struggled for half a ring. "Xie Huangxiao can’t have a child …"
Filial piety is not a good name and can’t be a great cause.
For the sake of the future, he doesn’t want this name to fall on his grandson’s head.
But the emperor’s reaction was so wonderful that he said casually, "What are you afraid of? It’ s a big deal to change the child’ s birthday. I’ m an emperor. Can’ t it be decided? "
He was so sexual that he completely ignored the power of former ministers and imperial clan.

Ma Hang burped and the alcohol hit his head. "Today, I just told you that this place will wait and see if there is an opportunity to do it immediately. All right, go to sleep. I have a terrible pain here."

Out of the door of the horse line, Heiwa stopped Longjie and found a secluded place. Heiwa said, "Just now, the eldest brother said that there is a white-haired bear in that good place, so we can’t fall into our hands. In case something happens to the white-haired bear, we can naturally take that place soon." Heiwa said this with a slight smile on her face.
Chapter three hundred and seven Misunderstanding
Longjie patted Heiwa on the shoulder and said, "Brother Hei, you and I want to go together. Do you want to?"
Before leoco continued, Heiwa hurriedly covered leoco’s mouth. "I counted that the white-haired bear brought a hand today, so I’m afraid we can’t do it. We have to find a few more people."
"Who else wants the eldest brother to send a few people?" Longjie said.
Heiwa shook her head. "No, absolutely not. Eldest brother won’t agree. Even Brother Mu and Brother Wu can’t tell them. If they know, they will."
"Who are you looking for?" The two men wanted to go to Longjie Road. "Call Brother Shi."
"Line" black Eva immediately said.
"There are Yu Mu, Zou Kai and Yongnian. I think six of us are enough."
Black Eva didn’t speak, and she kept thinking about answering the words of Longjie. Ma Jianwei suddenly turned out from the corner. "Uncle Black and Uncle Long, take me."
"Go, go," Heiwa said impatiently. "Don’t get involved with adults and children. Hurry up. Your mother has been looking for you several times. Go back to sleep."
Ma Jianwei snorted, "I’ll tell my dad what you’re talking about now with or without me." As soon as I turned around, I walked into the house.
Longjie a pull, "you little rabbit dare to threaten us. Come on, take you to say yes. No one can say go to bed. We’ll call you when we leave." Ma Jian Wei happily agreed to go back to the house
Heiwa and Longjie left Ma Hangyuan to find the stone. Of course, there is nothing to say. They immediately agreed to the three men and went to find Yu Mu. Zhang Yongnian immediately agreed that Zou Kai didn’t speak. Yu Mu hesitated. "It’s not good to do this. If the battalion commander knows how we can explain."
"You’re timid," the stone said. "Let’s go with or without love."
Longjie quickly stopped the stone and said to Yu Mu, "We didn’t do it ourselves. Besides, white-haired bear knows this good place but doesn’t say it. It’s not sincere to unite with us. He can’t blame us for being unjust. Besides, we’re not trying to kill him. We’re asking him to hand over the place and walk. It won’t be anything."
Yu Mu look at all out of friendship, there is no way to also agreed to take advantage of the night, a few people changed their clothes and took a shortcut out of the cottage, black blind ditch, according to their estimation, white-haired bears, although they have horses, drank wine and walked not too fast, so they should be able to catch up.
From black blind ditch to Heixiong Ridge, you have to pass Yingchoujian. The road here is not very easy. White-haired bear drinks too much and his hands are wobbling. He is worried that White-haired bear will fall, so he sends someone to help White-haired bear lead the horse forward a little bit.
It’s getting cold in the northeast in September, and there is a faint chill in the mountain wind at night. It’s not a good day tonight, and the moon is on and off, and now dark clouds are shuttling back and forth from it. They are bandits who are used to walking at night, but they still feel a little dizzy after the autumn wind blows.
White-haired bear wrapped himself in a wrap and sat on horseback with his eyes closed. Suddenly, in the dark, a group of birds flew from the nearby Woods and rushed to the sky in the dark. A tingle of white-haired bear sat up and his right hand had pulled out his own box of guns.
"Stop" being a bandit for so many years, there is still a vigilance. Birds have to sleep at night, so there must be something wrong with so many birds flying suddenly.
"What’s wrong with the boss?" asked one hand.
"Send two people to the forest over there to see if there is a problem." As soon as the white-haired bear turned over, he leaned against a stone from Malay.
"Why are you here?" Black Eva glared at Ma Jianwei mercilessly.
"Hum" Ma Jianwei snorted. "I knew you wouldn’t take me. If you don’t take me, I’ll do it myself."
Yu Mu said, "Get out of here quickly. The white-haired bear has found that there is a problem. If he sees it again, it will be bad for anyone."
Several people sighed and quickly got up and ran to the depths of the forest. When they ran for about half a column of incense, they listened to nothing behind them. Then they rested against the big tree and leoco gasped, "What the fuck is this? Everything has run away. Come and be healthy."
They found that Ma Jianwei didn’t follow Heiwa to look at the Woods behind him and asked the stone, "Brother Shi, you didn’t take Jianwei with you at the end."
Stone shook his head. "I didn’t see him following you."
"It’s broken," said Longjie. "It’s a teenager. It shouldn’t be directed at the white-haired bear." When I said this, the road rushed away. Things didn’t go well. I lost my horse’s son, but if the white-haired bear caught it, it would be even more troublesome
Rushed to the ambush where there is no figure? A few people are in a hurry and don’t know whether to go back or continue to find Yu Mu. He said, "Well, Jianwei White Bears have seen him, and he won’t be like that. We will split up and report to the battalion commander immediately, and continue to chase White Bears to the south to ask."
Six soldiers were divided into two roads. Heiwa led Zhang Yongnian and Longjie back to admit their mistakes to Ma Hang. Stone took Yu Mu and Zou Kai and continued to chase south.
Before entering Dazhai Heiwa, she felt that the atmosphere was not right. Jinsong oil torches lit the whole village as a horse, Mu Yunchen, Liu Wu and the white-haired bear were in the square in front of the village. Ma Jianwei was tied around the column like a dumpling and surrounded by a circle of minions, Wu Jing and Li Fang, who helped each other with tears.
Ma Jianwei waited for Ma Hanggao with a small face and said, "Mom, don’t cry, it’s just a dead generation. I’ll still be your son."
Hearing this, Wu Jing cried even more. Heiwa and Longjie rushed to the front of Ma Jianwei and knelt down to Ma Hang. "Eldest brother, this is not with Jianwei. It’s all us. Let’s kill us if we want to."
Ma Hang said angrily, "Shut up, you two. I’ll tell you slowly about your business. Pull them for me." Ma Hang is riding a tiger now, and it’s hard for a white-haired bear to keep his mouth shut.
Heiwa pushed her two minions together. "White-haired bear, I did the whole thing. If something happens, you killed me and a teenager. What kind of hero is it? I left my words here today. If anything happens to my eldest nephew, I would give my life and dig your ancestral grave."
White-haired bear sneer at a quietly watching the scene.
Chapter three hundred It’s not over
A horse line execution and all the people looked at the white-haired bear one by one with a face of consternation, and the flames of murder erupted in their eyes.
"Forget it" wobbly got up from his chair and smiled at Ma Hang. "It’s hard for children to make mistakes and it didn’t hurt the brothers. I think we should spare the children. Hehehe, where can children make mistakes and change them?" White-haired bear said lightly.
Don’t you think it’s a little late to say that in Ma Hang’s heart? But his face can’t be exposed. He said, "Bai Da takes charge of adults and doesn’t remember villains. Anyway, it’s all my younger brother’s lax discipline, and I feel sorry for my children. But this matter must never be forgotten. My Ma Hang must give Bai Da a responsibility."
When he said this, Ma Hang bent down and pulled out the dagger from the boot without looking at it. He stretched out his left hand and took up the knife and fell. By the time everyone tried to stop it, his left little finger had fallen to the ground.
"Dad, Big Brother" shouted a lot. Mu Yunchen quickly grabbed Ma Hang around and pressed hard to stop the blood from continuing to flow. Wu Jing took out his handkerchief and shed tears while holding his left hand for Ma Hang.
"Bai Da takes charge of my horse line is a benevolent person. Today, I hope that Bai Da takes charge of everything and reveals it in my face. If Bai Da takes charge of everything, what do you say? My horse line goes on." The horse line looks at the white-haired bear.
White-haired bear looked around, and he ha ha smiled. "Brother Ma, where do you say this? It’s like brother I have to manage and tide wait for no man. Listen to brother. Hehehe, it’s almost dawn. There are things in the cottage, so I’ll go first."

It is obvious that Jiang Rufei’s smashing a glass on the wall just now has ruined this harmony. Many people are unhappy, but few dare to go out.

Jiang Rufei didn’t look at the woman and insisted on communicating with Xi Yanlie. "Did you call Louqin today? See if there are any missed calls. "
Xi Yanlie always laughs at Jiang Rufei while he has no intention to take out his mobile phone from his pocket. "Are you henpecked and want to save everyone?"
Lou Qin never has nothing to call him. She has been on a business trip for half a month, and they have failed.
There are a few missed calls or others.
"Did you see" Xi Yanlie showed Jiang Rufei the words.
Jiang Rufei’s patience is like coaxing a child. "Then you won’t take the initiative to call Lou Qin?"
The sharp woman interrupted again, "Jiang Rufei, are you still addicted? !”
Jiang Rufei grabbed the bottle in front of him and threw it at the woman.
The crackle screamed in a hurry, accompanied by the air-conditioning around it. Jiang Rufei scolded the woman, "Today I will tell you that women should mind their own two things." Others have come to the shivering woman, "B and this mouth."
The woman grabbed the hematoma and got up. Tears swirled in her eyes.
Jiang Rufei patted the woman’s face with force and muttered "disgusting" in a low voice and left the room.
There was silence in the private room. Xi Yanlie looked at the woman who was hit by a bottle. She looked familiar, as if she remembered that she was close to Shallow.
He looked shallow and went out from the private room to chase Jiang Rufei
Section 5
Jiang Rufei was cold.
Xi Yanlie ran a few steps and put his arm on his shoulder. "What’s wrong with you?"
Jiang Rufei’s heart is much calmer now. He was not angry just now, but he didn’t like those women.
He went to the land cruiser and hit the door. Jiang Rufei asked him, "Where are you going?"
What were you two doing on the night of 59?
Xi Yanlie was too lazy to beat around the bush and hit the back door car directly.
As soon as Jiang Rufei started the car, Xi Yanlie smiled and asked Jiang Rufei, "Do you still have secrets with me? Don’t say it, right? "
Jiang Rufei is not that kind of person who get angry for no reason.
Unless there’s some reason
Jiang Rufei frowned. "Stay away from those no three no four women. Don’t forget that you are married."
Xi Yanlie was surprised’ yo’ and held his hands in front of him. "When did you realize so high?" Think about it wrong! "Are you bought by Lou Qin?"
Jiang Rufei stared at Xiyanlie and ignored him.
Ask for more happiness! He doesn’t care. Not yet?
The husband and wife fall asleep beside each other. Same-sex people can’t have a good dream
Louqin hasn’t had a good rest recently, and this sleep is not very practical.
Because he drank too much wine last night, Xi Yanlie slept until noon.
Jiang Rufei disappeared. I don’t know what I’m busy with, but I’m looking for him.
"What happened to punk last night?"
Jiang Rufei and Xi Yanlie pulled their slippers. "Who knows he won’t talk?"
Peel the orange peel for yourself. "Did something happen recently?" Feed a petal into Xi Yanlie’s mouth.
Xi Yanlie thought "I don’t know"
Gu Jin is busy in the science and technology building, staring at his hand with a mobile phone.
See if there is still nothing to sneer at. He picked up his coat and went out of the door.
One to two, one month later, Lou Qin was still lying in his mobile phone, and Gu Jin sent a short message-
I won’t apologize to you. I didn’t bully you anyway, but you should hurry up and repent, or you may not have a chance one day.
Recently, Lou Qin often travels around the country to engage in international cooperation.
When she landed at the city airport again, she saw Gu Jinze
Gu Jin, however, looked at the corners of the body and blew it up, especially when Louqin saw him.
Although Louqin was followed by Gu Jin, a small assistant with luggage, he went over diligently.
"Are you tired?"
Gu Jin is still a good brother.
Louqin held his breath and didn’t want to talk to him.
Gu Jin hit her shoulder "ask you something! Why are you acting like a child? "He wants to know when Lou Qin will go home on time and ask the super sister controller.
Lou Qin tilted his head at him. "You don’t want to disappear from my eyes."
That night Gu Jin said that if nothing happened, he would no longer appear in front of her.
"Do you remember all this?" Gu Jin laughed at her. "Look, I know you miss me. If I disappear, I won’t let you regret it."
Louqin ignored him and went straight ahead.

(Could it be Shangxian? "Holler chuai is not unreasonable. The 4th Air Force’s spring bombing fleet was still in Slovakia during the day, and the pilots in Suiguo estimated that there were only a few hundred Soviet fighters lurking there.

Maybe! Male root closed gills eyes, hand holding nose beam bone end gently saved the cangue "hai 222 should help sharp fighter forces which came to cut into MuEr owe fried fire extinguishers when fu Wei scattered to the winter war remnants! "
"Since calcium dobesilate capsules has reached such a fate," let’s do our best to implement it! "Zhen le goodwill she urged.
Logan retorted and said, "I want to arrange it according to what Qi Xiong said!"
Compared with the war minister of Cheqing Imperial Army, Holler is much more experienced in the actual speech. Before the special train arrived in Berlin, he had already delivered the details to the corresponding two aviation troops and airports.
The military train didn’t just enter Potsdam Feng in the urban area of Berlin, but stopped at a small platform sheath near Junyue Airport in the western suburbs of Berlin for several hours, and then returned to Mizuho from Romanian Qin Ruiyi. General Wolfgang von richter swore that she was very dusty.
"Hello again at last, General!" Luo Genzhi met with an uncharacteristic hot orange in the Yuan office, but richthofen responded with courtesy and politeness. I can see that he is very tired and his eyes are always shaking.
The main reason is that the First Jumping Army suffered heavy losses in Romania. If it were not for the end of the Crete War, the German troops deployed in Greece would have rushed to the Romanian battlefield. The First Jumping Han would have continued to fight the powerful Soviet residual air group in the south after losing its fighter planes and late dive bombers.
Now, like the first army, the five regiments that suffered the most losses were forced to be reorganized, and the squadrons of Shangcai fighting capacity were scattered and filled up, and they were still holding on to each regiment, and the whole Romania was handed over to the first. General geissler, the officer in charge of the panic army, had to get out of the complicated army and return to Berlin to report on the situation of the southern remnants. Most of the officers and soldiers and civilians still didn’t know that they had moved to Potsdam, a suburb of Berlin, to settle down a seat for richthofen and bring a cup of hot coffee to the regular soldiers. In turn, he comforted, "Don’t worry, the cooks are working overtime to make new fighters and bombers, and it won’t be long before the first aviation and the first army, which suffered heavy losses in Poland, can be rebuilt! In addition, based on the excellent actual combat performance of the new Woolf fighter, we are going to form 6 new Woolf fighter wings, one of which will be assigned to the first one! "
"We have damaged the skilled pilots!" Richthofen cupped his coffee cup in his hands. "What’s worse, our pilots now have a fear of swarming Soviet fighters. That is, a person is being spared by mustard flies, and he will feel scared at the sight of mustard snails!"
"This metaphor is really" Logan was very surprised, but he thought that he had never been in a war before, and he could feel the true feelings of the pilots by relying on the atmosphere he imagined.
Richseed Hoffen is very handsome. She calls Logan "the cabinet of war ministers". He is extremely serious. She said, "The steep soil is a serious trick, but I still sincerely hope that the war department will consider sending more fighters to the southern line. Only one day will we plan to completely stock them!"
Logan stared. "Yuan has never thought about putting things on the stack, and so have we, but we have no more fighter units to deploy! Fact "yuan play for zai" tonight will be two zha air force sent to the execution and Czech her area, blocking the Soviet union to Austria found the pile into! "
"Audley?" Obviously, richthofen didn’t realize that the situation in other battles was very bad. He insisted heavily, "I personally think that if the current situation is not changed, General geissler’s first, our first and our last remaining troops can hold up for another week at most!"
Logan didn’t understand her and said, "But we have been fighting with Soviet talents for less than a week, and the situation is changing every day!"
"Maybe it’s because the report didn’t really reflect the reality of the battlefield!" Richthofen was very worried, saying, "Because our fighter plane Bunny closely protected the Romanian oil field from the Soviet Union, there has actually been a big gap in the battlefield in the South Stack. However, the defensive actions of the defense forces and the Romanian army have been hampered by the Soviet Union, and the situation is deteriorating every day. Once the Soviet Union breaks through the Romanian oil field in Fukemini-Galac, it will be over. Sui Guo Oil should be greatly cut off!"
It took Rogan a long time to sink, and then he said, "In the new situation that the soil defense is not very stable, we are forced to deploy heavy troops to fill the gap in Slovakia. If we deploy another army to Romania, what should we do to fill the gap?"
Richthofen sighed. "So," our 6th Army should adapt to the lack of talent to support the battle, instead of thinking of Smika in the special situation of lacking firepower! "
"I’m afraid so!" Logan was also very shaken and said, "In a few months, I’m afraid our troops will be given aid to the battlefields everywhere like wooden villages. It’s better to be bitter first than sweet first!" “
Chapter 62 chess language
Minister of war, I think the defense plan of one tear and ten strokes should be deleted. If it can be completely implemented, we have a great chance to turn the tide in three to four weeks! "
Slightly shaking the train carriage, Feng Sui, the general of the aviation soldier, Tilf von richthofen leaned forward at an angle of about 10,000 degrees, supported his hands on the wooden rectangular table, and his eyes just shifted from the war map to his front.
Opposite him is a young and handsome Major General of Imperial Army. His posture of holding his head high and holding his chest high is like a rooster who is still passionate when he meets a strong enemy. His black head is still full of suppleness in the wall lamp, but his original intense eyes are full of deep tiredness.
"The problem is that we don’t have that long to verify this plan! Because Yuan insists on his own judgment, we have transferred two main aviation troops to Austria and the Czech Republic, and the defense forces left by the original defense system make up for the efficiency of doing so. But if he refuses to accept Yuan’s order, the result is likely to be another person to take over the actual command of the army. Nowadays, the German army has enough qualifications and ranks, but he has climbed from the bottom through a series of rare opportunities!
"Ah, we yuan" richthofen sighed, saying neither wrong nor right, but sighed with emotion, "As far as strategic choice is concerned, China has its own advantages in carrying out soil defense or dividing its troops to guard all fronts, but handsome people should insist on going to the battlefield after making a judgment. The most taboo is to swing from side to side, but they can’t divide their troops and worry about it!"
"I don’t think so." Logan put his fist on the wooden table and stared at the map around the war in Central and Eastern Europe. "The more we need to accurately judge the enemy’s next move in this situation, but the intelligence department has the Soviet army to deploy information to us." The general doesn’t mind a war chess deduction. "
"Of course not!" Richthofen did not hesitate to say, "I will play the Soviet side."
"hmm!" Rogan picked up a pencil and drew directly beside the map. He said casually, "You are Shmushkevich now. You still have 10,000 planes that can touch the war at any time, including about fighter planes, agricultural planes and bombers, and more than 1,000 important transport planes and auxiliary planes! Some of these planes are deployed in Ukraine to deal with the team deployed in Romania, and the rest are deployed in Poland! In addition to these, there may be hundreds of new planes just transferred from the rear. Let’s just call it a fight! Well, this amazing army will be completely deployed by you. "
"Insert a word to fight the Minister’s Cabinet!" Richthofen raised his eyebrows and said, "If I am Shmushkevich, do I need to get the approval of the Soviet Supreme Commander and the Military Commission before implementing some war operations?
"Huh?" This frightened Logan, who had never considered that he had stopped moving for two days and seemed to have found a clue to the strange behavior of the Soviet Russian army
"Let’s just say that I am a combination of Shmushkevich and Stalin." richthofen quickly searched the map and picked up a red pencil. He drew two horizontal lines in the German defense line in central Poland and near the German border in depth. "Since bombing German targets day and night must pay a heavy price, I will support the ground war with strong military forces, in addition to attacking the first-line positions of the German team, and cut off their troops and ammunition with the rear! In order to achieve this goal, I invested in ugly fighter jets and blade bombers. "
"Well, the Soviet army is indeed doing this at present, and the input of troops is almost the same." Rogan commented that he set a corresponding blue line along the east side of the German border and crossed the second red line drawn by richthofen. "I helped Messerschmidt fighters to carry out strict soil defense and attack Soviet aircraft entering the cordon, and had an absolute advantage in voyage and early warning."
Richthofen Xun drew a big arrow with an arc in the Slovak position. "When the war situation is unfavorable, I correspondingly contracted the regional force to attack the first line of defense of the German team and urged the 6 th Army to speed up the attack! At the same time, we invested in Tian Qi fighters and curved bombers to Slovakia in the southwest to help the 6 th Army make a breakthrough from the left wing and cut off the contact between Germany and the southern line! "
Rogan drew an arrow pointing to the southeast from the soil in a tit-for-tat manner. "We transferred the two air forces to Austria and the Czech Republic according to the great meta-instruction to build a Messerschmidt fighter plane to intercept you. You advised the fighter plane to use the razor-thin bomber to block your ground forces. With the radar deployed in eastern Austria, we still have the early warning advantage."
Richthofen thought a little "now that you have transferred some of your main forces to the south, I am faced with two choices: one is to send more reserve troops to the Slovak front, and the other is to take advantage of this small opportunity to storm the front again!" I personally choose the second one. "
Logan’s response also slowed down a little. He frowned and said, "I still have Xu Messerschmidt and Li Woolf on the front. I still carry out the closing of the mouth. In the unfavorable situation, I gave up the German border east area and deleted the first line of anti-artillery cover soil!"
"On the front, our army is still active in the area where you don’t take the initiative to attack, suppressing the ground defense of the German team. Our ground troops are likely to make a breakthrough in the short term!" Richthofen pointed to the direction of Slovakia and said, "I jumped on a plane there and firmly restrained you from brewing a fighter plane. At the same time, I also dispatched the latest fighter plane in my hand to let you swing the bomber, and our ground troops can advance all the way along the southwest of Slovakia to Austria!"
"In this situation, you will lose one plane every day, but I can’t lose four." Logan confidently gave this calculation ratio.