To Wu’s surprise, this little girl is really calm. She didn’t cry and make a scene when she encountered such a thing. She didn’t even say a word for mercy.

Liu Jinyuan’s face didn’t get a smirk. He grabbed his eyebrows and comforted Feng Baobao lightly. "Don’t be afraid that I will be fine."
Feng Baobao also don’t answer is tightly biting his lip.
"Come on, what do you want?"
Now that Feng Baobao is in Shen Mei Wu’s hand, he has no mind to beat around the bush with her.
"Since Master Lu brought me here, please take me out!"
Mei Wu’s voice just fell into the pool and Muhan stood in the way of "no!"
The whole world knows that Mei Wu is missing. Not only the police, but even Chi Zhongyao is sending people to look for Mei Wu. It is not a good time to go out now. If something goes wrong and falls into Chi Zhongyao’s hands again, it will not be as lucky as last time. He can still save her!
"ChiMuHan what makes you say no? Don’t you see? Feng Baobao is in Shen Mei Wu’s hand! She’s crazy. No matter how you tell her, she won’t make you feel bitter, just like-"Just like Feng Baobao will never understand him!
But later words Liu Jinyuan still didn’t say it.
In fact, it’s not a problem for two big men to deal with a woman, but he has scruples about Feng Baobao’s safety. Shen Mei Wu is such a crazy woman, and he is really afraid that a slight mistake will cause a tragedy of one body and two lives!
Calm a pair of eyes tight line "Shen Mei Wu I promise you what you want! I want you to ensure that Feng Baobao can be safe! "
"Of course, I don’t have the heart to hurt a lovely girl like Miss Feng, but I have to bother you two smelly men before I hurt her. Behave yourself. After all, accidents are likely to happen when my hands shake."
Eyebrow Wu glanced at Feng Baobao. This blow bomb can break the girl’s skin. If you make a blood stain, can you bear it?
She lifted up her face and swept Chimuhan with a light smoke, focusing on the original body of Lu Jin. "You take charge of Lu now, go start the car first, and Miss Feng and I will go later."
A word "good" readily spit out from Lu Jinyuan’s lips and teeth and then turned neatly.
To ensure that Feng Baobao Ann is a driver for Shen Mei Wu, he will do it even if he sends her to the ends of the earth.
Chi Muhan quickly chased Lu Jinyuan and grabbed his arm. "I’ll send her!"
"You send?"
"Don’t trust me? I will make sure that Feng Baobao is safe! "
In case of Feng Baobao, Lu Jinyuan’s mind will faint.
At this point, Chi Muhan has a deep understanding!
Even if you are crazy about it, you can’t do it to your niece, but Lu Jinyuan can do it!
Feng Baobao’s principles and morality can be left behind!
So Chi Muhan can’t let him be the driver!
"Chimuhan don’t be ridiculous. Can you guarantee Feng Baobao Ann for me? You have to make sure that you are safe! "
Liu Jinyuan’s lip line suddenly slammed into Mu Han’s hand. What’s wrong with this man? Can he not know?
Chi Muhan can’t take risks, and neither can he.
"The head can be broken and the blood can flow. Feng Baobao can’t be hurt even a little!"
Mu Han sorry!
"Shen Mei Wu, hurry up!"
Say "Liu Jinyuan pulled out the trouser bag car medicine spoon, which is out of the door.
ChiMuHan tightly twist the eyebrow at Liu Jinyuan figure hurried to the first floor.
I turned around and saw the eyebrow holding Feng Baobao coming towards me.
The man’s deep eyes wandered in her face.
"Mei Wu, do you hate me so much?"
"Chi Muhan might as well tell you that you and I are in the same roof, breathing the same gas is almost suffocating."
Yes, a thin, ill-looking woman has been hungry for two days and is about to crumble, but she can still pick up a sharp weapon to hold others hostage to escape from him!
I don’t hate him. What else can it be?
Chi Muhan took a deep breath. I didn’t expect that one day he needed to take a deep breath to calm his mind.
"Okay, I’ll let you go!"
Eyebrow Wu ignored in the heart is slightly lax Feng Baobao directly across from before him.
At this time, Xu Ma came with preserved eggs and lean porridge. When she saw this, she was so scared that she felt a tingle and knocked over her plate.
But this Miss Shen seems to be a kind-hearted woman who doesn’t like to be cruel and do such harm to people.
I wouldn’t have taken this step if I hadn’t been cornered!
Look at Feng Baobao again. He’s got a big belly. What if there’s one good thing?
Xu Ma couldn’t bear to frown, so she waved her hand and whispered, "Miss Shen, don’t think about it. There’s still a long way to go. You should put your things in your hand quickly."
Wu eyebrow know Xu Ma a well-meaning slightly chin first pull lip nai smiled "Xu Ma thank you for these two days to take care of your craft is really good"
Xu Ma sighed and shook her head again and again, letting the way go or letting the eyebrows go out.
But just as she walked to the door, Chimuhan split her hand on the eyebrow Wu’s neck socket, and suddenly the eyebrow Wu lost all consciousness at the moment, and the whole body went soft.
Chimuhan will be a woman soft body received his arms as soon as he reaches out.
Lip gently against the woman’s cheek low way "I’m sorry eyebrow Wu I lied to you again"
Feng Baobao is got to take off, but looking at the faint in Chimuhan’s arms, Wu’s eyebrows hurt a lot. She’s so thin that she’s almost left with skin and bones. Chimuhan actually knocked her out with a palm?
"Chi Muhan, do you still have humanity? How can you do this to her?"

Yeah, that woman, he gave birth to such a lovely daughter, but he let her be bullied in prison. Why isn’t he cruel?

Zheng Heng also said that after the blue song, his mental state was not very good and he got depression.
In his image, depression is a terrible disease. Most patients with this disease have one result-death!
She asked him, Xi Yunzheng, are you going to force me to death before you are willing?
He never wanted to force her to death. Even if she did something wrong and killed him and the Xia Xue child, Xia Xue lost half her palace. He never wanted to make her pay for it. He wanted to send her to prison to be reformed, and then she could return to her old blue songs.
But ask yourself what he did not force her to die?
She looks gentle and soft, but in fact, her personality is the strongest and the most stubborn.
He said something to her before. Can you study medicine with such a stupid head?
But she said, I’ll be the best medical university in Jiangcheng. You’ll see.
If the college entrance examination notice is sent home from the best medical university in Jiangcheng.
I don’t know how my heart ached as I contracted.
I really didn’t feel sleepy, so I got out of bed, touched my cigarette case and went out to smoke.
Smoking, smoking an idea, generate is in his mind.
Unconsciously, he poked himself in the arm with a red-hot cigarette butt.
The burning pain in his skin made him sweat from the eyebrows.
So you’ve been in such pain.
He took a deep breath and looked out of the window. There was no end to the night, and his eyes were getting wet.
"Dad, I have to pee?"
God gathered his face back and saw the little girl in Donald Duck’s pajamas rubbing her sleepy eyes and coming towards him.
He took back the cigarette butt pressed on his arm and threw it out of the window.
Durian approached and saw his arm burn in a small circle. He stood on tiptoe and grabbed his hand and exhaled gently. "Does dad hurt?"
"no pain"
He stooped and smiled and rubbed her short fluffy hair.
Durian raised his little head doubtfully, stretched out his little hand and touched his wet eyes.
She frowned. "Did Dad lie and cry?"
"It really doesn’t hurt. It’s the wind." He still smiled gently and held the little girl in his arms. "Okay, let’s go pee."
Xiyunzheng carried durian back to the room, and the little girl ran into the health room, stripped her pants and waited for her father to come in.
She doesn’t have to be carried to the toilet by adults for her small size.
After urinating, she giggled at him again, "I have to poop."
It’s true that this little girl can’t casually say a sentence of "fine things" but her eyes overflow with a spoil smile.
When pooping, the little girl got sleepy again. Little by little, Xi Yunzheng worried that she accidentally fell into the toilet and put her hands on her little shoulders.
This ordeal arrived after midnight.
I was about to put my daughter to bed when the steam came from the upstairs, and soon the woman shouted again.
Who dares to come to Xi’s house in the middle of the night to make trouble?
Leave the room for fear of waking your daughter.
As soon as I got to the stairs, I saw the provocative and unreasonable woman drumming on high heels and swearing at her mouth. "Where the hell have you been, Xi Yunzheng?"
"Who let you in?"
Yu Xi panted heavily as he ran to the building and looked at Xi Yunzheng coldly, wishing he could not peel him off.
"I have a star face and Chi Gong’s girlfriend. Does your doorman dare not let me in?"
Xiyunzheng eyes light gathered disdain cold asked "come to me? Blue song revenge? "
"Blue song revenge that is another story! The most important thing now is that you let me take your daughter away. "
"Yuxi, your bravery is really hypertrophy. Come to my house in the middle of the night to take my daughter away? Do you think I can promise? "
"Blue Song is in the hospital now. She is very ill. She has been chanting the name of Little Durian in a daze. I have no choice but to ask you for someone."
Yu Xi still learned from Yu Xiao that the blue singer didn’t die, but was carried away by Xi Yunzheng for so many years. What’s even worse is that he let the blue singer daughter recognize Xia Xue as a mother!
This is simply forcing children to recognize thieves as mothers!
Suddenly XiYunZheng a shock grabbed YuXi hand "you said she was very ill? Is it depression? "
He is so nervous that Xi Yunzheng makes Yu Xi feel that he seems to care about blue songs very much.
But how is that possible?
He tortured Blue Song so crazily!
"Not only is she depressed, but she also has a high fever. Although her fever is gone, her consciousness has been in a vague state. But if you still have a little humanity, please give me the little durian and let me take her to Blue Song. Blue Song really needs her child now. Do you really want to drive her crazy to death?"
No! That’s not what he wanted.
"I know what to do," he said with a lump in his throat.
Loose Yu Xi’s hand and went back to the room to wake up the little durian. She was directly picked up and stuffed into her bathrobe.
Durian squatted on the man’s shoulder and rubbed his sleepy eyes and yawned again and again. "Dad, where are you taking me?"
"Dad will take you to see you-"he paused, but he changed his words. "You met the blue aunt who came home today. She wants to see you now. When you see her later, you should listen to her. Do you know?"
The little girl sensible nodded "o" and continued to sleep on her father’s shoulder.
Three people a line from hiding in the spiral staircase Xia Xuecai raise eyebrow eye into the bedroom.
Hello, Blue Song is depressed and very sick.

Had come back from a round of drinking and smiled condescendingly in front of them again. "I hate this endless banquet."

Both Lin Shu and Shen Manli ignored her, and Lin Shu specially talked to her when she just learned to turn to Shen Manli.
"Miss Lin? Why don’t you go around? Make some famous men, that’s right. "She said, going to the wine rack next to her and pouring wine. I don’t know if I stepped on the skirt and hit the trees."
And it’s the side that hits the trees and sits very close to Shen Manli. If she hits the trees, it doesn’t matter, but she will definitely bring trouble to Shen Manli when she throws such a fierce tree.
Her fetus has just stabilized and can’t be frightened and pressed.
Don’t bring trouble Shen Manli Lin Muhao got up and hit her in the past. She made all her efforts to let her get hurt, and she couldn’t let herself and Shen Manli get hurt. She was knocked forward and fell backwards in high heels. She burst into a mess and fell to the ground.
She threw a red wine glass in her hand and spilled some red wine on the trees, leaving it on the ground with the brittle crack of the glass.
The trees were too strong and fell to the ground, but Luo Feili buffered her strength. It was nothing serious. Shen Manli went to help her and she got up.
"Are you all right?" Shen Manli was worried and asked her to take out a handkerchief from her bag and wipe it for her.
"I’m fine." The trees didn’t care if they saw that Luo Fei was so miserable, thanks to the good health exercised in the African prairie.
"Nothing is good. Do you want to change clothes with me? My number should be about the same as yours. "
"No, it’s okay."
At this time, several men helped her up, and she pushed all the responsibility to the tree and asked, "Why did you push me and I didn’t offend you?" Pointing at the trees, he said bitterly that her eyes were red, and her hair was a little messy and her clothes were stained with grass clippings. It was as if the trees had made a big mistake.
Everyone’s eyes were fixed on the tree. No one had seen the real scene before, and it would be judged according to the actual situation that she had fallen the worst. She accused no one. After all, she wouldn’t embarrass herself, even if she did, she wouldn’t fall so badly.
They looked at the trees, that is, they looked at Shen Manli. After all, from the moment one or two people were together, Shen Manli was upset and instructed the trees to do so.
The trees finally ignored how those palace tricks were born in the play, and it was also very interesting that Perot could react so quickly to come up with such an idea. She really refuted it.
The trees looked around the eyes. "If I say that she came to hit me, I will sit so close to Mrs. Lu Shao, which will inevitably affect the fetus in her womb. Do you believe it? After all, I also fell to the ground, and there is nothing wrong with the two of us being injured. If Mrs. Lu Shao is injured, the consequences are not what everyone wants to see, right? "
"Ha ha" sneer at "your heart orpiment collar is really great Shen Manli give you any benefits? Let you step on my skirt and throw me to the ground and make up such a lie? " She said to the crowd, "Why do you think this woman has no identity and will be around Shen Manli?"
A lot of people are gossiping as if they have never seen her before. Oh, is it really flattering Shen Manli?
What kind of logic is it when I go to the corner of the forest? Can’t a rich lady make ordinary friends? Ordinary people must be here to curry favor with others?
At last, the conversation had turned to Shen Manli. "Shen Manli, I respect you. Now I’m still a little lady from Lujia. Be polite to you. Are you doing this to me? Mr. Lu is really nothing. You think too much. "
Oh, that’s really why. Everyone knows that.
Shen Manli was shaking with anger and wanted to ruin her party, but she still came to find fault now. Fortunately, there are trees to protect her, otherwise her child would be in danger today.
This damn woman is disgusting.
"I said I didn’t do it, but I didn’t do it. I still don’t care what I do to you." Shen Manli said coldly, "I think Miss Luo is in a bad mood. If she is not well, I’ll have her sent away."
"Hum Shen Manli you scold me is a play? You, you are a big family. Should a young lady have manners? Are you trying to kick me out of here? Shouldn’t you give me an explanation? "
Shen Manli didn’t want her to say anything more, and she didn’t want to argue. She told the two servants to "see Fujian."
Two aunts came over to hold her to take her out, broke free from "I can walk by myself" and sneered repeatedly, "So this is why Shen Manli invited me here to humiliate me and then kick me out. Hum, I am still holding on to making friends with you. It seems that I am naive."
She said that and strode out.
She just took two steps when she stopped. Do you know when she came out of the crowd?
He wore a pair of sunglasses and couldn’t see his mood clearly. It was nice to see the corners of his mouth. Did you watch a good play? She has a lot of courage in front of outsiders. She knows how to fight back. Why should she fade in front of him like a lamb?
He walked towards Shen Manli.
She was pleasantly surprised that she knew she was going to avenge her and shouted "Less Road" at him.
Lu Zhi nodded and thought, "Don’t go yet." Let her see how their husband and wife show their love. Don’t you know your identity? Don’t you know that you are benefiting her?
Shen Manli turned pale. She knew as well as had that smile on her mouth was mocking her. Did he want to avenge her by not letting go of had?

half an hour later

Debbie knocked on the door again and walked into Mark’s office. She said to Mark, who was already sipping lunch on the sofa, "Boss Vanke’s father has left."
Without looking up, Mark gave himself three kinds of wine and made a cocktail. "Have you told me anything?"
The witness protection plan is followed by a minimum of two federal marshals to monitor and protect witnesses around the clock.
Debbie nodded. "The evaporation place is Becca Rock, which is located in the southernmost town of Arkansas. The network has not yet reached there."
"That’s good," Mark said with a smile as he looked up. "I hope Vanke’s father can spare my heart."
The more contact networks there are, the more reactionary they become.
When Mark said that he wanted to give Vanke’s father a happy ending, he really thought so, but Mark didn’t want to break the precepts …
Debbie stared at her boss’s expression and hesitated.
But in the end
Debbie still shook her head and chose to skip this topic. Instead, she looked forward to Mark and said, "Boss, my holiday …"
"Thank you, boss."
Mark looked so excited that Debbie shook her head and said, "Don’t make trouble there for a month’s holiday."
Debbie jerked her head.
She has just bought a castle in France, and this holiday is dedicated to redecorating and purchasing furniture to enrich her castle.
Mark laughed. "When are you going to take off?"
"Take who?"
"… what?"
Mark looked at Debbie and smiled. "Who are you going to take there? Raven or Milla? "
Debbie was embarrassed to laugh.
Mark turned black at once.
I’m still entangled in the harem here, and as a result, I belong to Debbie, and I’ve been blessed before.
Jesus Christ
Is Debbie the heroine who hides the female frequency?
Mark waved to Debbie at once.
Debbie was relieved and quickly said goodbye to Mark and left the office.
Outside the door
Watching Netflix’s new play, the blonde looks up at Mark’s office door, patting her chest, and Debbie looks flashing.
Is this finally unbearable to the grass hand by the nest?

Although Kumar has condensed the computing power of the ancient star in the face of such a powerful opponent, the first-class mecha is still losing ground.

One by one, he has known each other for a long time, and the artificial intelligence will pass him the fire handle. For the first time, he feels how heavy his manipulation is.
When the last first-class military armor blew itself up, he seemed to see an old friend waving goodbye to himself. It was himself and the second artificial intelligence was born. They had known each other for 500 thousand years.
Computing power is continuously connected to the Kumar Center. The last two first-class mecha are surprisingly tenacious and have not been directly killed by Neil Jue. It is the epee that keeps retreating.
Countdown to five seconds, Sir Neil has approached the research field of artificial fairy gods.
Countdown to three seconds, the earth tore the immortal metal wall, and a first-class mecha was nailed to the wall.
Countdown for two seconds, the strong breeze swept through the ground, and some of them were unstable. They looked up at the fiend, the general man, Anfensi technology, took out a laser gun and shot at Neil Jue for a moment, but they were hit by the mecha at his level and smashed into a ball of meat sauce.
Countdown for one second, the strong breeze and blood foam rubbed Professor Ibuprofen’s old face and head. Instead of showing alarm, this intellectual old man handed Kama his last words in the form of a warm smile and optical cable, "You are free."
He pressed the button that he had already set, and saw Professor Ibuprofen’s body explode into a light beam and rushed to Sir Neil to frown and dodge. I didn’t expect a weak intellectual family to launch an attack on him that needed to dodge.
When the countdown returns to that moment, the ancient star of the universe suddenly rings for a long time, just like a kettle burning water, and then the world talks about whether it is Terran or Wisdom, holding their breath and waiting for the final result.
Chapter one thousand sixty-one I have eyes but I can’t cry.
A violent roar of red hair broke out in heaven and earth, and the enemy of the vertical and horizontal mecha group Neil Jue was repelled by hundreds of thousands of miles in the blue blood!
The blue bloody sky stirred like a pillar of god. Many intelligent people looked at this scene and almost had the urge to kneel down and shout the truth.
And those Zhizu giants in Anwu looked at the screen beams and showed ecstatic expressions in succession.
The artificial fairy god has started successfully! They waited for the moment of counterattack!
And the strength of the artificial fairy god made them jump for joy, and when they woke up, they repelled Sir Neil, who was so strong that he was desperate.
The dust rushed to the sky, the blue blood gas stirred, and the strong wind swept through the eye center of tens of thousands of miles of land in Fiona Fang, but it was extraordinarily quiet
A humanoid creature with gray skin and blue and gold roads slowly stood up as if he were doing his best. His appearance was not much different from that of human beings, as if he had awakened too hastily and some places had not yet developed.
There is still a vague line where his face has eyes and nose and mouth, and his ears have no cochlea. The priority awakening fighter can Kama infuse all energy and nutrition into this strong body.
With one blow, he repelled the mighty Sir Neil for hundreds of thousands of miles.
Kama was born and became an artificial fairy god. He was no longer bound by people and became a free man in this world. He had the strength to repel the strong.
But he didn’t cheer, he didn’t jump for joy, he was watching the fierce war, and the day after tomorrow, the mecha was still falling like a soul, rolling in the deep. This is probably the most beautiful rain in his database.
The ancient star, his intellectual senses, cheered and jumped into his "ears" countless times, which was the joy of the wise people cheering him to wake up and win the upcoming war.
Kama stepped forward slowly, perhaps for the first time to control his almost physical body. He stumbled a little, stopped in the wind and reached for a piece of life coat.
There is no smell of blood in the air because it has been blown away by the strong wind brought by his blow.
Kama looked around blankly and never found the old man again. No one told him what to do next.
He became a real life, but no one could share the joy.
Kumar looked up at the sky, I had eyes … but I couldn’t cry.
The soul of the sky rises against the wind, accompanied by the blue flesh and blood over there, and it seems to destroy everything.
All these visions condensed into a cry, like the roar of the gods.
I have no mouth, but I must growl.
Gray-blue figure rises with divine majesty and edge rage.
"He’s a real life."
Chuhang looked at this scene and said with emotion
The artificial fairy god, or Kama, rushed to the Milky Way like a god, and many deep-blooded nobles were amazed at this sudden change.
It’s just a scientific creation that can repel Sir Neil! ?
However, this is the last time in their lives that they were surprised by the blue blood and blood. With machinery, they shouldn’t have crossed with murder to dye the whole galaxy blue.
Put out the big star and light it up again, dye it blue, like a god coming to light the fire.
There was a massive collapse in the star, and those powerful nobles with deep blood melted into powder in an instant, because they angered the new gods and killed the old man whom God loved most.
Parting is always so sudden that Kamagen didn’t expect that he should say thank you to Professor Ibuprofen. Suddenly, he didn’t ask the old man what to do after he left. Suddenly, he didn’t repay the old man … Suddenly, he couldn’t go back to that afternoon to make a cup of green tea for the old man.
He got the star, perhaps the strongest body in this era. With the crystallization of science and technology for more than 500 thousand years, he may be able to compete with the star, but he feels unhappy.
At this time, his mind was filled with tyranny and murder, and he finally became a real creature, but he wanted to change back to that machine that didn’t think about anything.
In the Milky Way, Kama opened her mouth in anger and tore it. It didn’t grow up completely, and her mouth roared and shook the Milky Way.
Lu Chenwu’s eye can’t see the battle in the distance, and he can see that the forbidden art of the noble blood is dismantled one by one, and he is as good as himself.
The Terran and the Wisdom clan were shocked to see this scene. I didn’t expect that there was such a killer weapon. I heard that the artificial fairy god was real and that the ancient star was born when it was about to be destroyed and suppressed all enemies.
The wise men cheered that their lives were dying soon, and the Terran pride jumped for joy. The research giants of the Anwu wise men embraced each other and just needed champagne to celebrate.
"perfect! It’s perfect. This is the ultimate creation. It deserves the name of God! "
Carlos praised and then sighed, "Anfensi, you must be very pleased that you have reached the source."
Although he has a bad temper and quarrels with Anfensi for a long time, they have known each other since childhood and still have some appreciate each other.
Carlos knew that Professor Ibuprofen and Anfens would probably not live when the powerful blood noble attacked the artificial fairy, but the successful birth of the good artificial fairy saved their last dignity.
"Kumar brought those noble blood samples here, and these noble blood have caused such great losses to our ancient stars, so we must solve them well and give full play to their value."
A wise man ordered that his face could not hide his excitement.
Although the ancient stars went through this great difficulty, they found that the lost race and the deep blood nobles were so powerful that there must be some secret lurking in them.
Although their mecha are exhausted, but now there is an artificial fairy sitting in the star, there is still no other star field. They can make up for the loss if they absorb the secret of the noble blood.

Xuanyu Daojun gently denounced a fingertip generate out of a mana into the fire cover.

Going round and round from the fire hood in the wind is almost instantaneous and has come to Sumo’s head!
Sue ink look a fiercely.
This fire shield is a jade princess. He dare not let it buckle!
Su Mo’s palm patted the bag and moved out of a gray-black mountain peak.
Ancient treasures, Xuanci Mountain!
He wants to use the power of Xuanci Mountain to pin down the fire cover.
However, after the arrival of Xuanci Mountain, there was no deviation from the fire cover!
"Not good!"
Su Mo’s heart sank
The fire shield is made of metal, but there are some rare metal materials in the wild continent that are not attracted by the mysterious magnetism!
That is to say, Xuanci Mountain has nothing to do with the fire cover!
This level of killing a misjudgment may fall into the wind and even disappear!
A large shadow came over.
Far from the center of the fire hood, it exudes a strong pulling force to form a field, and Sumegan can’t escape!
And Xuanyu Daojun has taken this opportunity to rush to the crowd!
The situation reversed in an instant!
Sumo is in great danger!
"Empress, you are quick to shoot!"
The little fox was in a hurry and urged, "You just take back the fire cover and give it to the public!" "
The woman in white shook her head unmoved and said, "It’s only natural that he took it back with his own hands because he lost the fire cover."
"What’s worse, he made an appointment with XuanYu. What about my budget? If you can’t get through this, how can he protect you in the future? "
At this time, the battlefield will have a drink.
Seeing Su Mo flying out of the sea, a statue of a blue lotus stand with six circles of petals blooming, and the sunlight diffused towards the fire hood and hit it hard!
Nature lotus!
There was a loud noise when the two instruments collided!
The fire hood wants to cover it, and the top of the lotus stand is desperately against the fire hood!
The wrestling of the two great instruments was hard to separate for a while!
But it is such a delay that Xuanyu Daojun has already killed the crowd, and the blood is surging, and a punch is shining and an unparalleled violent atmosphere is erupted!
Su Mo can meet him with a backhand punch.
Boxing collision

At that moment, Zhuge Yue was surprised, and the bottom of my heart gave birth to a feeling of despair. I couldn’t kill each other and I couldn’t destroy each other. Is it so good?

-dividing line-
South Lichuan side also thought of a way to look at the false plan to "by the way, that didn’t count just now …"
But the other party is not stupid enough to ask, "What didn’t count just now is that I won!"
"Listen, don’t you want to play a little longer?"
The other party listened to this reason and felt very reasonable! So he nodded. "Well, let’s play again!"
"Let’s guess again this time. If we lose, we can win!"
Nan Lichuan thought that he would turn everything upside down this time. If he wants this, he will praise him for getting smarter!
If so, Nan Lichuan lost three sets in a row and won!
At this time of the other party, it seems that it has increased its strength. "Does it count that we will start again? Chapter 61 is not to say that we should not hit our faces (4)
At this time, the other party seems to have risen. "Is it not that we will start again!"
"How not! Just now, you were greedy and said you wanted to play more! So we have to continue, but now I’m tired and don’t want to play! " South Lichuan also played a role of being dependent at this time!
The other person’s eyes are watery with anger as if they will cry at any time!
Nan Lichuan made a face behind him and pointed to his temple. "You are still too young to compare with my brain!"
He’s really bursting with a sense of accomplishment. This is the first person who is more stupid than him. Hahahaha … Actually, he almost wanted to play more games with each other just now!
But unlike that man, he has a month and a month, and now it’s his department. Yueyuean can’t keep playing …
As soon as he got it, he immediately ran to Zhuge Yue’s side, where the fight was in full swing. As soon as the other side saw Nan Lichuan running, they were cruel and prepared to take him hostage to avoid injury to Nan Lichuan. Zhuge Yue also broke out at this time, which had never been brave and courageous before!
Immediately step by step to South Lichuan to pull up …
At this time, the night is like a stranger, and I have solved my own fake. Although I am one step behind Zhuge Yue, it is actually more and more difficult to upgrade because of the higher the level!
When he approached Zhuge Yue, Zhuge Yue keenly saw that the fake behind him had revived and stabbed the night like a stranger!
"Be careful …" As soon as she screamed loudly, she saw that the night was stabbed like a stranger, and suddenly his white shirt was stained with blood, and his pupils suddenly enlarged a few minutes!
Zhuge Yue forgot all the expressions at this time, so he just looked at him and didn’t know what to do for a second!
The night is as keen as a stranger, and the sword is broken directly by hand, and the body swings quickly to pull out the remaining piece …
Everyone has fallen into an unfavorable state. They are all living people with feelings, and the other person is already a person who has no feelings and is always energetic. This is like fighting hard!
At this time, Nan Lichuan, who has always been slow, attacked his brain and said, "Aren’t you most afraid of drinking every month?"
Zhuge Yue’s mind was lit by a big light bulb. This sentence really gave her a limit …
If these people are copied by them, they are bound to be as afraid of things as they have the same shortcomings!
Then she secretly thought of a way in her own mind, that is, not to take someone to learn a Tian Ji horse racing!
Tian Ji, the general of Qi State, likes horse racing very much. He once agreed with Qi Weiwang to have a race.
They agreed to divide their horses into third-class races, and they should be horse-to-horse, middle-to-horse and middle-to-middle.
Horse-to-horse races have been held several times in Tian Ji, because each class of horses in Qi Weiwang is much better than that in Tian Ji.
Then Tian Ji’s good friend Sun Bin suggested waiting for the horse to lose the first game against Qi Weiwang.
Then take the medium horse to win, and finally take the medium horse to win another game!
Although this is still a solution to the root problem, it can finally be temporarily delayed. Copy these to stop 6. Isn’t chapter 6 agreed not to hit the face (5)
Although this is still a solution to the root problem, it can finally be temporarily delayed when these copies are stopped!
"Ogawa ….." Zhuge Yue put his hand on Nan Lichuan’s shoulder. "This is your cleverest and most powerful time!"
I don’t know where to put my hands when I hear Zhuge Yue boasting about South Lichuan!
He smiled at Zhuge Yuejing and waited for her to pick up the message!
Zhuge Yue said softly, "I’m giving you an important one. Go and find out what’s strange around here. This is the most serious game. I hope you do your best!"
"Yes, I will do it well every month!"
Everyone else is United in preparing for Nanlichuan, and Zhuge Yue recognizes that there is no smoke without fire. These fakes can appear again and again, so there must be something wrong with the certificate!
Nan Lichuan looked very carefully, even if there were some fakes, he almost hit himself on the back with a fist. He knew that one punch would make him die!
But he still keeps looking for things. He believes in him every month!
He has never let him down once a month, and every time he is full of gains!
So when he didn’t move, he was almost hit by that fist and vomited blood to death. Someone always appeared behind him and got rid of the copy!
He just found all the way and suffered from the crisis, but he was not hurt at all!
In this way, he searched everywhere and found no mystery. He was not a little upset. He paid so much, but he found nothing!

Lu Chen turned his head and explored dozens of figures in the distance, all of which were the strongest in the end, reaching the fourth order of the end.

Jiang Li pulled up Liu Chen and cast his escape technique and rushed at the black whirlpool.
And those noble people with deep blood also found Lu Chen, and they sped up and rushed in their direction.
Lu Chen pulled out the regicide’s clothes and was ready to enter the fighting state. However, he was held down by the elder Jiang Li. "Liu Xian’s nephew saves some energy. There is still a long way to go. You may have to go alone."
"Ginger elder you …"
Before Lu Chen finished speaking, he felt a strong force to throw Lu Chen into the dark whirlpool in Jiang Li’s evasion.
They are all great monks at the final level, but this strange desert is not as fast as the outside world. In an instant, Jiang Li will judge that they will be chased by deep blood nobles, and someone must break up.
There are a lot of nobles with deep blood who dare to be sent to explore the forbidden area. Naturally, they are strong. There are more than a dozen in the third-order degree of the final realm alone, and there are two nobles with fourth-order strength in the final realm.
Lu Chen looked back, leaving only seven predecessors to block the road with Jiang Li, and all the fighting forces broke out with all the immortal light, ready to fight to the death.
His mind trembled and he grasped the blood of regicide in his hand, and he was confused for the first time on the battlefield.
His battlefield has always been the last one, but today someone is behind him.
Is it a shame? He didn’t know
"Let’s go!"
Senior Ji Shanhai from the royal family of Daxia roared and rushed to several noble people with deep blood, "They all crushed you!"
Liu Chen’s foot stepped on the line and the secret disappeared away without looking back.
Behind him, when the forbidden killing method bombards, the sky rings, life burns and growls, and the death comes and falls …
He is not so sentimental. The moment Elder Jiang Li throws him out, he will understand that if they rush towards the entrance of the whirlpool, they will be caught up. It will be ten deaths and one life must be delayed, otherwise no one will arrive.
Elder Jiang Li’s judgment is correct, and so is his rushing into the whirlpool. But what?
What, his mouth is bleeding, and his teeth are so tight?
These predecessors had a good sense of death from the time they set out, so that they could send themselves into the depths of the original mine, and nearly half of them fell all the way, but he was unscathed.
"When people die, they will die. They have lived enough to fight for a future for future generations!"
In the distance, the elders of Jiang Li were covered with double axe totems, and the nobleman with the strongest source of blood killed him and let him laugh wildly in the battle. "Old Roots don’t want to ask for a bunch of cowardly goods, but they want to chase me. My nephew Liu Xian stepped over the old body first."
He was like a totem, and in the end, the whole humanization was dark, leaving only a few Shou Yuan’s crazy burning power soaring, but one enemy and two stopped the strongest two deep-blooded nobles
"When the race wants to die, it will be you."
That noble old man with deep blood can command his department with surging blood. "You go after Lu Chen. That’s the entrance. Don’t let him in."
Lu Chen, forbidden to step on his feet, rushed into the dark vortex and prayed in his heart that this vortex has four time zones in a year. He prayed that God would take care of the star that buried the gods once and not let those predecessors die in vain.
When he was rushing to the dark whirlpool, he received a sound in his ear. He was a little tired. "Brother Liu Xian’s nephew Tianhua has a sentence for me to tell you that if you don’t want to shoot after you go in, don’t come out. It’s never too late for the secret blood fighters to take revenge."
Lu Chen looked back at the predecessors who buried the gods. After all, there were seven people and two people in the end. The second-level source blood aristocrats had approached him, and only Jiang Li in the crowd was still fighting bloody battles.
His moves greatly stopped most of the deep-blooded nobles from growling, "If you fight in the same world, you will all be native dogs!"
At his words, his totem suddenly broke up, but those noble people with deep blood all turned to retreat quickly.
The fairy gods’ bones burst into the sky in the desert, and the old elder Wuwanggu blew himself up.
Seven Terran strongmen fought thirty-four deep-blooded aristocrats and missed two. None of them could instantly pose a death threat to Lu Chen. The strong man was released.
Lu Chen rushed to the dark whirlpool before gnashing his teeth.
His roaring whirlpool didn’t start him into a corner, and it was meaningless for his predecessors to fight for it.
He turned out to cut the knife to the two strong men, and the mysterious blood of the magic grain appeared on his face, and the forbidden art was lifted again.
Cause and effect knife meaning emerge so that two blood can pass by by themselves.
"Liu Chennian, your generation of tianjiao Romon’s adult said that if you want to carve your soul brand, you will be accepted as a war slave."
The deep blood noble smile mouth.
Lu Chen looked at the distant desert filled with dust and sand, and the sky was full of blood and rain. "Fight your mother!"

Hua Zhen walked past the door to his own work and suddenly said, "The three masters are all in the house. I’ll make lunch for you after a break."

Chapter 395, what have you done?
Master, this is the first time I’ve heard Hua Zhen call them Yang Zong, Husband and Uncle since childhood.
Xiaohua teaches whatever his own children can, but he never has a formal ceremony. The three old people have no plans to do that and don’t want to be too deliberate.
Hua Zhen suddenly said "Three Masters", though it was an offhand remark, but it also made the three old men dazed … It doesn’t matter. What matters is that it sounded in the Yuan God! Hua Zhenxing did not speak, but sent a divine message.
It was Brother Dacheng who had the means. The three old people immediately realized what had happened. Even Shang Tong, who was usually unsmiling, could not help smiling at the moment.
Yang Tehong even twisted his beard and smiled. "It’s worthy that people I taught since I was a child have long known that he has no problem. It’s a piece of cake!"
Ke Mengchao "Your eyebrows are flying. Calm down! You just asked us what we saw, but you didn’t say that you had expected it … but I always told you not to worry. "
Yang Tehong suddenly patted his thigh. "Aren’t you curious? How did Xiaohua make it in an instant?"
Mo Shang Tong: "Everyone doesn’t come here in this way. It’s just a blink of an eye when it’s long."
Yang Tehong: "It’s not necessarily that someone has been here for many years, many times in a blink of an eye, and Xiaohua has done it without eating lunch here. Anyway, I’m very curious about what it means to be a monk."
Ke Mengchao: "You don’t know Xiaohua since he was a child. Isn’t he? Besides, it’s not good for the spiritual world to talk without asking us since ancient times. "
Yang Tehong mused, "There is this system, but Xiaohua may not know it, and it is not a law or a commandment."
Ke Mengchao "Why didn’t Xiaohua know that Gao Le must have told him?"
Yang Tehong: "But Xiaohua, this kid, is very sincere and tells us everything. For example, if we issue a system for him and come back to ask us for advice, if someone else gets such a system, why not hide anything?" And he wants us to persuade him to pay attention to hiding anything. "
Mo Shang Tong: "That’s his letter. Let’s … Don’t worry about it at dinner. He can say as much as he wants."
The three old men can also hold their breath and wait for Hua Zhen to come out of work and go to the kitchen to make lunch.
The kitchen has returned to its original state. Hua Zhen has been familiar with the "unified" cookstoves since childhood. It is not necessary for Yang Laotou to make any hands and feet need to add firewood and coal. Hua Zhen has been very skilled in his actions.
Although it is no longer the original artifact Dan furnace, Hua Zhen has refined so many Dan medicines. Of course, it is a problem for these imitation Dan furnaces to control the temperature of meals.
When cooking, Manman came. She often went to the grocery store to help fight thugs. Now Manman has become the deputy director of the Chundan Center and is based in Sanhu Town. This kind of opportunity is not much.
The food was soon done. Mann helped set the table. At the end, a "knife board incense" was brought by Sima Value. Smoked pork legs were sliced and steamed with the fermented bean curd. It was very simple to have a dish of wine and rice.
Old man Yang took a bottle of wine from the cellar, which was the best in his collection. When Manman saw it, he quickly went to get a small handleless wine cup and a wine lamp and set it in Hua Zhen and asked, "Drink it at noon?"
Yang Laotou "Celebrate your breakthrough. You can be called a real person according to the system-Hua Zhenren!"
Mann Mann high-five, "Xiaohua has broken through Dacheng repair? Great! " The three old men turned to look at Maman Manman at the same time and wondered, "What are you all staring at me for?"
Yang Laotou couldn’t help saying, "Is this it?"
Maman "What’s this?"
Coffey "why are you so calm? It’s calmer than the three of us. "
Mann Mann "it’s not that I haven’t seen Dacheng friar Pan Cai and Sima Qian, but Xiaohua is much better than them. What’s so strange about breaking through Dacheng? I heard that Xiaohua is going to close the grocery store in Yemen today and feel that it should be almost the same. "
Mo Shang Tong found the key problem. "No, you know that the grocery store closed its doors today and refused to bother. Why did you come again?"
Mann Mann "I’m not a guest! Actually, I didn’t want to disturb Xiaohua. I just came to have a look and go back if there was nothing going on. As a result, when I came, I found Xiaohua cooking in the kitchen. "
Mann’s reaction is different from that of the three old men. She is not surprised, but happy, simple and happy, and there are not so many complicated thoughts colliding.
Hua Zhen’s trip has poured wine for all three old people, and secretly said, "Ask whatever you want." His tone was calm, but his mouth was slightly tilted, obviously holding back a sense of pride.
The three old men looked at each other, and Yang Lao-tou finally said carefully, "We didn’t want to ask anything, but you wanted to say it. In the end, how could it be so embarrassing?"
Hua Zhen also said, "To be honest, I can’t answer this question."
He said that he couldn’t answer, but secretly sent a spiritual thought to avoid Manman. He told three old men that he was telling the truth and breaking the truth, and he must have more ready-made skills or operating methods. He told his general experience in the illusion.
Old man Yang nodded and said, "My brother has never said anything about the so-called illusion, and the master has never asked Manman to know this." But secretly, he said, "You went back to three years ago in the illusion and did it all over again?"
The trip to Hua Zhen "was because I thought at that time that if I could really travel back to the past, I could do a lot better with so many experiences and lessons. It turns out that I could do better."
Yang Laotou "But that’s not true"
Hua Zhen line "but not separately"
Shang Tong also chimed in, "When did you lose your mind?"
The so-called vague illusion means that the monk is clearly aware that he is in an illusion, and he has also reached an illusion point. Dream or illusion is different. It is real as usual, and if he punches himself, he will feel unbearable pain.
If the monk can’t be clear about the illusion, then the illusion will continue, either with arrogance and mana exhausted and passive separation or Shou Yuan exhausted and directly seated.
Needless to say the latter result, the former result may lead people to be confused about the reality, or it may lead people to be confused about the reality, depending on the mind and chance.
Only when you have a clear and false environment can you freely enter and exit the false environment, and then you can talk about breaking the false and making great achievements. At this moment, there have been great achievements, of course, and the false environment has long been clear. Therefore, Mo Shang Tong only asked.
Hua Zhen’s trip "When I woke up from the wall, I realized that I didn’t have the knowledge of gods three years ago, and I couldn’t know everything around me with my eyes closed."
Ke Mengchao "Why don’t you doubt that you have crossed? It’s not that I haven’t read a time-travel novel! "
"Because I’m a monk," Hua Zhen replied with a standard answer and added, "But you always said it was right, so I thought it was three years ago, but I didn’t go anywhere else."
Since ancient times, few people have been able to condemn a monk to an illusion. Three old men seized the opportunity and kept asking questions. Old man Yang asked again, "How do you know that the three-year dream experience is not another illusion? You were in an illusion at that time, not without this possibility. "
Hua Zhen’s trip "I don’t know if I couldn’t distinguish it at that time, so I don’t have to reluctantly distinguish it and just start all over again."
Mo Shang Tong "How do you feel after these three years?"
Hua Zhen trip "Do I feel? Being conscious after birth means that a real person has been living in an illusion, and it is only after practicing that he can be clear about the illusion.
At this time, consciousness has been greatly liberated, and people have also been greatly free. It seems that everything in their own world that they don’t know and can’t get everything they want is like the pursuit of the ultimate.

But the woman wouldn’t let him see it. She clung to her hair, although the pain was gone.

Let her have no blood, look paler and sweat on her forehead, but she still smiles happily.
Originally, her hair was thin and messy when she pulled it out, and a few strands of gray hair hung freely and grinned so much …
It hurts to leave my eyes at night, but I just want to say that she let go, only to see her suddenly smile. "Husband, Yan Xue, I personally avenged you. I finally personally avenged you. I’m coming. I’m coming for you. You wait for me …"
Everyone was shocked.
Night away suddenly realized what was wrong and turned to look at the ruin of the fence.
Sure enough, I saw the ruin of the hedge and covered my chest painfully, blanched and sweated.
See the night from the wrong reaction Zhang Shuo and phoenix shadow ink is also at the same time look at the stranger hedge wounds.
The wounds of the hedge are manifested in the eyes of two men, and the pupils are closed at the same time.
Everyone was shocked by this scene.
No wonder the woman said that she not only lied to him but also hurt him.
So it refers to this.
But what is this work?
Is it a spell?
How can two people hurt each other without contact, let alone fighting?
And both of them have the same symptoms
There is nothing in the heart of the hedge. If it hurts like this, it will be like being stabbed like a woman.
Finally, I couldn’t hold on to the ruin of the hedge and fell to the ground with rickets.
The five senses twisted together painfully.
One hand over his chest at the same time, the other hand is suddenly struggling to Zhang Shuo dumb call "Shuo son Shuo son …"
Zhang Shuo eyes looked at him with regret.
Looking at him, Zhang Shuo is not the only one?
And phoenix shadow ink
The same painful look sank at the bottom of the eyes
However, Zhang Shuo is the only one in Mo Li’s eyes.
He kept shouting "Shuo Er Shuo Er …"
At night, he sighed, "He was caught in the method of contemporaneity. The so-called method of contemporaneity means that two people in the method can live and the other person can live and die, and the other person will die and die together."
Everyone heard an uproar.
no wonder
No wonder it’s so amazing.
It turned out to be a contemporaneous method.
It turned out that it was a woman who died for Mo Li and then committed suicide to achieve mutual destruction.
It was then that everyone realized what she said. The first emperor made two imperial edicts that turned out to be a lie to the hedge.
The purpose is to let Mo Liyi rob her of her silk. Is she in the silk?
That’s amazing
Good way to refuse destruction.
You remember that Chu Ning is a spiritual master and the woman is Chu Ning’s personal maid. The woman said that she taught Chu Ning Nvhong Chu Ning how to teach her in the palace.
Presumably this method is to learn from Chu Ning.
The woman began to vomit blood, and the deep red blood spilled down her mouth.
Night away is a healer and a person who knows the method. She knows very well that it is a great help to save a woman from being treated even if she is treated.
And she also knows that women can’t last long.
Once a woman dies, even if she can survive for a while because of personal physical problems, it will never last long.
"Mom …"
She shouted
At the same time, she saw that Bian Zhang Shuo finally got up slowly and walked towards the ruin of the fence.
She bent her lips with a slight sigh of relief.
She just called it to Zhang Shuo on purpose
She’s the woman who woke him up. She’s dying
He is also a healer, although he may not understand the method, but she has made it very clear about the characteristics of the contemporaneous method. He naturally understands that women are dying, which means that there is not much time for the ruin of the fence.
Although the man who is so guilty is really culpable of punishment.
But he and Zhang Shuo are fathers after all.
On Zhang Shuo’s admission or non-admission
No one can change the fact whether it is accepted or not.
"Master son …"
See Zhang Shuo finally before devoted to hedge wounds seem a little excited desperately held out his hand toward him.
Line near Zhang Shuo slowly squat body devoted to hedge wounds a hold his hand.
"Master son don’t blame the father … the father is a master son …"
Zhang Shuo shook his head gently shaking his head in pain but couldn’t say a word.