There were many whispers in the void.

"There is such a thing."
"See you again for many years …"
"This batch won’t do."
"A timid person blessed by fate"
"This is rare."
In a moment, it seems that these sounds agree.
"Let him die of old age as a cleaner island."
All sounds disappear
At the same time, a black hole appeared on the foot of the man who was running hard.
He suddenly fell to the ground and disappeared.
Black holes soon disappeared, too.
The square is flat and there are no traces.
Only then did the testers suddenly realize.
It turns out that the college instructors have been there all the time, but they can’t see it themselves
Maybe all the tutors are watching them silently.
"Does anyone want to quit?" Asked the behemoth of fate
It waited for a while.
No one came out.
"Then I will continue," said the behemoth of fate.
No matter what fate these testers are thinking, the beast will devour again.
One trial after another was eaten and all sorts of strange things were spit out.
Fate beast sometimes spits out a mouthful of blood, sometimes spits out a mouthful of meat and even spits out a bone.
No matter what it spits out, the tester will be reborn if it spits out.
When the behemoth of fate spat out a mass of water, there were several arguments in the air.
"Look, it’s water!"
"It’s rare that the soul can form a water omen after rebirth."
"Good qualification"
"Well, I want to accept this person as an apprentice."
The water soon turned into a trainee.
Three leaves appeared in front of him
At this moment in the trial, he has won the most natural selection!
Many trainees watched this scene and listened to the empty talk, and gradually became jealous and competitive.
The next test was carried out very quickly without any problems.
Finally it was Su Xueer’s turn.
The behemoth of fate suddenly became gentle.
It sticks its head across Su Xueer’s face.
"I know that your parents died in that disaster in Kirishima."
The behemoth of fate said with a trembling voice.
All the sounds in the virtual space around are quiet.
It seems that everyone is lost in memories.
The Beast of Destiny continued, "Don’t worry, if you are not qualified, I will motivate you to be reborn as an ordinary person. Kirishima will live a safe life."

Ma Hang burped and the alcohol hit his head. "Today, I just told you that this place will wait and see if there is an opportunity to do it immediately. All right, go to sleep. I have a terrible pain here."

Out of the door of the horse line, Heiwa stopped Longjie and found a secluded place. Heiwa said, "Just now, the eldest brother said that there is a white-haired bear in that good place, so we can’t fall into our hands. In case something happens to the white-haired bear, we can naturally take that place soon." Heiwa said this with a slight smile on her face.
Chapter three hundred and seven Misunderstanding
Longjie patted Heiwa on the shoulder and said, "Brother Hei, you and I want to go together. Do you want to?"
Before leoco continued, Heiwa hurriedly covered leoco’s mouth. "I counted that the white-haired bear brought a hand today, so I’m afraid we can’t do it. We have to find a few more people."
"Who else wants the eldest brother to send a few people?" Longjie said.
Heiwa shook her head. "No, absolutely not. Eldest brother won’t agree. Even Brother Mu and Brother Wu can’t tell them. If they know, they will."
"Who are you looking for?" The two men wanted to go to Longjie Road. "Call Brother Shi."
"Line" black Eva immediately said.
"There are Yu Mu, Zou Kai and Yongnian. I think six of us are enough."
Black Eva didn’t speak, and she kept thinking about answering the words of Longjie. Ma Jianwei suddenly turned out from the corner. "Uncle Black and Uncle Long, take me."
"Go, go," Heiwa said impatiently. "Don’t get involved with adults and children. Hurry up. Your mother has been looking for you several times. Go back to sleep."
Ma Jianwei snorted, "I’ll tell my dad what you’re talking about now with or without me." As soon as I turned around, I walked into the house.
Longjie a pull, "you little rabbit dare to threaten us. Come on, take you to say yes. No one can say go to bed. We’ll call you when we leave." Ma Jian Wei happily agreed to go back to the house
Heiwa and Longjie left Ma Hangyuan to find the stone. Of course, there is nothing to say. They immediately agreed to the three men and went to find Yu Mu. Zhang Yongnian immediately agreed that Zou Kai didn’t speak. Yu Mu hesitated. "It’s not good to do this. If the battalion commander knows how we can explain."
"You’re timid," the stone said. "Let’s go with or without love."
Longjie quickly stopped the stone and said to Yu Mu, "We didn’t do it ourselves. Besides, white-haired bear knows this good place but doesn’t say it. It’s not sincere to unite with us. He can’t blame us for being unjust. Besides, we’re not trying to kill him. We’re asking him to hand over the place and walk. It won’t be anything."
Yu Mu look at all out of friendship, there is no way to also agreed to take advantage of the night, a few people changed their clothes and took a shortcut out of the cottage, black blind ditch, according to their estimation, white-haired bears, although they have horses, drank wine and walked not too fast, so they should be able to catch up.
From black blind ditch to Heixiong Ridge, you have to pass Yingchoujian. The road here is not very easy. White-haired bear drinks too much and his hands are wobbling. He is worried that White-haired bear will fall, so he sends someone to help White-haired bear lead the horse forward a little bit.
It’s getting cold in the northeast in September, and there is a faint chill in the mountain wind at night. It’s not a good day tonight, and the moon is on and off, and now dark clouds are shuttling back and forth from it. They are bandits who are used to walking at night, but they still feel a little dizzy after the autumn wind blows.
White-haired bear wrapped himself in a wrap and sat on horseback with his eyes closed. Suddenly, in the dark, a group of birds flew from the nearby Woods and rushed to the sky in the dark. A tingle of white-haired bear sat up and his right hand had pulled out his own box of guns.
"Stop" being a bandit for so many years, there is still a vigilance. Birds have to sleep at night, so there must be something wrong with so many birds flying suddenly.
"What’s wrong with the boss?" asked one hand.
"Send two people to the forest over there to see if there is a problem." As soon as the white-haired bear turned over, he leaned against a stone from Malay.
"Why are you here?" Black Eva glared at Ma Jianwei mercilessly.
"Hum" Ma Jianwei snorted. "I knew you wouldn’t take me. If you don’t take me, I’ll do it myself."
Yu Mu said, "Get out of here quickly. The white-haired bear has found that there is a problem. If he sees it again, it will be bad for anyone."
Several people sighed and quickly got up and ran to the depths of the forest. When they ran for about half a column of incense, they listened to nothing behind them. Then they rested against the big tree and leoco gasped, "What the fuck is this? Everything has run away. Come and be healthy."
They found that Ma Jianwei didn’t follow Heiwa to look at the Woods behind him and asked the stone, "Brother Shi, you didn’t take Jianwei with you at the end."
Stone shook his head. "I didn’t see him following you."
"It’s broken," said Longjie. "It’s a teenager. It shouldn’t be directed at the white-haired bear." When I said this, the road rushed away. Things didn’t go well. I lost my horse’s son, but if the white-haired bear caught it, it would be even more troublesome
Rushed to the ambush where there is no figure? A few people are in a hurry and don’t know whether to go back or continue to find Yu Mu. He said, "Well, Jianwei White Bears have seen him, and he won’t be like that. We will split up and report to the battalion commander immediately, and continue to chase White Bears to the south to ask."
Six soldiers were divided into two roads. Heiwa led Zhang Yongnian and Longjie back to admit their mistakes to Ma Hang. Stone took Yu Mu and Zou Kai and continued to chase south.
Before entering Dazhai Heiwa, she felt that the atmosphere was not right. Jinsong oil torches lit the whole village as a horse, Mu Yunchen, Liu Wu and the white-haired bear were in the square in front of the village. Ma Jianwei was tied around the column like a dumpling and surrounded by a circle of minions, Wu Jing and Li Fang, who helped each other with tears.
Ma Jianwei waited for Ma Hanggao with a small face and said, "Mom, don’t cry, it’s just a dead generation. I’ll still be your son."
Hearing this, Wu Jing cried even more. Heiwa and Longjie rushed to the front of Ma Jianwei and knelt down to Ma Hang. "Eldest brother, this is not with Jianwei. It’s all us. Let’s kill us if we want to."
Ma Hang said angrily, "Shut up, you two. I’ll tell you slowly about your business. Pull them for me." Ma Hang is riding a tiger now, and it’s hard for a white-haired bear to keep his mouth shut.
Heiwa pushed her two minions together. "White-haired bear, I did the whole thing. If something happens, you killed me and a teenager. What kind of hero is it? I left my words here today. If anything happens to my eldest nephew, I would give my life and dig your ancestral grave."
White-haired bear sneer at a quietly watching the scene.
Chapter three hundred It’s not over
A horse line execution and all the people looked at the white-haired bear one by one with a face of consternation, and the flames of murder erupted in their eyes.
"Forget it" wobbly got up from his chair and smiled at Ma Hang. "It’s hard for children to make mistakes and it didn’t hurt the brothers. I think we should spare the children. Hehehe, where can children make mistakes and change them?" White-haired bear said lightly.
Don’t you think it’s a little late to say that in Ma Hang’s heart? But his face can’t be exposed. He said, "Bai Da takes charge of adults and doesn’t remember villains. Anyway, it’s all my younger brother’s lax discipline, and I feel sorry for my children. But this matter must never be forgotten. My Ma Hang must give Bai Da a responsibility."
When he said this, Ma Hang bent down and pulled out the dagger from the boot without looking at it. He stretched out his left hand and took up the knife and fell. By the time everyone tried to stop it, his left little finger had fallen to the ground.
"Dad, Big Brother" shouted a lot. Mu Yunchen quickly grabbed Ma Hang around and pressed hard to stop the blood from continuing to flow. Wu Jing took out his handkerchief and shed tears while holding his left hand for Ma Hang.
"Bai Da takes charge of my horse line is a benevolent person. Today, I hope that Bai Da takes charge of everything and reveals it in my face. If Bai Da takes charge of everything, what do you say? My horse line goes on." The horse line looks at the white-haired bear.
White-haired bear looked around, and he ha ha smiled. "Brother Ma, where do you say this? It’s like brother I have to manage and tide wait for no man. Listen to brother. Hehehe, it’s almost dawn. There are things in the cottage, so I’ll go first."

Want to know ~ ~ Even if it’s a great talent, just like Mao Zhu Yuanzhang, how many years have you been forbearing to destroy Hu Weiyong, or to destroy Zaizhi and Prime Minister?

In particular, Lao Zhu’s strategy of "cutting his wings and slowly drawing a picture" when he wiped out Zhang Shicheng and the South was put at this time, it was definitely a high practice.
Soon QinBing respectfully reported that "General Zhou Huang is coming" outside the door.
Li Yuanqing smiled, "Let him in."
For a moment, Zhou Huang was busy and quickly knelt in front of Li Yuanqing. "Student Huzhou Zhou Huang has seen Li Shuai."
Li Yuanqing glanced at Zhou Huang
Zhou Huang has packed up the original wet pants at this time, and has changed the temple monk’s blue cloth pants with his brocade clothes, which is neither fish nor fowl, but this fellow has obviously washed his face and is in good spirits.
He still holds a brocade box in his arms.
Later generations, some people say that’ women often need a night to grow up, but men need a long process’
For a long time before, Li Yuanqing always agreed with this, but at this time, it really reached its present position.
Li Yuanqing is, in fact, it is not too long for men to grow up. The key is to have things and setbacks to constantly hone, draw nutrition from setbacks, and then become more frustrated and brave.
At this time, although Zhou Huang is worse than a real man, at noon, the frivolity has dissipated a lot, and it is replaced by a kind of reverence.
Li Yuanqing also could not help secretly nod.
After all, it’s a noble family and a male brother.
If the conditions are a little mature, they are savvy, and their ability to seize opportunities is indeed much better than that of ordinary poor brothers.
"Duke Zhou, please get up."
Li Yuanqing smiled and waved a sign for Zhou Huang to sit in his head.
But how dare Zhou Huang sit? Busy respectful way "before Li Shuai students how dare disrespect? Li Shuai, this is a temporary collection of students. The silver almost arrived at 6,200, leaving 14,000. When the students return to the city, they will definitely send it to Li Shuai. "
Zhou Huang said that he was careful to hit the brocade box, which was just a bright silver ticket.
Li Yuanqing undeniable smile slowly nodded and did not refuse Zhou Huangyin.
Although Li Yuanqing has always wanted to win over the Zhou family, how can they remember if they make a mistake and don’t give them some blood to hurt them?
Is it true that Li Yuanqing is a clay figurine without any anger?
See Li Yuanqing will jinhe cover but slow to talk Zhou Huang little heart can’t help but fear again.
He’s under too much pressure around Li Yuanqing.
This is something Zhou Huang has never felt before.
Zhou Huang also don’t know this ~ this exactly how to shape …
But he doesn’t hate this feeling. Although he is very nervous in his heart, he is very excited. His blood is burning, but on the surface, he has to protect himself and be safe and calm.
It’s like walking at the critical point of ice and fire disputes.
Li Yuanqing don’t talk Zhou Huang nature more afraid to speak carefully watched Li Yuanqing expression waiting for Li Yuanqing to move.
A long time Li Yuanqing smile "when did the duke of Zhou come to Beijing? How are the elders at home? "
Zhou Huang was busy respectfully handing the way, "The students who returned to Li Shuai dialect came to the capital in September last year, and their parents and adults were very well. Thank you for your concern."
Zhou Huang’s surface is very regular, but Li Yuanqing noticed that there was a glimmer of hope in this fellow’s eyes.
Li Yuanqing smiled. "Duke Zhou didn’t tell you the truth. Today, Li came to make his brother talk about it, but at this time, Li changed his mind. Do you know what this is?"
Zhou Huang is not stupid
How can he not understand the deep meaning of Li Yuanqing’s words? When I cried, I couldn’t help but’ plop’ and kowtow desperately. "You can get Li Shuai to teach students to win ten years!"
Li Yuanqing Zhou Huang finished talking about it, and it was already dark.
Yang Jiao ~ Niang, they have already finished worshipping Buddha and waited outside for more than an hour.
But Li Yuanqing did not choose to stay at Jietai Temple tonight, but returned to the mountain camp.
Although the conditions of Jietai Temple are good, it is obvious that only in the camp will Li Yuanqing feel more secure, and his fate will be in his own hands at all times.

Ms. Ross was stunned and watched warily as Mark took out his hand spray to prevent wolves.

Mark smiled faintly. "Ms. Ross, I have to ask you a few questions before I can confirm this news."
"… what?" Ross clung to the wolf spray and wouldn’t let go!
Mark recalled a story and asked faintly, "Did a CIA agent give this to your boss before he disappeared?"
"… how do you know?"
Mark smiled with satisfaction when he got the answer he wanted, then looked at Abigail Ross and said, "Ms. Ross, you can go."
"… Ray?"
"in a very hidden secret prison."
"… where?"
"That’s what I want to know."
"Are you looking for someone?"
"Of course!" Mark glanced at Ross sideways and shook his head and said, "But I’m not like you. I’m going there for a holiday. You saved lives."
with this
Mark raised his right hand slightly, opened the passenger door directly, made a gesture of please to Ms. Ross, and then said, "But if I see Ray after I solve my trouble, maybe I will bring him back."
Steady! No waves!
Mark once again told himself in his heart
Once, it was because of thoughtlessness that such a thing appeared that endangered one’s political life.
Early know so.
At that time, Mark should have let the old guy worthington die directly.
But the scenery is beautiful, just like a holiday manor. I have lived in a rich prison in new york for a generation
Will it be?
Can’t you honestly accept 123 years in prison?
But it was only in 123.
As soon as you close your eyes, you will pass. If you close them, you may be able to go forward.
Have to sue!
But also directly from the positive hard steel mark.
A lawsuit can be announced to report to mephistopheles in hell.
Some people always misjudge a person’s psychology and action thinking.
Mark put the worthington court on trial at that time to show judicial justice.
It’s not that Mark is heartless.
This is good.
Mark decided to be cruel.
Poor old worthington has lost his car, ticket, company and his only son.
I’m losing my life …
Will it be?
Mark couldn’t help feeling sad at the thought of it …
Chapter 365 Great changes in the geocentric world
But because he is soft-hearted, he can live in prison for a long time
And the result?
After listening to a guy hiding in the dark, he jumped out and acted as a horse striker to die.
I have to say, this is disgusting!
With this in mind, Mark even looked down on the dwarf.
If you just jump up and hit Mark on the knee, Mark might pay attention to him.
But …
Being able to hide in the dark is not enough to be afraid, but to watch a clown performing a funny performance
The next day!
Mark and his fiancee hugged each other and said cautiously, "Dear bumblebee is going to mutate. Be sure to bring it back to me on vacation."
Kate took a look at the yellow Chevy, which has fallen behind an era, and said, "I’ll sell this car to a second-hand car dealership this afternoon."
"Haha, I’m joking with you."
"oh? What do you mean? "
"It means that if he said that, I would go straight away and beat her from Washington to Siberia."
"… say it again?"
Three hours later.
Mark got out of the plane and rubbed it. It still hurts his chest and waist.
I have protected the president’s girlfriend, and my strength is stronger than others.
It’s all red!
It’s just a simple naughty word, although if you were a person, Mark would promise to die with one punch.
But who knew Kate could find a loophole in this sentence and connect it with Mark’s love for bumblebees more than her.

Wei Taitai pointed at Chen Yan and shouted a little nervously, "Chen Yan … You, you licentious Cao Jiansheng killed Chen Yan!"

Cao Qiudao stared at Chen Yan and said, "Chen Yan is different today. You are no longer my opponent. Please choose a weapon. I won’t take advantage of you."
Chen Yanxiao said, "This time is different? This sentence is also what I want to say to you, Cao Jiansheng, since you are so confident, just draw your sword and attack me. Actually, my best martial arts is not fencing, so you don’t necessarily need weapons to deal with you. "
The cold light in Cao Qiudao’s eyes flashed "boastful"
Just as Cao Qiudao was about to draw his sword, Zou Yan, Qin Qing and Long Yangjun arrived.
Zou Yan saw that Cao Qiudao wanted to start a fight, and his face changed slightly. "Cao Qiudao, you have been killing and killing Mr. Chen all your life. Are you a distinguished guest in Wang Wei? Do you still want to start a fight with Mr. Chen?"
Cao Qiudao and Zou Yan are old acquaintances, and they also taught Qi Guotai at the same time.
They have different ideas and ideological realms, and they don’t like each other.
Zou Yan thinks that Cao Qiudao can kill people and is a butcher. It is the meanest way to make money by killing people. Cao Qiudao thinks that Zou Yan is ignorant and stubborn and even more annoying than those pedants.
Cao Qiudao stared at Zou Yan coldly, "Zou Yan, don’t meddle with this matter. Cao and Chen Yan are bound to tell a winner."
Qin Qing is a little anxious.
Cao Qiudao’s swordsmanship practice, she knows that although Chen Yan is also very powerful, he is the first strong man in Zhao, but he rarely shows martial arts, swordsmanship and piano. It is difficult to worry.
Long Yangjun said, "Cao Jiansheng, if you really want to compare swords with Mr. Chen, it’s better for you two to hold a sword meeting. Then the whole girder warrior and nobles will come to watch the battle, and Shijun is also very curious about who is more advanced, Cao Jiansheng or Mr. Chen."
Cao Qiudao nodded. "Well, just follow what Long Yangjun said. You remember that Cao will beat you in full view!"
Cao Qiudao, the second time in Handan City, failed to defeat Chen Yan. He has always been angry that Cao Qiudao has made a breakthrough in fencing. Of course, if he wants to find his face, he must defeat Chen Yan to completely stabilize his position as the first in heaven.
There is no conflict between comparing swords with Chen Yan and completing the stag Hou Zhaomu’s confession.
Cao Qiudao has no reason not to agree.
Chen yanxian’s physical fitness and repair have recovered more than half. Even if there is no aura and true qi, it is not Cao Qiudao who can compete with Cao Qiudao. Chen yanxian’s eyes are like a clown.
But Cao Qiu said he didn’t know it was waiting to know.
Doing nods "Cao Qiu way you have confidence is a good thing, it is said that ZuLao handwritten the Tao Te Ching in your hand? I will give you three chances to beat me. If you lose, I hope you can lend me the Tao Te Ching to study for two months. "
Cao Qiudao sneered, "It’s good that you are well informed. I have the Tao Te Ching written by Daozu personally, but you didn’t have a chance to see it. I can completely defeat you without fighting three times."
Chen Yanxiao said, "Don’t talk too much. It’s better to leave some room. I said I’d give you three chances and I will give you three chances. Cao Qiudao hopes you can take advantage of them."
Long Yangjun said to Wei Taitai, "Taidian, you should leave."
Mrs Wei’s face is gloomy. He knows that it is impossible to take Princess Zhao Qian away with Long Yangjun today.
Wei Tai cold hum a turn round and then walk.
Shaoyuanjun immediately followed
When Cao Qiudao turned around, he said to Chen Yan, "Chen Yan, you are very good at Yi Shu."
Compared with before, Chen Yan’s appearance has changed a bit.
After Chen Yan gave general Zhao Rong their healing, Zou Yan said, "I didn’t expect Mr. Chen to discriminate against Huangshu. Did Mr. Chen also study the knowledge of doctors?"
Chen Yan nodded and said, "I know something about the knowledge of doctors. Sometimes we practitioners need to go into the mountains alone, which is much more dangerous. We can’t defend ourselves without a little doctor."
Zou Yan touched the beard and nodded, "That’s that."
Long Yangjun came to see Chen Yanshi with Zou Yan and Qin Qing. He wanted to say that Chen Yanshi stayed in Wei, but today he met Wei Taihe and Cao Qiudao to trouble Chen Yanshi and Princess. Long Yangjun felt that it was inappropriate to talk about soliciting things now. Let’s wait.
Zou Yan, they stayed behind for dinner.
The food is still cooked by Chen Yan himself.
Se Xiang Wei ju
Long Yangjun, satiated with food and drink, said apologetically, "Mr. Chen is really sorry that I let you and Cao Qiudao have a sword fight without your consent."
Chen Yan said, "Long Yangjun didn’t expect Cao Qiudao. This person is really annoying. Since he wants to compete with me, I can become a person. After he defeated him in public, I may be able to be quiet for a while."
Princess Zhao Qian asked, "Are you really sure to defeat Cao Qiudao, Mr. Chen? He’s Qi blade master, the best swordsman in the world. "
Zou Yan said, "Mr. Chen Cao Qiudao still knows something about swordsmanship. He hasn’t lost in ten years. Cao Qiudao is called’ blade master’, but he is ruthless and kind. The old man thinks that the title of’ Demonbane’ is more suitable for him. If he is not sure about Mr. Chen, it is too dangerous not to compete with him."
Chen Yan said, "You are not worried that I will repair Cao Qiu Dao. Even if he is holding an Excalibur, he is still not my opponent. I will beat him openly."
The gap between Cao Qiudao and Chen Yanxiu cannot be bridged by a sword.
Chapter 43 The beast is vulnerable, Tao Wei Mou
In the next few days, Long Yangjun didn’t come to Ulrich again. He was busy with Cao Qiu’s sword fight with Ulrich.
Less than two days after the news was released, all the nobles and warriors in Daliangcheng knew that Cao Qiudao wanted to compete with Mr. Chen of Zhao.
Cao Qiu-dao is a tyrannical figure in blade master, Qi.
Chen Yanze is the first strong man in Zhao recently.

"One dozen and two doubles have killed three people. FP Road has completely collapsed. How can the crocodile line hit this wrist?"

The doll really can’t figure out what else khan can do to deal with it. The wrist is so fat that the crocodile can’t even live in the tower. The hero jumps over the tower and is very brainy.
It’s easy to cross the tower with W skills in your hand. Even if you can’t kill it, you can play a wave of perfect consumption. You can face a very fat wrist player with a wretched development of the tower
"Xiao Leyan also took the opportunity to take the canyon pioneer through the road. This wave of two IGs also played its own rhythm, which is unique to IG rhythm."
"Most teams’ rhythms start from wild areas or get resources through wandering support, but IG is different. Their rhythms start from lines."
"For example, the unfavorable rhythm in the early stage of completing a single kill will be alleviated in an instant. We have seen this scene more than once. IG just likes the player’s line ability to bully people."
Speaking of IG’s ability to line up, Miller couldn’t help but shake his head. A neutral explanation made him feel that IG players’ ability to line up was too dependent.
Strong teams can still play a dozen weak teams in front of IG. Facing the IG base is a line collapse situation. If IG can’t stand the line, it won’t say anything about operation and later period.
"Is going to put the canyon pioneer way directly to get a blood tower? No Kindred chose to return to the city. "
The doll stared at the screen with vague fine print. "If I didn’t read Kindred’s body mark wrong, it’s already three layers."
"It’s not easy to have two layers of Kindred and three layers of marks. Although Kindred’s rhythm ability is not strong, don’t say that he is really lucky to get the three layers of marks so easily."
"Maybe this is that fools are blessed with fools." The doll smiled and teased Xiao Leyan.
Ten minutes later, when Xiaolong was about to refresh, Ah Shui seemed to have smelled danger. He took the initiative to call Xiao Leyan for half-squatting. He felt that FP Nakano might come to fuck him.
I came to Ah Shui to make Xiao Leyan fight against squatting, but I didn’t expect Xiao Leyan to be so leng. He went directly to the route to help Ah Shui clear a wave of lines, and Kindred did not hesitate to directly take out the canyon pioneer.
Xiaoleyan won’t squat to guard against FPgank when he brushes the wild. It’s better to take the initiative to take the initiative to control a little dragon by pressing the momentum of FP Road to IG first.
Xiao Leyan didn’t listen to Ah Shui’s command, but seeing the pioneer of the canyon, Ah Shui chose to forgive him. ez, this situation really doesn’t dare to eat Tapi Ah Shui.
Although Xiaotian has never been seen since heshy got the double kill, Ah Shui knows that the blind monk in Xiaotian must be eyeing up in the half area and ready to get back.
If Rkie didn’t put a lot of pressure on dinb in the middle of the road, it might be that FP Zhongye linkage four-package two-package package gave Ah Shui another set.
Although three people share Tapi, he is still very happy to get this wave of Qian Qian, but it is very difficult for ez to continue to eat Tapi.
Ah Shui can look at Tapi and drool.
Twelve minutes later, the second little dragon is about to refresh FP, and it is already ready to move. After Lu Yibo’s defeat, the rhythm of FP has been silent for a long time.
Therefore, they attach great importance to this wave of little dragons, and the fighting capacity of FP half area can still be combined with IG if the fattest wrist is not involved in the war.
The blind monk in Xiaotian didn’t make a move, but went to the middle road first to help dinb Ruiz clear a wave of lines, and the two talents entered the river in the half area.
With the disappearance of the blind monk and Ritz, IG people in the middle of the road also know that this wave of group battles is a way to avoid heshy’s severe blow to the arrogance of FP. After that, IG certainly doesn’t want to see FP get the dragon soul rhythm.
So IG Middle Road also went to the road to gather together. Xiaoleyan said that he would meet Ah Shui in the half area first, and then the three of them would touch the river together.
Rkie can double-team from the middle direction alone. Although Rkie seems to be weak, the fox is not worse than Lu’s three teammates in terms of combat effectiveness.
The fox’s equipment is not very good at this time. The first thing Lu posted is that half of the injuries will definitely be scraped, but it will still hurt a lot if it needs to be scraped several times.
FP didn’t hesitate this time. The four of them wanted a fast second dragon. The IG half-zone array didn’t have much fighting power, so pke-FP in the distance certainly hoped to cut the gordian knot instead of pulling with IG in the river.
FP is very fast at fighting dragons. When IG sees the view of the dragon pit, half of the blood of the dragon is gone, but Xiao Leyan has no impulse to move forward but continues to wait and see.
Xiaoleyan knew that the probability of grabbing the dragon was very low, and she would become a living target of FP, so she was very cautious. On the contrary, Ah Shui ez was very impatient and couldn’t help but harass FP to fight the dragon.
"Ah, let’s see if there’s a chance to grab the dragon."
Ah Shui couldn’t help but speak when he saw Xiao Leyan dawdling. Even so, Xiao Leyan didn’t get too close to the dragon pit, and there was no way for Ah Shui to find a way to grab one by himself.
Ez released a big move in the direction of the dragon pit, hoping to win a probability. If the naive hand shakes ez’s big move, maybe it can really grab the dragon.
However, there was no punishment for fighting wild battles. Xiaotian firmly took Xiaolong as FP. If he wanted to retreat, he had to get IG’s consent.
But I have got the situation of Xiaolong. FP is really not afraid to join the group with IG. Seeing that the position is very radical, Ashui Liu Qingsong greeted his teammates and rushed decisively.
Luo Qi’s big move surprised Hong and increased the speed of movement. He wanted to charm Ah Shui, but Ah Shui responded quickly. ez surrendered E skills and retreated without giving Liu Qingsong a chance.
However, since Liu Qingsong has a confident group, of course, he will not let Ashui Luo flash so easily. W quickly went straight to Ashui after handing over the displacement.
Liu Qingsong predicted the displacement of Ah Shui, and the flash of W was almost one step behind Ah Shui. It’s really hard to hide such a strong group.
Lw behind Liu Qingsong was also very decisive. After seeing his partner playing group control in the crowd, he flashed and threw out a big move, the corruption chain IG of Verus spread all over the body.
When the IG three were in crisis, the sapphire cat finally played his game. He hid from Ah Shui and his body was not controlled by Luo.
Cats choose backhand to output FP before preparing, and the four-person department is hit by the cat’s big move and soon hangs up the imprisonment effect.
The cat gave Ah Shui a chance to breathe, so ez kept outputting flat A interspersed with Q skills. Because of the big move just released, Ah Shui ez has been stacked with five passive layers.
It’s the injury that seems a little scraping. It’s a bit of a pain in everyone’s body. Even ez Kindred doesn’t have much output.
Ah Shui and Xiao Leyan wanted the fire to drop first, but they played a set of skills but didn’t kill Luo Residual Blood. Liu Qingsong returned to the back row gracefully and lightly.
Chapter four hundred and thirty-three Elegant Death

Later, it was messed up by the night departure.

He didn’t delve into it. After all, this is the most important thing compared with other things that can make the night come back.
Just because he doesn’t delve into it doesn’t mean he doesn’t know
Judging from the night departure measures, especially in the new house, before the night departure suddenly, he reached into Feng Ying Mo’s robe and took away his hairpins. That move made him have to suspect that everything had something to do with Feng Ying Mo.
He bided his time.
Whether Phoenix Shadow Ink is kind to him, whether Phoenix Shadow Ink is an important official or whether it is affectionate to Phoenix Shadow Ink at night makes him feel that he can’t make a rash move.
Once you do it, you must do it with one move.
Not only should it be justified to get rid of Feng Ying Mo, but it is also necessary to completely break the feelings of Ye Li for him.
This is also the reason why he came to Northland to bring Phoenix Shadow Ink and then took Yi Min as an excuse.
Feng Yingmo, Yi Min and Ye Li must have stories.
Lu he also deliberately had a temptation.
Three people are very subtle.
It was not until tonight when he heard the innkeeper say that he was taking a medicine bath that he thought about it.
It’s Yi Min’s medicated bath. He made people cheat.
It is said that when people are living, they are the most likely to be intoxicated. Yi Min will definitely go to the man in her heart.
If this person is Feng Yingmo, then all his problems will be solved.
He needs to lead someone to catch the rape and then let the night leave see all this.
Phoenix shadow ink is over, and the night is over with him.
Although the emperor actually disdains this three-way abuse, he has no choice.
He really can’t help it
He thinks that if he goes like this again, he will be completely finished with the night.
Everything went well, and tonight he won.
But he didn’t think Shen Yan snow also mixed in.
And lost his life for no reason.
After all, they are friends with a lot of friends.
Think of this in his heart is not a burst of sadness.
Actually speaking, Shen Yanxue is also a friend of Phoenix Shadow Ink.
He didn’t expect him to be so cruel.
Maybe he has always been cruel, but he is too good at pretending in front of him.
"Feng Ying Mo" withdrew his thoughts. He looked at the man sitting in front of him again. "You will have this?"
He took something out of his sleeve and held it in his hand.
I know that children don’t like reading books in my heart, in order to bring out some causes and effects, and there will be updates tonight. It is necessary to sample children’s books after eleven o’clock, so we can’t wait for the morning to see them ~ ~
Thank you [
LIYAN Li Yan] Pro-purse ~ ~ Thank you [ea77] [Escape from water and blue moonlight] [Weak and enchanting] Pro-monthly ticket ~ ~ Love your group ~ [185] He hates him ten times and one hundred times more than he does (second more).
"Feng Ying Mo" withdrew his thoughts. He looked at the man sitting in front of him again. "You will have this?"
He took something out of his sleeve and held it in his hand.
It’s that Yu Pei exactly like him. It’s plum-blossom shaped and fried with Hetian jade.
One from his father and one from his uncle san huang.
His father gave him the ring.
Can you understand that his uncle san huang gave it to Phoenix Shadow Ink?
So what is Feng Ying Mo and his uncle san huang?
Is it the same as his predecessor?
Is it the father?
Didn’t you say that his uncle san huang was killed when he was attacked by a mountain thief on his way to the secretariat of Youzhou?
What if he’s lucky that he hasn’t known his true identity all these years?
After all, being in the royal family is better than being poor and white.
It’s also wrong to say that he doesn’t know his identity because he wants to hide it deliberately.
If you really want to hide it, he won’t hang this Yu Pei around his waist so conspicuously.
After all, he also has one in Yu Pei, and the representative is identity.

"Elder … I don’t know if it’s your view …"

The foreign Terran Holy King in that domain also shivered and said that he had just let the other side roll.
"Let’s go"
Liu Chen raised my hand and pressed the small stubborn son. This is said to the Terran Holy King.
Several holy kings of the Sun clan turned around and wanted to leave as they thanked Amnesty repeatedly.
"Did I let you go?"
Lu Chen light way suddenly several holy kings of the Sun family froze again.
"Predecessors ….. we have never spoken insults, so it must be so aggressive?"
The holy king of the Sun clan looks ugly, but he doesn’t know that the man is aiming at himself, and his body can’t stop shaking because the golden dragon in Tamio is drooling over himself.
At least the Great Sage!
He concluded that because the golden dragon was so magnificent, he was like an ant in front of him
"I seem to be in a bad mood with the Sun clan. I was disturbed just after I got back."
Lu Chen sighed with emotion, "I’ll leave it to you."
"It’s a master"
Little Nian ‘er is rubbing her hands. She has always been unhappy with the Sun clan. Before she set foot on the ancient road, the Sun clan had already arrived from outside the country. Beidou was very unfriendly and cruel to the local terrans.
At that time, she was also a contemporary enemy of the young people. She was really willing but unable to face the old king of the Sun clan. Now that the ancient road has returned, even the old and strong are not her opponents.
"You … you are the Eucharist with the missing sun!"
Suddenly, one of the three holy kings of the Sun was shocked and recognized the identity of Xiao Nian.
More than a hundred years ago, Xiao Yao ‘er killed several suns before leaving Beidou. At that time, he was chased by the Sun clan, and then he stepped on the ancient road. The Sun clan could not find Xiao Yao ‘er.
"You’re not on the ancient road? It’s only been a hundred years since I came back! ?”
The sun was shocked and said with disbelief.
Through the ages, I don’t know how many tianjiao people have stepped on the ancient road of stars, but few people can come back alive, even if they can come back alive, it will be at least hundreds of years later
"The ancient road is full of fun … I’m back."
Small stubborn son cold way forward immediately changed almost some disrespectful claim in front of the master.
Well, blame the dog masters and them!
A few holy kings of the sun are even more frightened. Have you already beaten all the ancient enemies of Terran from the King of the Light of the Beidou a hundred years ago? ?
Their hearts are unwilling to fight together, but they are suppressed by the vast sun’s holy power in an instant
As a result, the beauty of the little girl became colder after searching for the soul.
"What’s the matter?"
Lu Chen probably knows what happened in his heart, but he still can’t be the prophet.
"Master ….. the sun came for the little pupil pupil pupil now he don’t know life and death …"
Small Yao son show eyebrows slightly wrinkled obviously very worried.
Although she often beat her brother since she was a child, it doesn’t mean that she doesn’t spoil her brother. After all, she is her own brother.
Besides, it is said that the eldest sister was a teenager when she was born, and she was holding a belt every day when Ye was a little girl.
"Go back to Beidou to find out the situation first."
Probably know something about the plot. Lu Chen is not worried about Ye Fandi’s life, but it depends. Is Ye Fan not home yet?
What is said is probably familiar because it is normal for the former explorers to insert some small changes in the details of the plot because of the hidden world.
No one should dare to die and change the plot. I’m afraid it will be destroyed by the causal force of this world.
What happened to Ziwei Star Domain? Liu Chen told me that it’s just some great sages. Leng Yue can easily handle temporary worries.
And the real distance between the big dipper domain and Ziwei domain is not far. After exploring the coordinates on his side, his speed can be ten percent.
An old man in a suspended warship around Beidou opened his eyes and looked at Lu Chen and his little son falling in the direction of Beidou.
"It seems that Chengxian Road is really about to start, and even these characters are coming to Beidou. Does he look … so young?"
The old quasi-emperor muttered to himself with doubts in his eyes. In his perception, Lu Chen seemed to be full of life and blood, like a real young man.
Chapter one thousand one hundred and thirty-two Reunion of old friends The Great Sage dining tables
Liu Chen first took his little son to the holy city of Zhongzhou, which is a good place to get information.
After many years, he was also deeply touched when he came back here. He once held his own ancient city, Qing Di Emperor, soldiers and night kings, and fought to protect the recovery of the God King.
I also had a stormy bet with Ye Fan here.
Today, the holy city is still the bustling area of Beidou, and it is a good place to find out information.
Lu Chen stopped a monk at random to ask for advice and learned what had happened for more than a hundred years.
Xiao Nian ‘er didn’t brag. Since Ye Fan, she has been regarded as the man of the year in Beidou. It’s even more miserable for the younger generation to beat many tianjiao people in the ancient clan and dare to play in foreign visitors.
The young tianjiao of the Sun clan provoked Tiancun and was almost killed by Xiao Nian.
This is also a disaster. One day, there was no master in the village, and Xiao Nian was under great pressure. I just felt that no one in my generation could fight and meet the requirements of the master, so I set foot on the ancient road to pursue Lu Chen’s footsteps.
Only after stepping on the ancient road did I find that the master … was lost.
"Alas, the Eucharist is in the same strain, but the natural endowment of the leaf pupil has been chased by the sun clan. I heard that several senior strong people will be seriously injured, and they will also pull their arms and thighs to put bloody decorations in the sun clan’s territory to shock the pack."
A Terran monk sighed with emotion that "Terran predecessors seem to have left this ancient star in recent years, and it’s not so easy for Tianjiao, who was once brilliant."
Although Jiuyou Gai deterred the ancient people many years ago, with more and more powerful people coming to this ancient star, he became more and more reckless.
"What about the big black dog? Didn’t it shoot? "
Xiao Nian ‘er didn’t say Uncle Dog, mainly because she didn’t want to let Beidou know that she was back too early. Because the Master hasn’t made a statement yet, she is worried about her brother and his friends in Tianmu.
"From the black dog, it … although it is hateful, it is indeed a powerful force in the Eucharist, but I don’t know if it is true or not when I heard a test array pattern decades ago."
The holy monk said that he was not sure after listening to the words.
My little son was dumbfounded and said something that made him lose himself. It seems normal to enlarge the black dog’s body if it is ridiculous to let others go.
Lu Chen also wanted to laugh when he heard this. After all, the Black Emperor had a good time, but he was miserable. These students came to Beidou to experience Tiancun.
He knows that Qingtian Village has moved out of the Big Dipper because of the chaos in the Big Dipper. Can anyone know that it is the Black Emperor who came to Beidou with his young players to experience?

Wang Yue retreated in the direction of the war horse by strength.

Turning around, Wang Yue rode a horse.
"Want to go? Not so easy "An Jianqing flying to kill Wang Yue.
Wang Yueshen threw the sword in his hand, and the goal was An Jianqing.
An Jian Qing’s middle place borrowed a sword to block Wang Yue’s sword, but the speed slowed down.
Wang Yue rode out of town.
An Jianqing was furious and said to several Royal Guards Avenue behind him, "Chase me and kill these Yuan family members!"
It’s a great shame that An Jianqing didn’t expect Wang Yue, a nobody, to escape from him.
The Royal Guards chased Wang Yue and others.
Wang Yue chased Yuan Chengzhi, Sun Zhongshou and others, and they took Yuan Chengzhi all the way to escape until dawn before they got rid of the Royal Guards.
Wang Yue vomited several mouthfuls of blood during his escape, but his injury is even more serious now.
Wang Yue secretly hates An Jianqing for waiting for me to see you again.
"General Sun, where are we going now?" Wang Yue asked on horseback.
Sun Zhongshou thought for a moment and said, "My home inspector and Huashan’ Shenjianxian Ape’ Mu Renqing have a long history. I plan to send Chengzhi to Huashan to be the best martial arts school in Huashan. In the future, Chengzhi’s martial arts will definitely surpass An Jianqing."
Sun Zhongshou’s impression of Wang Yue has changed a little now. It seems that all the people in the Royal Guards are not bad people. This Wang Yue is good.
Wang Yue nodded and said, "OK, we’ll go to Huashan!"
Several people took Yuan Chengzhi all the way and finally came to Huashan in disguise for more than half a month.
Chapter 172 Repair the gods
Wang Yue, Sun Zhongshou and others will settle in Huashan Inn in Yuan Chengzhi and plan to go to Huashan early in the morning to meet Mu Renqing, the "God Sword and Fairy Ape".
Running for your life these days, Yuan Chengzhi was exhausted, his family was ruined by Chongzhen, and he had to escape from the pursuit of the Royal Guards. He was afraid that he would really be caught by the Royal Guards if it were not for Wang Yue’s care.
Yuan Chengzhi fell asleep just after he arrived at the inn and had not finished eating.
"Brother Wang, get something to eat. You should go to bed early, too. Early in the morning, we have to go to Huashan, and the young master will settle down." Sun Zhongshou asked the inn’s second waiter to serve food to Wang Yue.
Wang Yue smiled and nodded, "Good General Sun, you also go to bed early."
Sun Zhongshou thanked him while eating. "Brother Wang, if you hadn’t escorted us and the young master all the way this time, we might not have reached Huashan Sun. Thank you very much."
Wang Yue shook his head and said, "My life is for the inspector to rescue Cheng Zhi, which is what I should do."
After dinner, Wang Yue went back to the room door, hit the window and jumped, and soon disappeared into the night.
Wang Yue’s health has not deteriorated after these days of pranayama, but it will take several months to recover.
Although Wang Yue has an injury and can’t cope with martial arts experts, ordinary people are no match for him.
Wang Yue came out at night to get some silver.
"What a mansion! This family should be a landlord. The landlord is absolutely rich." Wang Yue entered the house with a sneer at her mouth.
At the end of the landlord is the most greedy and cold-blooded refugees everywhere, but they live a luxurious life, and the landlord Wang Yue has no affection. They don’t rob money.
Wang Yue grabbed the owner of the house with his face covered and finally found the treasury.
Wang Yue looked at more than 100,000 taels of silver in the treasury and sneered, "There’s so much money here. Do you mind if I take 1,200 taels?"
The owner of the house is a fat old man. When he came, Wang Yue would take all the silver to live. He had to pay, but now Wang Yue actually wants 1,200 silver, which makes him stunned.
"Why don’t you want to, old man?" Wang Yueyin comes again.

"Which one of you has finished?" Asked with a smile.

"I …………………." Li Yi don’t know what to say at the moment, it seems that I haven’t finished that.
"That’s all I have to say. I’ll leave the rest to you."
Li Yi felt as if he could do nothing at the moment, and he had a deep sense of fertility.
"This doesn’t count, you have to find one piece of evidence," Lin Keer said, choosing to escape from reality.
Lin Keer let himself out of that kind of force in one sentence. If he wants to strengthen his practice, he will definitely get rid of this kind of force.
"Chloe, don’t escape from reality," Li Yi said.
"I … I … I …" Lin Keer didn’t know how to say it at the moment.
"Chloe, stop fooling yourself. You won’t drink at all. Why are you doing this?" Li Yi asked
"I … who said I wouldn’t drink?" Lin Keer said with a flat mouth.
"Come on, stop it. It’s my fault. I shouldn’t hide anything," Li Yi said.
"I … I what do you want me to do?" Lin Keer’s heart is a little tangled
"I really can’t leave Li Lu!" Li Yi said
"Then you will leave me?" Lin Keer was in tears as if Li Yi nodded, and this drop of tears would fall.
"I don’t want to leave you either," said Li Yi.
"Then what are you going to do?" Lin Keer asked.
"I … I … I don’t know. I promise I can give you a satisfactory answer when you give me some," Li Yi said.
"How long will it take you?" Lin Keer wanted to think and asked, if he can’t think for a generation, he won’t have to wait for him for a generation!
"Let me ask you a question, old man." Li Yi asked.
"What’s the problem? If you have emotional problems, you’d better ask you about the moon and my heart. I’m not the host of emotional programs, "said the pole."
"What’s that? It’s not an emotional program. It’s not an emotional problem," Li Yi said.
"What’s the problem with smelly little?" Extremely asked
"Cultivation problem" Li Yi asked.
"Go ahead" is extremely important.
Is it a lie? I don’t think it’s the old man’s business to ask what is the problem of uniting.
Chapter seventy-three A meal
"Old man, do you think I can reach a good height in three months?" Li Yi asked
"Smelly little want to practice? If you are serious every day, you should be able to reach the avatar or Yuan Ying in three months, "said the pole."
Avatar? Yuan Ying? * Good, just three months!
"Chloe, after three months, I promise I will definitely give you an answer, a satisfactory answer," Li Yi said.
"Good for three months," Lin Keer said.
"Then you have to promise me that you won’t deceive yourself in these three months and don’t ruin your health because of me," said Li Yi.
Lin Keer raised her mouth and said, "Don’t worry, you can’t" (this place needs a little common sense to understand)
Li Yi smiled and solved a difficult problem by himself.
"Brother Yi, why don’t you go in?" Yellow hair came running and asked
"Nothing. Let’s come out and talk for a while. I’ll get some for you!" Li Yi said
"Brother Yi, how can you take it? You are a guest." Huang Mao smiled and said.
"Yellow hair, are we brothers?" Li Yi asked
"Brother Yi and I are brothers, of course," said Huang Mao without hesitation.
"We are brothers who share weal and woe. Do you think I can not help you?" Li Yi asked
"This art elder brother can’t do it," Huang Mao said.
"After we are brothers, the gang can’t give it to you. Do you want Huang Mao to take care of it?" Li Yi got the things in Huang Mao’s hand
It seems that Brother Yi is really a good man. Huang Mao can’t help feeling that.
In this way, Lin Keer Huang Mao Li Yi entered the room.
"Xiaoyi, you’re back. I didn’t expect things to be so fun before you." Li Yigang went in and Li Lu smiled and said.