"This is pretty for me …" Pangpang winked at Lengqiao.

Did something happen in such a short time that you didn’t know?
Cold face a red is no excuse to admit directly "I don’t know how to tell you! Is * … I think he’s fine, so does my dad and my brother … "
"ouch! What the hell happened? It’s amazing! " Qina asked with a smile
Leng Qiao’s face was reddish, so Qina asked a face of entanglement.
Look at hate beauty and chubby, but they stopped laughing. They stopped talking. Something must have happened, but she didn’t know it yet. I felt a bad feeling in my heart. "What’s the matter?"
Chapter 271 Adventures in the Mountains
"I knew I couldn’t hide it." Lengqiao was a little depressed.
Several people become depressed as soon as they are in a mood.
Qina look at them. At present, it seems that everything has been satisfactorily solved. It shouldn’t be like this!
"What the hell happened? Who had an accident? " Qina anxiously asked
That’s what she doesn’t understand. She looks like she’s cold and pretty. Otherwise, when it comes to *, she looks wrong. But since Wang hates beauty, they can still joke and Qiaoer doesn’t shy away from them. Qina is a little confused.
Fat? Or hate beauty?
"It’s a long story," said Pangpang with a sigh.
She smiled bitterly before her mouth. "It turns out that we made up our minds not to let you know that it’s not that we don’t believe you. Second, peony, we think you’re working too hard, and there are so many things at home that you have enough headaches. You always have to worry about a few things …"
Qina breathed a sigh of relief slightly, and things didn’t get serious.
Qina laughed again at the thought of this and told them the results of those broken things at home. "You see, nothing in my family is happy."
The implication is that you can safely say it.
"That … that cheap brother who always follows you?" Pangpang is still a little uneasy about this.
Qinan also expected that her smile was a little weird. "Do you think that those children were abducted and Huang Dagui was so uncooperative that he even talked nonsense? In fact, he was involved in it, even though his grade was so big, would parents be willing to let him go after accounting?"
In fact, some parents have vaguely expressed this meaning. They don’t know the Qinan family, but at that time Qinan stated that they didn’t have it with me.
That group of parents also have a good idea.
Now Huang Dagui’s fear is the real fear.
All day long, the abacus has been playing scratching, sharpening its head and going to calculate others. Now someone is dealing with him in turn, and I don’t know if he can enjoy the sour taste.
God spared who!
After hearing what Qina said, several people have a good idea.
Pangpang said, "It turned out that we thought that there were so many broken things in your place that it was easy to go out. When we came back, we were forced to solve it ourselves. I didn’t expect to stay here in the end, but … I won’t be polite to you!"
Qina listened carefully to Pangpang.
Pangpang tidied up his emotions and said, "It’s Sister Mang who had an accident."
Qina slightly a thoughtfully to get up.
This is still the time when their store just happened to be here in Shihou Zhang, and when someone else planned to buy it, she was still awake.
This is my little sister Qinan, whom Pangpang knew when she was a child, and I was quite impressed.
In particular, Wu Manxian met something and then worked in the shop with all his heart, even if he was down and out and didn’t even change his laundry, so he survived and was very concerned about things in the shop.
"What happened to Sister Man?" Qinan asked
What does this have to do with them?
See Qina remembered chubby and then said, "I just learned that … those children had an accident. I don’t know when everyone went to various places to find out where a few of us went …"
Qina listened silently, and you can imagine the scene at that time.
Leng Qiao took the woman’s words. Although her expression was a little unnatural, she was generous. "The ex-crab came to take care of him when he was here. When something like this happened, my dad was not at ease when we were going out, and then we just met him."
"* Follow us and go to our town and village. There is nothing not to worry about going to several places. Sister Wu Man almost had an accident when she didn’t find those children …"
Leng Qiao said that he paused and seemed to be thinking about the scene at that time. "At that time, Pangpang accidentally fell off a steep slope … We went to find someone separately, but it was a good person who didn’t come at last …"
Lengqiao has some language.
The chubby face is also very sad and angry. "Fortunately, I was so fleshy that I definitely fell when I slipped!" Qiaoer said that it was actually very thrilling. People were called around. Do you know who those people were? What a unruly into the badlands! They looked at us coming out of that shabby house in the mountain, and they would surround us without asking, and they would tie Qiaoer * all the time and get hurt. I was still in the pit, and they were afraid to run. "
Qina can imagine that it was thrilling at that time. If it were really in that place, it would really be called "What do those people want to arrest you for?" Where on earth have you been? "
It’s no wonder that Qian Lengqiao and * were interested in each other after such a thing, and their feelings must have been rapidly sublimated, otherwise the family would not recognize him.
Pangpang went on to say, "It’s a good thing that May scared those people. Do you know what those people think? They actually think that we are people who have just been brought into the mountains to be wives. We want to sneak away and many people come to block us. It’s a ghost! "
"May frightened the group of people, but it was a conflict that broke out on our side. It was * a little worse where the enemy had so many people! Later, when I got a blank, I directly reported my father’s name. People who thought about it dared to bully us like this and said the names of many people I knew in the town, but they didn’t care! " Pangpang pursed his mouth and looked desperate.
Qina patted her arm. Although she was often frightened by Ma Yanli to give an old bachelor a daughter-in-law in the mountains, Qina always thought it was a joke. I didn’t expect such a thing. Ma’ an Village is close to the town, but there is no such phenomenon.
"Fat Amy Qiaoer did a good job in that situation, because those women who were sent in were probably sold from other places. You said that they should not dare to move anything, and Amy could fool them. If I were here, I couldn’t think of a better way."
Speaking of this, Qina asked, "How did you finally get away?"
That’s where the key is
Fat face dim way "tendril elder sister came later"
Chapter 272 into the badlands out unruly.
Things finally became a line in Qina’s mind
From their scattered narration, I can imagine that they have gone through these things in this short time. Although the expression is calm now, there must have been grief, anger, fear and fear at that time
"When Sister Man gave us those places, it was always my brother. They sent people here to find them. When she knew we were going to help, she went separately. When she knew it, she ran back. It was all our fault." Pangpang’s face was very ugly
She said something about not going.
Lengqiao then she stopped and said, "When Sister Man came, she was hurt all over her body. We couldn’t escape running around the mountain. When Sister Man came, we directly frightened this group of people. We didn’t know that Sister Man’s husband’s family was here."
"Where is it?" Qinan asked
"Lingtouao" Lengqiao said.
Qinan instantly understood that Lingtou ‘ao is still a long way from the town, and it is difficult for them to find it. Even the road in that place is rugged, let alone unreasonable. It still keeps the habit of sunrise and sunset, and the fields are rarely barely enough to make ends meet. It is a poor village.
Many young Cheng Zhen people know that they have never been to that place.
When watching jokes, they are also teasing. If a child is disobedient, he will say, "Send you to Lingtou ‘ao!"
"When Sister Man got there, she said that a few of us would go in and play with that group of people or some wouldn’t give up and were frightened by Sister Man, so she let us come back. We thought that she was from that place and somehow nothing would come back," Lengqiao said.
"Where know tendril elder sister came back with injury the next day … and then there was a lot of noise in the shop. There was also an old man who insisted that tendril elder sister was his wife to take her away. If it weren’t for lobster, some of them didn’t know what it was like when that person was scared." Lengqiao looked sad.
"What’s the secret here?" Qinan asked
Perhaps this can explain what despair is when Wu Man appears in town.
The vicissitudes of life seem to have gone through many hardships.
"Isn’t Sister Man also abducted?" Qina boldly guessed.
Pangpang shook his head and said, "At that time, Sister Mang was a famous beauty in our street. Later, something happened to her family. Later, I haven’t seen her. After these people came to make trouble, Sister Mang told us about the former things."

Jing Su Qin corners of the mouth slightly Yang "I want to do something!"

"Ha ha ha!" Report a burst of laughter "JingSu Qin you won’t old is just chose the south friendly on the one hand? Don’t you want to know how Xu Xuelin was defeated in Mobei? Xu Xuelin, didn’t you feel the mobei fighters behind you when you retreated? "
Xu Xuelin a sullen secretly way "is your collusion MoBei? And lead it to the side of the Dalong dynasty? "
"You are very clever! However, I didn’t attract Mobei forces, and there was a big country in the south. This time it was really a north-south attack! Your dragon dynasty is dead! " The Lord Li was excited to tell his own planning department.
At this time, Jing Su Qin came here for nothing. It turned out that colluding with the southern forces was the first step in the plan of Li Wang Ye, and his second step was to collude with the Mobei Army by selling Xu Xuelin’s forces in the front battlefield and lead their fighters to the border of Dalong Dynasty to form a state of north-south attack.
Otherwise, Xu Xuelin’s excellent military commander would be defeated by the border Mobei, which turned out to be caused by the great traitor Li Wangye!
Jing Su Qin bit Kouga. "Are you still fucking human?"
Lord Li is gloomy. "Jing Su Qin, I know you are a rare talent. Follow me in the future. I promise you will stop deceiving yourself when you become an official and become a Jue Cong!"
"Is it more beneficial to increase the rank and rank than to sacrifice your home?" Jing Su Qin raised his eyebrows and said word by word, "Give up. If you want to be old, you will fight until you are driven out of your homes!"
Please continue to note that we update the fastest novel network w w w
Chapter 37 Li Wang ascended to heaven
_ _ _ _ Please visit the latest website: M CC to read the latest chapters of mobile phones.
"You want to die!" Hear Jing Su Qin discourse ritual report immediately fire up "since you don’t know somehow don’t blame me shameless! Somebody kill his department! "
Jing Su Qin corners of the mouth slightly Yang, "General Xu, am I okay with Lei Lei?"
Xu Xuelin also smiled with relief. I didn’t expect Jing Su Qin to still think of his daughter in such a crisis, so she whispered, "Don’t worry, your daughter-in-law is very safe!"
"Then I don’t care!" Jing Su Qin smiled and nodded, and then the Rowen gun in his hand raised its arm and shouted, "Brothers, wait for us to reorganize the mountains and rivers in deus ex!"
With the wind, the squad made a loud noise and drank loudly, so they raised their hands and rushed into the crowd with weapons in their hands. Their opponents fought against each other. * Pop-ups? @++www* C
Jing Su Qin rushed into the crowd, left and right, killed seven in and seven out, so he drank a "crisp wind to protect General Xu!"
But who knows that Xu Xuelin is a wave of his hand, and then he beheaded two soldiers and took a long knife from his hand and shouted at Jing Su Qin, "Don’t look at me. These king eggs can’t stand me!"
Jing Su Qin was deeply moved by laughing face upwards and then rushed into the crowd to carve out an escape route.
Such a scene can make Gao Taili’s report feel nervous. If several of them rushed out smoothly, then the sadness would be their own! So I struggled to command and set out to kill it and then quickly!
With the wind, the team of six people gradually gathered the front line, and several people gradually formed a huge circle, so that the situation can maximize the deterrence, so that everyone has a greater chance of escaping and rushing out …
"Shit!" Ye Sufeng cursed, "Brother, this is not the way to go!"
Jing Su Qin nodded his head and turned around in minutes, watching the defenders surrounded by the surrounding area increase more and more. Besides, there is a limit to how many people can go physically, but when they are exhausted, no one can escape.
"Ye, give all the Yan bombs to Pangpang. We will cover you and catapult Yan to the King of Rites!" Jing Su Qin used his quick wits!
Ye Wutong quickly set off in the cover of the other brothers and handed the Yan bomb to Li Yunfang. At this time, Li Yunfang has been surrounded by the crowd. Looking at the hands, there are seven Yan bombs nodding heavily, and then quickly picking the bow and quickly attaching the Yan bomb to the arrow.
Seven arrows were pulled up and flew out in the direction of the ritual report!
Bang, bang, bang!
A huge’ group of arrows’ composed of seven Yan bombs flew towards the Lord Li after crossing a meteor in the sky, and the sound rubbed out in the air as if it were a storm, more like a sickle of death!
"Come and protect me!" Ritual report to see such a scene was immediately surrounded by all together.
Booming …
Huge roar scene Su Qin they root not to find out the ritual report life and death directly with Xu Xuelin rushed out seven people straight to Xu Xuelin said direction because they all know that there is general Xu stationed!
The pursuers behind him are still flying in the middle of the siege, and the arrows are like bursts of life harvesters, killing them overhead in Jing Su Qin.
"Fat stay with me to stop!" Jing Su Qin ran and said, "You follow the general to find the soldiers!"
Ye Sufeng’s eyes are red and his voice is hoarse. "I’ll stay, big brother!"
"Don’t talk nonsense, no one can leave late!" Jing Su Qin shouted at him, "Fat remote is enough! Hurry! "
Everyone shed tears and then followed Xu Xuelin to find those soldiers. According to Xu Xuelin’s words, they brought back 100 thousand soldiers this time, but he didn’t bring all his soldiers to the capital. Before he entered the capital, he had already sensed that there seemed to be something unknown happening in the city, so he hid all the soldiers in the mountains not far away
No one knows that Xu Xuelin’s skill of "hiding soldiers" is the biggest asset for the rebirth of the Dragon Dynasty in the future!
There are not many arrows in Li Yunfang’s hand, and there are even fewer left when he just covers everyone’s escape. "Brother, what shall we do?"
At the moment, both of them are lurking in the weeds. Jing Su Qin closed his eyes and said slowly, "Fat, remember that we are attacking soldiers in blue now!"
"good!" Li Yunfang didn’t ask anything. He raised his hand directly, the arrows flew flying, and the arrows danced rapidly. Suddenly, two soldiers dressed in blue armor fell to the ground.
At the same time, Jing Su Qin suddenly rushed out of the small graben and came to the street for several consecutive rolling hands. The light dagger danced repeatedly, killing all the blue armor soldiers. The crossbow was already gone, and Su Qin Rowen gun was also lost in the battle just now. Two people now have two light daggers left in their hands.
After all this, the two brothers quickly switched places and went in the opposite direction to the fortress with the wind, so that more or less the pressure on the emperor would be reduced. Now Xu Xuelin already knows where the emperor is. If he can get there in time, then the emperor must be fine!
Now, Jing Su Qin and Li Yunfang, two brothers, are going to attack the city and stir it up as much as possible, because only in this way can they reduce their pressure and successfully tide over the crisis of destroying the sky.
Hey! A metal impact sound scene Su Qin immediately stabbed a dagger through the throat of a soldier dressed in gray, and then there was one of his companions who didn’t end his life but let him go directly.
Li Yunfang asked, "Brother, why did you do that?"
"Now there are three forces in the city gathering together to salute the sovereign, the blue armor, the southern soldiers’ gray armor and the Mobei soldiers!" Jing Su Qin then said, "What we are doing now is a gift to Wang Bing, don’t you think?"
"Create conflicts between them!" Li Yunfang immediately to react.
Jing Su Qin nodded for this reason.
Now the capital is facing the most difficult time when the city’s own people are attacking the north and south soldiers outside the city. If you don’t have some ingenuity, you must not be able to break out of the encirclement!
The two brothers then ran forward, and suddenly Jing Suqin pulled Li Yunfang into the weeds and the two brothers hid.

It is obvious that Jiang Rufei’s smashing a glass on the wall just now has ruined this harmony. Many people are unhappy, but few dare to go out.

Jiang Rufei didn’t look at the woman and insisted on communicating with Xi Yanlie. "Did you call Louqin today? See if there are any missed calls. "
Xi Yanlie always laughs at Jiang Rufei while he has no intention to take out his mobile phone from his pocket. "Are you henpecked and want to save everyone?"
Lou Qin never has nothing to call him. She has been on a business trip for half a month, and they have failed.
There are a few missed calls or others.
"Did you see" Xi Yanlie showed Jiang Rufei the words.
Jiang Rufei’s patience is like coaxing a child. "Then you won’t take the initiative to call Lou Qin?"
The sharp woman interrupted again, "Jiang Rufei, are you still addicted? !”
Jiang Rufei grabbed the bottle in front of him and threw it at the woman.
The crackle screamed in a hurry, accompanied by the air-conditioning around it. Jiang Rufei scolded the woman, "Today I will tell you that women should mind their own two things." Others have come to the shivering woman, "B and this mouth."
The woman grabbed the hematoma and got up. Tears swirled in her eyes.
Jiang Rufei patted the woman’s face with force and muttered "disgusting" in a low voice and left the room.
There was silence in the private room. Xi Yanlie looked at the woman who was hit by a bottle. She looked familiar, as if she remembered that she was close to Shallow.
He looked shallow and went out from the private room to chase Jiang Rufei
Section 5
Jiang Rufei was cold.
Xi Yanlie ran a few steps and put his arm on his shoulder. "What’s wrong with you?"
Jiang Rufei’s heart is much calmer now. He was not angry just now, but he didn’t like those women.
He went to the land cruiser and hit the door. Jiang Rufei asked him, "Where are you going?"
What were you two doing on the night of 59?
Xi Yanlie was too lazy to beat around the bush and hit the back door car directly.
As soon as Jiang Rufei started the car, Xi Yanlie smiled and asked Jiang Rufei, "Do you still have secrets with me? Don’t say it, right? "
Jiang Rufei is not that kind of person who get angry for no reason.
Unless there’s some reason
Jiang Rufei frowned. "Stay away from those no three no four women. Don’t forget that you are married."
Xi Yanlie was surprised’ yo’ and held his hands in front of him. "When did you realize so high?" Think about it wrong! "Are you bought by Lou Qin?"
Jiang Rufei stared at Xiyanlie and ignored him.
Ask for more happiness! He doesn’t care. Not yet?
The husband and wife fall asleep beside each other. Same-sex people can’t have a good dream
Louqin hasn’t had a good rest recently, and this sleep is not very practical.
Because he drank too much wine last night, Xi Yanlie slept until noon.
Jiang Rufei disappeared. I don’t know what I’m busy with, but I’m looking for him.
"What happened to punk last night?"
Jiang Rufei and Xi Yanlie pulled their slippers. "Who knows he won’t talk?"
Peel the orange peel for yourself. "Did something happen recently?" Feed a petal into Xi Yanlie’s mouth.
Xi Yanlie thought "I don’t know"
Gu Jin is busy in the science and technology building, staring at his hand with a mobile phone.
See if there is still nothing to sneer at. He picked up his coat and went out of the door.
One to two, one month later, Lou Qin was still lying in his mobile phone, and Gu Jin sent a short message-
I won’t apologize to you. I didn’t bully you anyway, but you should hurry up and repent, or you may not have a chance one day.
Recently, Lou Qin often travels around the country to engage in international cooperation.
When she landed at the city airport again, she saw Gu Jinze
Gu Jin, however, looked at the corners of the body and blew it up, especially when Louqin saw him.
Although Louqin was followed by Gu Jin, a small assistant with luggage, he went over diligently.
"Are you tired?"
Gu Jin is still a good brother.
Louqin held his breath and didn’t want to talk to him.
Gu Jin hit her shoulder "ask you something! Why are you acting like a child? "He wants to know when Lou Qin will go home on time and ask the super sister controller.
Lou Qin tilted his head at him. "You don’t want to disappear from my eyes."
That night Gu Jin said that if nothing happened, he would no longer appear in front of her.
"Do you remember all this?" Gu Jin laughed at her. "Look, I know you miss me. If I disappear, I won’t let you regret it."
Louqin ignored him and went straight ahead.

He didn’t even take a few bites himself, and then accompanied her directly to wait for porridge in the restaurant.

But even if the porridge is cooked, she can’t eat it after drinking less than half a bowl
Now Xiao Jing knows that Anyan is in a temper, and her face reveals frankly that I am angry and refuse to communicate with you.
For example, she didn’t respond to his words after he just asked her to eat coldly, and she didn’t give him any response at all.
The man’s temper has also come a little, but because she still forcibly suppressed her emotions, she raised her voice a little. "In peace, are you sure you want to be angry with me again because of a servant?"
An Yan lifted his eyelids and looked at him without saying anything. His eyes were cold.
He said "again"
It is true that history repeat itself three years ago today.
At that time, it was also because she was dissatisfied with him and punished the servant for something. She was angry with him, but at that time, she at least knew how to be soft, and she couldn’t stop after he taught her a lesson in bed.
But at the moment, her attitude is harder than his.
Even from the topic to the present, there is a meaning that she is deliberately finding fault.
Xiao Jing glanced over the food on the plate beside her and his face sank again. "Are you still not eating today? Even if you want to be angry, you have to have the strength to be angry with me, but what are you doing now? "
The atmosphere was dead.
In the distance, the servant doesn’t know what happened, so he can look at the unhappy face of the villa host and the angry face of the hostess and dare not come out.
Dare not approach and dare not go far.
It should still be early this afternoon. Yu Lu was invited out of the villa without a word. She didn’t explain it directly, but she was dismissed quietly.
This kind of thing makes everyone panic.
The chef also stood on the side, feeling numb or cooking by himself. It was not suitable for them, and they were also on the side with fear.
An Yan suddenly raised his eyes and looked at Xiao Jing’s nails deeply trapped in his palm. "I’m not angry, but you are angry." An Yan bluntly looked at his voice without any special ups and downs, but every word was biting. "You can’t take some inexplicable anger out of my heart and take the knife you can take."
What about her? She left the villa yesterday and he is in a good mood now, but he should just look good.
He quietly put all this anger on others, perhaps not only Yu Lu, but also those who worked for him, such as guarding bodyguards around the villa yesterday
He can also say that they neglect their duties and can’t even look at a woman.
Anyway, if he wants to find a reason casually, he can solve others.
Xiao Jing listened to her and suddenly pulled her lips and smiled. The radian of the corners of her mouth was very mocking and stared at her lightly. "You are right. I really can’t put these gases on you. After all, I am even more unhappy when I see you unhappy."
The man’s tone is mixed with the cold eyes. "But I can’t just let you do this to me. I can help you, but your current trip has already threatened me. I have to do something."
An Yan’s finger instantly fell to the table and started to "bang". "Is our bank a threat to you? Yes, yes, yes, you are now the president of Anson Group. You can cover the sky and have sex in an instant, but because I am the one who makes these movements, you can’t do it. You can’t do it by your means to suppress these news departments resolutely-"
"But at the same time, you can’t watch things get worse with peace of mind. You are in this contradiction, and now you are just a tangled body!"
Xiao Jing didn’t move, and his eyelids didn’t move. He looked at her and said what he wanted to say.
No, she got up directly from her chair before she finished a second’s silence. "Actually, I think the method is very simple. Now it’s all about you and your new lover. Now you need to drag me to a reception. I think the scandal will subside."
An Yan couldn’t help laughing and looked at him coldly with a slight trembling. "For my ex-wife … you need to say that we are back together."
But to do all this requires him to ignore the feelings of silence.
Xiao Jing looked up slightly at the gloomy mood in her eyes, but it was the strong black that was about to stretch out, but it shocked her eyes. He looked at her for a while and heard him say, "Yes, I can quickly eliminate the gossip flying outside. Then what?"
The first volume Chapter 256-Pain-
"Then they will talk to you again about what happened to you in the past and talk about your leg. Do you think that result will be better than now?"
Yan Yan resisted the tumbling emotions in his body and looked at him motionless.
Xiao Jing Yingjun’s face was covered with a kind of deep silence, and her eyebrows were foggy and hazy. She looked at her. "It’s safe to say that you want to be white. Even if I made you like that at the beginning, those people will focus on your trial. I don’t want you to be talked about again."
Even the former one, she never showed up to talk about it.
Because today’s society is so realistic, he is Xiao Jing, even if he is vilified by the world, he is still him.
There will still be a lot of people gathered in front of him.
But Ann said it was different. If he didn’t love her and protect her, some things really broke out again, and she really appeared in front of the public. She couldn’t have suffered those.
An Yan looked at him with a cold face opposite him for a while and turned directly away from the restaurant and moved towards the building.
Section 459
Xiao Jing’s secretive eyes watched her figure disappear in the corner, and her eyes dimmed a lot, and the radian of her mouth once again set off a light sneer.
After a while, the servant was invited and respectfully stood in front of him. "What can I do for you, sir?"
She glanced at the dining table, and the dishes were almost the same as at noon. No one had touched them. There were traces of the soup in front of Anyan.
Xiao Jing got up from the dining chair, raised his hand and pinched his eyebrows. "I’ll get some food taken late at night in two hours."
After that, he was ready to walk down the stairs. The servant was just about to ask his wife what she wanted to eat. As a result, Xiao Jing turned to look at her and "wrapped some wonton or dumplings for her". Xiao Jing said, "Little dumplings."
Anyan actually likes sweets.
When he first joined Anson Corps, she was about to graduate. At that time, many students around her were preparing for further study, and even Lu Qingqi was considering whether to continue studying.
However, she is not as ill as Anjiu City. Anyan once considered taking over the company.
At that time, he just got back what belonged to Xiao’s family, and it was necessary for him to make a comeback, and he joined Anson Group.
Seeing Anyan is because Anjiu City is also a coincidence.
Her bodyguard was not in Anjiu City that day and asked him to send something to Anyan. She said Anyan had been chanting for several days, and Anyan had not been home for a whole week.
It is said that she is studying hard
On the way, Xiao Jing saw Anjiu City and asked him to give Anyan something, not what a little girl needed, but several bricks.
It is related to enterprise management, corporate culture and finance.
Xiao Jing can clearly remember the day when he was waiting for her in her teaching building. An Yan called him just after class. Xiao Jing said that he was in her classroom building.
At that time, Xiao Jing was born very good-looking, mainly because of his good temperament, but he was not particularly old, but he abruptly gave people a kind of lean and aggressive momentum.
Many people saw him holding him at the flower stand on the side of the teaching building, which once made some women mistake him for a newcomer or a person who is about to become a newcomer in their school.
But because of his body, people dare to strike up a conversation before.
On this day, Anyan’s influence is somewhat different from his. She is not the kind of perverse lady in others’ mouth, and she doesn’t have that kind of arrogance and superiority in her face.

"Know the cheapskate" Qinhuai Roupa Miao Honghai arms "I also lied to you about something"

"Oh, hurry up and I promise not to get angry." "Really"
"truer than pearls"
Qinhuai soft bit his lip "I’m not ten years old, I’m ten years old this year ~"
Chapter 25 A surname fairy she chan.
Chunyu blushed and a plum cut broke the hammer, and there was a baby in leopard print jumping around in front of the left and right.
The hammer girl’s first visit to Beijing represents the broken knife door. It is natural for them to do their best to visit the bustling area of Beijing first.
The broken hammer is still curious. "Why didn’t Sakura come?"
Cut the plum. "She’s injured and has lost a lot of blood. She’s recuperating in the palace."
Chunyu blushed and said, "How did this happen?"
The broken hammer is also "ah"-"I think she is very strong. How can the palace still be injured?" Who did it? "
A prune looked at the two men’s choice of truth and truth.
The broken hammer was angry and said, "How can your emperor work for him like this? He also made Sakura bleed!"
You may even get a swollen belly. When you cut the plum mouth, you sobbed. "It’s not intentional to learn. It’s a bit frivolous. We ignore her."
Listening to this, Chun Yu blushes and is lost in thought. If there is no light and heavy bleeding, it should be Xiao Hulu. How can it be cherry blossom bleeding?
If you can’t turn back, you must go to the palace to help her check and don’t leave any hidden diseases.
They walked around the hammer girl’s bag and could hardly hold it. The girl was fine, but she still had some secular thoughts and bought a lot of mundane things that she had never seen before. Every time the bag was revealed, the store enthusiastically said that she would not accept money.
This means that there are still few practitioners, especially those who are willing to reveal their identity. There are even fewer practitioners, and ordinary people are still curious about and respect them. When will this interesting social phenomenon disappear?
And many mortals with spiritual roots have pinned this hope on the Green Forest Villa.
Nowadays, Lvlin Villa is definitely the hottest sect in Xidan Xianjie, which has undertaken more than half of Xidan’s traffic. Linggen people have to consult Master Wang Tianwang every day. Many aspiring young people outside Beijing who are eager to cultivate truth are the first thing to do when they come to Beijing, but they also visit Lvlin Villa.
There are not enough people in the imperial court to master Yuepu’s primary knowledge of cultivating immortals, but they can also rely on Wang Tianba and Wang Liuwang to drink them. This is not a good job, and their cultivation progress will inevitably be affected.
Xiao Erlang and Wang Tianba have been refined, but once Liulang and Jiulang still can’t see the hope of cultivating immortality.
I’ve had enough shopping outside. When the party returns to Xidan, the first thing to do is to sit on the throne of Xianbu yamen. It’s Xianbu Shang Kun’s adult.
Next to him, he left and right assistant ministers. During this period, he intended to train two assistant ministers. After he left, he would not make a mess.
Before he was ready to leave, he agreed that Liu Bo would send him to visit the major sects and listen to their hearts.
"Oh, I’m so innocent!" Seeing someone come in, Kun found out earlier than the two deputies that the expression of the newcomer was more flattering than flattery. This is a midwife!
Later, Kun rushed to cut the plum arch and handed it over. It was also very polite. Although the principle of Huang Wei was also responsible for fixing the truth, it seemed that it should be under the jurisdiction of Xianbu, but the actual emperor never said it.
Moreover, Xianbu’s hand didn’t dare to fight and fight to fix the truth. Although there are also two people, Liu Bo and Yi Jianmei, there is also a Qiushan Sect in Liu Bo’s hand. Xianbu wants to restrain the city from fixing the truth and has to rely on the law enforcement of Huangwei.
Yi Jianmei introduced the broken hammer to Kun. "This is the head of the broken knife door. My elder daughter, Duan Yilang, broke the hammer and broken the knife door. I’m going to Xidan to find an adult to go through the formalities."
The broken hammer asked, "What procedures does Mei have to go through?"
Chunyu blushes and laughs. "How can I choose a store for you without going through the formalities? Paying attention to a rule in court affairs may be more complicated than that in sects, but it is already optimized."
Kun also laughed. "Hammer Fairy doesn’t have to worry about filling out a horse without trouble to take you to the store."
The "divination" in Tiange has been replaced. After all, he is a recorder who can do anything. Yan Hongji also needs someone to change shifts.
The question Lanpang wants to ask is "Is Qin Lan, the owner of Qinlan Island, alive or dead now?"
Imperial Palace Tingxuege
Sun Qiaoer wondered, "How come the two emperors didn’t come at such a time?"
Cloud light "it’s not just that he doesn’t come, so you can practice and I can rest assured."
Sun Qiaoer, "I hope the emperor has not forgotten you, or you will die if you are so ill."
Just then, Chu linked up with Yunqing, "Something’s wrong with the master!"
Chu Wei, "The emperor has been slept!"
Yunqing "What’s the big deal? When will he not be slept?"
"No, he slept with someone else before. This time, someone else slept with him. He didn’t find out who it was last night!" Chu Xu gua Dao
Although tea didn’t ask her about it, Xiao Guo’s mouth was too big, and Jin Yuzhu accidentally let it slip when she visited there, which happened to be Chu Qi.
"Is there such a thing?" Yunqing couldn’t help but regret that she deliberately didn’t go to Yuxiu Palace to teach Sixth Princess last night. I didn’t expect to miss this drama.
I can’t help laughing at the thought that the little emperor should have suffered from this disaster, but I think it’s not very kind to laugh like this. I don’t know who is so good at this.
"It’s not a man or a woman!"
"Female?" Cloud gently snorted. "Then what is this? He has nothing to lose."
"It seems that it is also this person who hides his head and reveals his tail. I don’t know whether it is the palace or the outside of the palace." Chu Chu’s expression is weird. "Master, you often go to the West Palace in the middle of the night and always wander outside the Yuxiu Palace. Don’t you know that it is a person?"

Mo Qilin’s interpretation of the sacred mind will dissipate a little once. Even if there is an old man Yang, it can’t "fill" the relic of the beast. It is impossible to move it at will. For many students in Level 4, the sacred mind contained in the relic of the beast is too complicated for them to touch easily.

Later, these four-level students were all paid attention to by Yang Lao-tou directly. Now it’s good. Finally, another Dacheng monk, Pan Cai Pan Cai, came again. After this job is accepted, he can be handed over to him for less than ten years … After ten years, Hua Zhen and others can’t always fail to improve, can they?
Before lunch is finished, everyone who has joined Yangyuan Valley will be given a promise. Aren’t you afraid that if they don’t keep their promise, they will return to the East and never come back? Of course, I’m not afraid of being branded by my soul, and I’ll raise Yuangu in a big array of caves. They can’t take these things away!
At noon, nineteen new "mentors" in Yangyuan Valley finally went to the back to meet three old-timers and three old people who didn’t show up earlier. Of course, even if they wanted to end the rack, there was nothing wrong with it, but they didn’t want to force people to let Hua Zhen do it themselves.
Now that everyone has become one of our own, we can sit together and chat at home. Hua Zhenxing found that about Gao Le’s farewell to Xiaoyao was really used by Yang Laotou as a small bench cushion! Everyone saw it, but no one did.
Although Hua Zhenxing asked Xiao Guang to go to Yangyuan Valley three months later, Chief Xiao entered the role that night, called everyone to discuss the work, and implemented the one-step work plan schedule to everyone.
Now that Pan Cai and others have made a decision, they will not hesitate to make specific arrangements. Pan Cai is a bachelor, and no one else has expressed their willingness to move home. The key is to bring the children over.
Of course, education is not a problem, and no matter what the teaching quality of Huiying School is, it depends only on the ability and quality of raising these high-ranking people in Yuangu. If you want to run a school well, it is very simple, let alone give your brother a learning environment.
Children who are studying in middle schools will definitely have to transfer and attend the training of Yangyuan Art Center. They have already passed the threshold of monks. Who doesn’t want to train their children to be monks? And here is that b environment they can find.
Even those children who have already gone to college should take advantage of the summer vacation to come to Fei Suo Port to participate in the training of Yuanshu Art Center first, and maybe they can become formal monks in Yuangu in the future.
After the meeting, there will be a small meeting in each dormitory in twos and threes, such as Yang Laotou, where his old man holds a teacup in his hand to Hua Zhen and Manman. "I’m afraid that Pan Cai is unwilling. What are you going to do?"
Mann Mann "Xiaohua must have thought it over long ago"
Hua Zhen also nodded modestly. "If he is willing to sign a 10-year agreement, he will say that he has other ideas. His point of view is not to steal the pillars, but how can he steal the pillars or raise the pillars of Yuangu? We can even transform these people with those gangsters. Why not?"
Yang Laotou also nodded, "Well, although you’ve killed many people, you can become an adult because of the situation if you want to harm others. I won’t say much about going back to the grocery store in two days."
Maman: "Why are you going back to the grocery store? Isn’t it uncomfortable to live here?"
Yang Laotou: "It’s not that I’m too lazy to mind my own business. I’ll often come and stay for a few days if I’m in the mood."
At the same time, there are four monks gathered in one room in a cave dwelling in the dormitory area, that is, Pan Cai, Wang Long, Zhu Yujing and Chen Feng, all of whom were originally scheduled to be brothers of Wang Yan, the elder of Fengtan, and Wang Long was a relative of Wang Yan’s family, while Zhu Yujing and Chen Feng were a couple, and they had the most contact and the closest contact in the past twenty years, and they were a close small group.
In a few days, they will build their own caves according to specifications, but tonight they will stay in the caves built by the original students. Here, we discuss how to deal with some industries, who to send to stay, who to take over from relatives and so on.
Wang lung suddenly said, "Brother Pan, I’ve been through a lot of hardships. Are you willing to …"
Pan Cai’s mind stopped him from continuing to talk, and then he made a gesture. The other three people understood that this is the territory of others in Yangyuan Valley. If you have anything to say or not, don’t discuss it here. Whether the other party can hear or not should be habitually cautious.
The next day, an important event happened in Yangyuan Valley. The International Yangyuan Art Association called the inaugural meeting, with representatives from all over the world.
The most important part of the conference is the issuance of membership cards. Three old men didn’t become members, and they made another guest appearance at the guest meeting responsible for issuing certificates. Others became the first members of the association.
The membership card is numbered according to who gets the No.1 card. Hua Zhen Bank, Yue Gaole and Guang also gave each other some concessions. In the end, Mo Shang Tong came forward to make a perfect decision.
According to the number of continents in the world, Hua Zhenxing got the "Black Wilderness No.1", Yue Gaole got the "Roba No.1" and Guang got the "Dongzhou No.1", all of which were five-level membership cards.
This difference in the qualification certificate of Yangyuan Valley Department represents that the International Yangyuan Art Association has certified the world-wide level of Yangyuan Valley teachers. Of course, Yangyuan Valley students will also join the original qualification certificate of this association and get another membership card.
After the conference, a group of people will leave Yangyuan Valley in the afternoon. Jiang Huaigu has to go back to the construction site class and Xiao Guang has to return to Banda City to work.
Seven of the nineteen new tutors also need to go out of the valley together. This is what Mo Shang Tong meant. Because they came as aid engineering technicians, they will continue to work here in this capacity.
Twelve of them stayed in the valley for the time being to prepare for the third training course a week later. After the third training course, they still have three months’ holiday to return to the East to deal with the follow-up matters.
And by that time, the new alliance will have a further big move, and the south will be liberated. After a short break, Wago City will also liberate a few miles of borders!
Chapter 314, the real best laid plans
The third training course hasn’t started yet, but a guest has to leave first. It’s a major. Guangshi is a doctor. He and his tutor have taken a leave of absence for half a month, and now it’s almost time.
The situation of Guanghe Shi Shuangcheng is not the same. Shi Shuangcheng has just attended the college entrance examination and is waiting for the admission notice. dongguk university’s new student coverage base is in early September. She just needs to get back before that time, and she can stay for another two months.
Guanghe Shishuang Chengdu was sent to Fei Suo Port by the flying artifact of the master, but how to get back requires them to find their own way. This is also a kind of travel experience.

Hua Zhen trip "is it? I don’t think it’s enough, or it’s inherited in another way, and many problems don’t just come from heredity, such as Lord Rothschild, who owns everything today, not from inheritance

If we inherit him, we inherit an existing set of rules.
I’m not against individuals owning wealth. I hope everyone can make a fortune and encourage everyone to give it to future generations. I’m thinking about another thing. What resources and things in this world should not belong to someone’s wealth? "
Interestingly, when Hua Zhenxing made this remark, the other two listeners, except Manman, were rich capitalists and hereditary aristocrats left over from feudal times.
Even Hua Zhenxing has another identity. He is not only conferred the title of Lord, but also owns a large private territory, including all assets and resources in the agricultural reclamation area.
However, the pedestrian in Hua Zhen is still a boy in the grocery store and the general tutor in Yangyuan Valley. Feng Zibin is just a nominal identity, and the world has to create such an identity to do many things.
Hua Zhenxing’s feeling didn’t affect the friendly attitude of Guinea towards Rothschild. They didn’t have an airport meal that night, but drove to xin tian zhen specially, and a welcome dinner was already prepared here.
Mrs. Luo Chaide is also a half-hanging monk. The first person taught by Hua Zhenxing is him. If he is from the perspective of practicing the clan, Luo Chaide can be regarded as the master elder brother of all the students at present.
At present, Rochester’s practice has a second-class level, which is quite good. More importantly, he has contributed a lot to the promotion of Yuanyang in some aspects, and Bruiser has set up a vitality club with members who are either rich or expensive.
It is rare to have the opportunity to meet Hua Zhen, and he personally pointed out Luo Chaide’s cultivation of nourishing Yuan and told him that the cultivation of nourishing Yuan has reached the second level, which can be called "the plague" and is not infected with ordinary diseases.
The term "epidemic disease" was just invented by Hua Zhen because he was not a "white-board monk in the second world"
Luo Chad was overjoyed after listening to it. This is the biggest selling point of finding the vitality club, especially the special world epidemic background, which is particularly touching.
Luo Chad also decided to take part in the assessment of Yangyuan teacher and get a second-class Yangyuan teacher’s certificate. When he went to Hua Zhen, he planned to let him visit Sanhu Town Yangyuan Art Center, so he would arrange another assessment and certification ceremony.
The next day’s trip to Luochaide Guinea is to visit the agricultural reclamation area. The focus is on the so-called Beiluo River Basin in xin tian zhen, which is now the agricultural reclamation area. Shiluochaide was here the year before the rainy season.
At that time, Hua Zhen took an off-road vehicle with him to escape from the port of Sofia and crossed the Beiluo River, a dry valley at the end of the dry season. At that time, this area was just a wasteland.
In just two years, the focus of Hua Zhen’s trip was to build the Beiluo River basin, which has begun to take shape, and the xin tian zhen area is a lush land of geomantic omen. When Luochaide came, it just happened to catch the official completion of Xintian array.
The main force of Huazhen Hanghe’s many "masters" transferred back from the front line is that Fengtan’s brother was originally scheduled to represent the six-level instructors. First, he constructed various array nodes and chose the most suitable position to place the array pivot in Xintian wetland. The last step was to place and operate the large array center as the array pivot, which was originally scheduled for Fengtan’s ancestors to create a magic weapon.
Hua Zhen organized a group of three-level students, four-level and five-level instructors to watch the ceremony, and many of them also participated in the early stage of manual work, otherwise the completion of the circle would not be so fast
Luo Chad is the founder of Far Brussel Life Club, and Hua Zhenxing, a second-class teacher who is about to receive a certificate, didn’t invite him to visit the grand event as an outsider. Dr. Luo can be said to be the lowest monk in the field.
Xiao Guang was in charge of the investigation and design of the array, and Hua Zhenxing presided over the final completion and operation ceremony. The hand-held dust-cleaning Luo was put into the array pivot and the first operation of the array was Pancai, a monk of Dacheng.
The monks except Luo Chaide immediately noticed the change when the net dust fell and the law was running in an instant.
Xintian array covers a larger area than Sanhu array, and its center is not in the town, but the middle edge of the wetland outside the town includes xin tian zhen and the surrounding large farm Yuan Ye.
Hua Zhen can now transfer all kinds of resources of experts, which is much more than that of Xiao Guangsan’s brothers. In a few months, this is also a preliminary attempt, which proves that his attempt has succeeded.
Environmental improvement in xin tian zhen, the monks in Sanjing can immediately perceive that the Falun Gong is not completed once and for all, and it needs the monks to guard and maintain it, and gradually adjust and continue to improve it in the future.
It takes less practice in three realms to have a clear meta-god, so that he can master the knowledge freely. Of course, Luo Chad can’t notice the changes of the earth and the spirit, but he also feels that being in this world is inexplicably comfortable, just like suddenly hitting someone.
"Hua, I believe you can create all miracles in this world!"
"This is indeed a miracle, but I didn’t create it alone."
This is a dialogue between Rothschild and his trip to Hua Zhen after his visit to xin tian zhen.
Chapter 36, deja vu
Xintian array is different from Gushanhu town array, and it is also a part of a larger array.
Huazhenxing plans to build a magic circle in each of the three wetlands in the middle reaches of the Beiluo River, and then visit the Bixi Central Reservoir Area to build a larger magic circle.
This big, three small and four chain-shaped array also constitutes a larger array, which will now cover the Beiluo River basin, and the environmental change and improvement in this area will also affect the areas outside the array.
The original nineteen Dingfengtan brothers had received two families before, but after the completion of Xintian Falun Gong, most people decided to take over the minor children who stayed in the East, which was convenient for taking care of and enjoying the environment here.
Only a real monk who has personally participated in the formation of the array and knows the follow-up plan will know how much it will cost for Huazhenxing to build the Beiluo River Basin, and what subtle benefits will it bring to life in the future.
On the third day of his visit, Luo Chaide visited Sanhu Town Yangyuan Art Center, where he was assessed and received the second-class Yangyuan Teacher’s Certificate. Before leaving, he told Hua Zhenxing a private matter.
Princess Cordia asked him to find a way to get more boxes of Chundan.

He found out a little that it was made by witchcraft, magic, machine, puppet and many other methods.

The materials are mostly rare gold and wood, which are no less than a spiritual treasure.
If such artifacts are good, they are quite as good as ordinary immortals.
Of course, if you want to exert its strength, you need to be very demanding.
If it weren’t for it, Lingqing and Wu Tiantong would never leave it alone after no one controls the power.
Even will be nullified.
Lingqing looked and saw Wu Tiantong with a curious face and handed it over.
"This treasure was handed over to Minister Wu, who thanked him for helping me this time.
And this thing to wu minister to the Ministry of special affairs can play a more powerful "
Wu Tiantong took it and took a look at it. In the heart, he was surprised and solemnly handed over. "That would be a real person in Xie Daoqing. The Secret Service Department will surely be grateful for the gift from the Muslim people."
It’s not that he hasn’t seen Lingbao Bi Tianhe with one in his hand.
However, it is difficult to sacrifice instruments like treasure ships and halls, and even magic weapons are rare, let alone Lingbao.
With this Lingbao, China’s strength can definitely rise several times.
Although this thing is too expensive to use the power of the French Ministry, ordinary people can’t help it even if they run out of mana.
Only physical strength can make it better.
But the strength of Laoshan religion is not bad, even if it can’t be fully exerted.
With the help of this treasure ship, Laoshan religion can definitely become the first force in the country.
Ling Qing said, "minister Wu yanchong, this thing is yours and mine."
Besides, without the help of Minister Wu, I want to refine this treasure of mine and I don’t know how much effort it will take. "
Without Wu Tiantong’s help, it is impossible for him to slay Xu Fuliu’s treasure ship so easily.
When he finishes the sacrifice of Qing Di Jiuchongque, he may not lose to this treasure ship.
The main thing is that it is more appropriate to send this thing out than to stay in Laoshan.
When Wu Tiantong put away the treasure ship, Lingqing also offered a sacrifice to the Nine Heavenly Jade Que.
But he still has two busy faces, and the seventh and second doors are coming.
After he released Emperor Miao Dao to ninth gate, the whole Pingan Jing world had disappeared.
A bubble world as if there were several appeared in front of Lingqing and Qingren.
These foams come in different sizes, shapes and colors.
Every bubble contains a world and a variety of interpretations.
Obviously, every bubble may represent a sub-world.
These sub-worlds are a piece of light rushing forward like a river.
The foam floating around is like splashing in a long river.
Two people just glanced at it and felt a desire to melt into the body.
However, this desire also hides a great crisis, which makes them stop their fear.
Just as this fear spread and gradually swallowed up their minds, a traction pulled them in a familiar direction.
That’s the "real world"
This traction is not strong, as if it were blocked by something, which seems a little weak.
Lingqing has a feeling that she needs to earn a little to break free.
Heart desire also urged him to break away from this traction into Fang Changhe.
But his heart broke free, and the real world was completely cut off.
Now he doesn’t want to do this.
So instead, he runs his own way and strengthens this traction, leaving this world and returning to the real world.
From the instant he saw Wu Tiantong shape is slowly disappearing.
A strange experience made Lingqing vaguely and soberly experience the feeling of entering and leaving the sub-world.
Can’t tell whether it is from illusion to reality or from reality to illusion.
When he went to the top of Fuyue Mountain in Japan, an inexplicable emotion flooded his mind.
What is the real world in which you live?
Like the bubble world, or is it another strange phenomenon?
After he got used to it, he felt that the world in front of him was a little more real.

That’s the woman?

No woman has an Adam’s apple. Besides, she didn’t hear wrong just now, but the other person claimed to be a grandfather and the sound was male suspicion.
Liancheng’s beautiful eyes are filled with doubts. Is this horse riding a beautiful eyebrow and watching her "Uber" a man or a woman?
Although the bearer is riding a horse, his figure is absolutely slender and tall, and his eyebrows are slightly wrinkled. She cocked her head and stared at Huangfuyi carefully, as if she didn’t see anything.
Playing around with an air of arrogance is extremely arrogant. If you are a woman, even if you pretend to be good, you will not reach the high level of people in front of you.
Men are men and princes of the Zhou Dynasty.
Liancheng, whom Huangfuyi called Liu Tianyou, determined his identity.
You’re sick, you’re long enough to be a disaster, you’re a monster, and you’re wearing a red robe. What’s this about?
The most important point is that his body presents those very indecent expressions and arrogant gas fields, but his face of disaster does not make people feel disgusted and despised
The corners of the mouth evoke a new smile, which really hooks people’s souls
It is said that this is what Liancheng thinks in his own mind, and no one dares to feel so much about Huangfuyi.
Because they know that Huangfuyi’s manner is even more afraid of this gentleman from the bottom of my heart and dare to judge him.
It’s quiet around me, and it’s like forgetting what you’re doing at the moment, and thinking, "Tao Yao Yao Zhuo Hua" is a man like him!
It’s so beautiful to describe the enchanting face with a fiery red robe.
"Have you seen enough?" Huangfuyi toyed with the whip and asked with a smile.
Stupid, stupid, stupid. What kind of handsome pot have you never seen before, and how can you almost be confused by the other side?
Some self-contempt for Liancheng’s eyes suddenly returned to normal and leisurely said, "I should ask you if you have seen enough?" What tone? If you don’t look at me, how do you know that I look at you and ask frivolous questions? Have you seen enough of Huangfuyi’s sight? I don’t lose half a point in my anger and condescension.
I don’t know if Huangfuyi’s temper suddenly turns, "Don’t mind your own business if you don’t want to be right with me." Over the years, he has been cynical and arrogant, but he never cares too much about women.
Liancheng stared at him every word, "I’m in charge of today’s affairs, and I will resolutely stand up if I encounter similar incidents in the future."
"In your opinion, it’s a matter of doing everything right?" Huangfuyi eyebrows up gherardini.
Xinwen needs the support of the babies to collect and recommend messages. Come on, come on, the important thing is to say Xuan Xuan for three times. Please, Chapter I This man is very ill!
"Yes, I want to take care of everything that is unfair. Why?" Leisurely posture light tone to HuangFuYi a long time not.
Who is she?
Who the hell is she?
Second sister, she said that her voice is so similar to that of second sister?
Dead! Dead! They’re dead!
Gu Qi lay prone to tears.
That’s right. The ragged hair was pulled to the ground by Lu Tianyou’s whip with a crutch. The beggar was Gu Qi, and it was Ningyuan Hou Fushi.
Three years ago, under the orders of his father, he led 5,000 chosen men from another road to the rear of the Jin Guo army to burn the grain and grass, and then cooperated with his father to lead the army to attack the Jin Jin army in one fell swoop, but when we disembarked, the other side seemed to know that their battle plan was generally ambushed before they got close to the grain and grass, and surrounded him with 5,000 chosen men for a crazy attack.
Perhaps considering his identity, the soldiers tried their best to help him break out of the encirclement of 8 Jin Army regardless of his wishes.
Back to Beijing, he will go back to Beijing to plead guilty to the emperor.
Father died in battle, and tens of thousands of soldiers died in battle.
Only when he returns to the capital and asks the emperor to punish him can he feel at ease.
However, I don’t know which people have been chasing him to stop him from returning to Beijing.
He was seriously injured in the fight and his legs were disabled.
He can pretend to be a beggar and try his best to go to Beijing if he has to hunt down and escape.
I didn’t expect him to go to Beijing for more than three years.
I didn’t expect that all my relatives died tragically three years ago.
Mother, three sisters, younger brothers and people in the government died tragically by the assassin’s sword.

Royal sa a2 points

Gv athletic 17 points
Blue sea and blue sky 13 points
When three sk11 points.
N9 points
I’m two points
1 point for killing the army
I have to say that the bo2 competition system is cruel, which can make the gap between the two sides so obvious, especially the difference between the top team and the bottom team is also a surprising situation.
And with this system, it is hopeless to announce the I team and the Ji army team before the competition. This season, they are just playing soy sauce. If there is no miracle, it is time for them to say goodbye at the end of the season.
"I’m going there, so there’s still hope for us." Erhong looked at the match table. The scores of the three teams in the first group were tight, but the second group was not bad. sk was able to catch the second group of shoes barely enough.
I’m afraid there is no hope for the third regiment, which has become the experience of the rest of the team by default. The baby is sent to the school.
"Keep working hard, our team is still promising. The competition in the first group is fierce, but we must take it when we face those middle-end teams."
Chen Yi looks at everyone. This is the only hope. If you want to stand out from these teams and win the game, you must try to get even if you can’t win.
It is best to level the foundation and win, because according to Chen Yi theory, it is not technology and the gap is different in understanding and familiarity with the alliance.
Talent is important, but theoretical learning is more limited, while the latter can create limited possibilities.
Of course, the consequences of combining the two are extremely serious.
"But at present, it’s like making Hao a star."
Cai Liangyan said a very realistic problem after reading the situation map, which made a room full of people hold their breath.
But at present, the most important consideration seems to be to let Zhang Hao be the assistant of Star Wars.
"take money"
Erhong’s words were despised by everyone. Can you get money for this kind of thing?
Besides, it’s outrageous that the number of votes is for everyone to take money.
Tang Qinling thought for a moment and said, "Well, I think we can let Zhang Haoduo try other positions, showing that his strength certificate technology is very good, so it may be smoother to be a star match assistant."
Tang Qinling’s words are like sounds of nature waking everyone up. Yes, everyone is upset. I didn’t think of this thing before.
Since you want to attract people’s attention and change places, it must be the best move. It is an aid. If you are proficient in various positions, you are afraid of technology.
"Xiao Hao, let’s settle it." Gao Chengfeng next to him also looked at Zhang Hao and asked.
"It’s a good idea to try."
Zhang Hao nodded to tell the truth. Who wouldn’t want to go to the stadium like this? Zhang Hao said that not wanting to be sure is false, but there are too many outstanding people. Zhang Hao feels that his future is slim and he can work hard silently and dare not expect too much.
Just do it. sk Zhang Hao’s green light position is optional. Zhang Hao chooses it, but it is finally confirmed that he can call this card in every position in Zhang Hao.
But Zhang Hao doesn’t touch ad. After all, Cai Liangyan’s ad is too famous. Compared with him, it is in bring disgrace to oneself.
So Zhang Hao’s campaign tour was shown here, and the live broadcast was delayed. First of all, it was playing the wild position. Seeing that Zhang Hao was playing the wild was nothing more than Erhong. It was so long since he had cooperated with Zhang Hao. I was so looking forward to it.
"Xiao Hao, it’s finally your turn to play wild, or you are the most relieved to play wild."
This makes Xiao Kai very unhappy. It seems that he doesn’t seem to be playing wild, but all this is broken in Zhang Hao
Zhang Hao showed that he naturally chose the most violent Debon manager, which is the gank soul. Zhang Hao is driving this violent gank machine, which is the three-way rhythm of killing and collapsing.
Bureau Zhang Hao didn’t stop. The blue side Zhang Hao took the red buff and went straight from the river to the opposite Dandan.
Debon’s close-range Q-opening skill flashes directly in close-range attack, and the situation is not good in the opposite chrysanthemum. Flash quickly, but Debon’s fear of charging can continue the raid directly without handing it over.
With the middle of the road, Gao Chengfeng’s game appeared in a few seconds, so the audience naturally watched it
"Increased knowledge"
"Debon used to play like this."
All kinds of comments are overwhelming, and Zhang Hao’s attention has risen to an unprecedented level. Everyone is curious about what else is hidden in this aid.