Only in this way can we regenerate and eliminate all the dark wounds in our bodies.

Lian Jin was happy that his hamstring could still pick it up, but when he learned that he could use the first half of his strength, Lian Jin felt gloomy again.
Took one look at Lian Jin’s left hand and said, "Practice your left sword after Lian Jin Gong."
"Left-handed sword?" Lian Jin one leng.
The left-handed sword is not so easy to practice.
The same swordsmanship is powerful with the right hand, but poor with the left hand. Not only can you not kill the enemy, but you will also hurt yourself.
Lian Jin is a fencing master. He didn’t think about practicing sword with his left hand before. Unfortunately, many attempts have failed and ended.
Chen Yan nodded, "Yes, it’s the left-handed sword. I once knew a swordsman named Zhao Danchen. He was the top ten super strong man in the list of law enforcement elders in clear lake Island. His right arm was cut off, which led to a great decline in martial arts. Years later, he developed a left-handed swordsmanship, which was even better than the past. After Zhao Danchen, he was honored as’ one-armed blade master’. I have his left-handed swordsmanship cheats here."
Clear lake island law enforcement elders day list strong one-armed blade master.
Lian Jin has never heard of it.
However, it gives Lian Jin a feeling that he is not aware of it.
Lian Jin immediately knelt down and pleaded, "Mr. Chen also asked you to teach me’ one-armed blade master’ Zhao Danchen’s left-hand swordsmanship."
Lleyton lifted Lian Jin up and said, "I told you not to kneel Zhao Danchen’s left-hand swordsmanship. I hope you can practice it well and don’t let this swordsmanship get dusty."
Chapter 413 Draw the snake out of the hole. Big things will happen tonight.
"Lian Jin, you go back first and come to Wujiabao early. I’ll give you your left sword." Ulrich is going to Fujian.
Lian Jin was a little impatient and asked, "Can’t I learn now, Mr. Chen?"
Ulrich shook his head and said, "Haste makes waste. You are now mentally unstable. It would be better to get twice the result with half the effort if you go back and calm down."
Wu Tingfang said, "Lian Jin is home now. Where else can he go? Just live in Wujiabao. I’ll arrange accommodation for Lian Jin now. "
Off Lian Jin and Wu Tingfang Chen Yanzheng is going to have a good rest, but unfortunately things didn’t work out.
Zhao Ya came with a sad face. Her eyes were red and swollen, and she obviously cried.
Zhao Ya saw Ulrich and shed tears. "Mr. Chen didn’t see Pan Er after I went back to the office. He was arrested by Zhao Mu. I still don’t know where Pan Er was. Zhao Mu just came to me to ask for Lu Gong’s secret record. He said that if I didn’t give him Lu Gong’s secret record for three days, he would start work on Pan Er."
Zhao Pan was Chen Yandi’s first visit when he came back to Handan Zhao Pan, but he didn’t come.
It turned out that he was detained by Zhao Mu.
Chen Yan said, "Lady Ya, you don’t worry that Zhao Mu won’t hurt the public plate until he gets the secret record of Lu Gong. Go back and tell Zhao Mu that I will take the secret record of Lu Gong to see him one day. Where is the best pub in Handan City?"
Zhao Ya said, "It’s the Zui Xiang Building, just east of the strip, not far from my mansion."
Ulrich nods, "Well, the meeting place will be Zui Xiang Building."
Zhao Ya said, "I’ll go back and tell Zhao Mu now."
Zhao Ya had to rely on Yan Yan when Wei was in Daliangcheng. I didn’t expect to return to Handan, Zhao. She still had to rely on Yan, not because she was too timid in princess royal, but because Zhao Mu was too powerful.
Zhao Mu didn’t put the royal family of Zhao in the eye.
Zhao Mu is the illegitimate son of Chun Shenjun of Chu State.
Zhao Mu is not a native of Zhao. He can be said to be the biggest undercover hiding Zhao Chaotang. Zhao Mu has no awe of the Zhao royal family.
Ulrich sent Zhao Ya out of the back channel outside the house. "Zhao Mu is a little too eager to get Lu Gong’s secret record."

Fifty ducklings were handed over to Lee and Zhang Xiuer to raise ducks in the back of the compound living area. Now the ducklings are too young to be kept in the backyard with cold water. After ten days, they can get to the village stream for food and stocking.

Zhao Rujun was almost so angry that he didn’t have a serious illness when he lost his wife and folded the battlefield for attempted arson.
What made her most angry was that she had praised herself since she was a child, and her father even learned about it and taught herself a lesson!
There are also those slaves in the house who are born according to her confidants, and they are so frightened that they really take the indenture in the hands of Lian Fangzhou seriously. They actually watch their whereabouts to death in their relatives. When something happens, someone will report to their father, and his father will make a fuss about himself …
Zhao Rujun hates the root itch!
The more you hate, the more you have to do something to vent your hatred or she will be suffocated!
She was even angry with Fang Zhou and lost her mind. She wanted to come back with revenge and come up with this evil spirit. Although Master Zhao has taken strict precautions, Zhao Rujun, after all, has been managing the business for so many years, and it is still very simple for her to want it.
So when several arrested animals were caught with leg injuries, gangsters were sent to Master Zhao together with their mouths. Master Zhao trembled with anger and taught Zhao Rujun a lesson.
At the same time, two dog, Erliang, Toad and Toad left Yu County and news came from nowhere. It is said that they left Yu County because they had offended Miss Zhao Rujun, a big lady of Zhao’s house, and had to leave their hometown because she was almost killed by Miss Zhao.
When this happened, everyone was in uproar. Zhao Rujun’s name plummeted!
As the saying goes, it’s not necessarily because of the wind coming from the cave. Besides, two dog and they were really involved with Zhao Rujun. Although Master Zhao repeatedly explained that he was missing with them and his daughter, he couldn’t come up with a reason to speak.
Those people in the Zhao family who covet their property have begun to stir up again. The reputation of the Zhao family has been damaged. By asking about this matter, Master Zhao was almost cornered. Finally, it took several silver and contacts to make it perfunctory.
Zhao Rujun, however, took it all out on Lianfangzhoutou and didn’t feel at all wrong.
Master Zhao was completely disappointed with her. Putting her under house arrest was called convalescence.
Zhao Rujun was so soft and hard that he even went on a hunger strike. Master Zhao was still indifferent. Zhao Rujun panicked and asked his mother for help and knelt in front of his father to beg for forgiveness.
Master Zhao was unmoved and indifferent. "Dad thought that you should be pampered in a boudoir when you are a girl. Dad really regrets it. He shouldn’t have taught you business and shouldn’t have allowed you to show up outside! It’s not too late now. You’d better learn needlework and manage the house! This is what a girl should learn! "
Zhao Rujun face suddenly went white busy way "dad! I’m your only daughter! I won’t share it for you. Who will? Don’t you want to carve up your hard-earned possessions by those baiwenhang in your family? I am your daughter, and all this should be inherited and managed by me! "
"Don’t worry about this," said Master Zhao, glancing at her quietly. "Dad thought and thought it was too hard for you and hard for you! Dad has decided to take a three-bedroom concubine again, regardless of appearance, no matter where he comes from, he should have a good baby! If you can’t add a little brother and father in three years, you will adopt a child in the family. "
"no! No way! I don’t agree! " Zhao Rujun screamed and stared with disbelief.
Even Mrs. Zhao turned white and took a surprised look at Master Zhao. Her eyes were red and she bowed her head and said nothing.
Master Zhao waved his hand and sighed, "I didn’t want to say it, but since you asked me today, I will say it!" Go back to your hospital and have a good rest! "
Where is Zhao Rujun willing to be shocked by sudden anger? "Dad! You can’t do this! You can’t do this! Are you so worthy of my mother! "
Master Zhao could not help but be angry and calm. "Who are you talking to? Do you have a daughter like this! "
He looked at a lump and swallowed his wife’s heart with a soft way, "this is more than you worry about!" You have a little brother, and your mother and I will have a support when we get old! Whether I was born in a concubine or adopted will be recorded in your mother’s name and raised by your mother herself! Still not going! "
After hearing what her husband said, Mrs. Zhao immediately decided to be busy dragging Zhao Rujun and whispered, "Stop that now! Go, go with your mother! "
Zhao Rujun is crazy, screaming, struggling and screaming in disgust. Mrs. Zhao has to greet the maids and drag her daughter together.
Master Zhao shook his head with a long sigh and immediately ordered the housekeeper to send someone to inquire where there were good sons and daughters ready to take concubinage.
The boudoir, Zhao Rujun, fell on the bed crying in a big mess, and our maids were driven out. With Mrs. Zhao at her side, there was no way to persuade her!
"Niang! Dad, how could he do this! How could he do this to me! Didn’t we agree that I would inherit our family property? How can he break his word! "
Very easy Zhao Rujun cried enough and finally sobbed and opened her mouth. She looked up and looked at Mrs. Zhao with tears in her eyes. "Mom, why don’t you help me talk!" I am your daughter! Don’t you just watch dad give his family property to others! "
I’m a little tired. There are 4 chapters and 34 chapters and 34 revenge today.
In the face of her daughter’s remarks, Mrs. Zhao was a little angry and uncomfortable and ashamed. She had to persuade her, "What are you talking about, silly child?" How are your brothers? It’s better to have a backer in the future! Does this woman have a bride’s family as a backer? That’s very different-"
"What a big difference! What is the backing! " Zhao Rujun was so angry that he shouted, "I am the backer. What else is the backer? It should be me when the Zhao family comes. I am my father’s first daughter! Niang! "
Zhao Rujun fierce stare to Mrs Zhao grind way "niang don’t you forget? Why can’t those aunts have children? Have you forgotten all about it? This Zhao Fu can be our mother and daughter, but us! Mom, you regret it! "
Mrs. Zhao’s face changed. "You!"
She stared at her daughter’s cold, pale face and gloomy eyes, and she was speechless.
At the beginning, in order to keep her position, she and her daughter joined hands to make sure that none of the concubines in the backyard could get pregnant and bribed the doctor, so that the master had no doubt that it was destiny takes a hand!
In addition, the fact that she and her daughter kept still again and again suggested that the master finally agreed with the idea of giving his family property to his daughter and recruiting a husband in the future.
But no one thought that the daughter and the master would make it to this point one day!
The master wanted the past and promised her that for many years, and she believed that he would not break his word.
As the saying goes, young couples are always with them. After all, they have been together for a generation. The master is not a philanderer. Even if there are more beautiful young concubines, she believes that she will never shake her position!
In those days, young people were eager to be competitive, and other women had to give birth to children, but this vein of the master was ruined. In recent years, she has never regretted thinking about it.
However, because of my guilty conscience and because my daughter has been doing very well, the thought of regret only passed by, and I didn’t think deeply until now. She really regretted it!
If she hadn’t done those things, Zhao wouldn’t have died! My daughter has already set a suitable marriage, and she has been waiting for happiness since she left the cabinet. Now it’s-
Now she regrets it again?
Daughter will never let her regret it!
If her personality pokes everything in front of her master, will he still care about her husband and wife for decades? If you don’t stop, she will be fine!
She knows how much trouble the master has suffered and how much clan pressure she has endured without heirs for so many years! Once he knows the truth, can he spare himself? Absolutely not!
Mrs. Zhao’s heart instantly fell into icehouse and it was cold thoroughly.
"Mom!" Zhao Rujun whimpered, "Mom, dad, he is so affectionate! How could he do this to us! Hum, he wants to have a son to take my place, and he wants to succeed! I won’t agree. I will never agree! "
"Jun, Jun …" Mrs. Zhao looked at her daughter with a trembling voice and felt so strange and cold.
Her lips trembled and she wanted to say something and persuade something, but she couldn’t say anything!
Her mind kept repeating a sentence "I regret it, I regret it, I really regret it …"
Zhao Rujun didn’t realize her emotions. She snuggled up to her body and hugged her shoulder. "Mom, you won’t watch me being wronged. You will help me, right? Just like I helped you before … "

At present, there are two sets of generating units built at the beginning of the century, with a total installed capacity of 20 thousand kilowatts, which is relatively old. When one set needs maintenance, the other set is put into operation.

At present, the maximum capacity of the port of Sofia is 20,000 kilowatts, which can always be guaranteed to be stable. It should be parked in a few blocks such as the southern coast, central area and trade area, while many suburbs are not able to cope.
The so-called stability should mean living in industry … There seems to be no large-scale industry here. Some important production units, such as international hospitals and international docks, have their own emergency generators all the year round just to prevent sudden problems.
The 100,000 kW heavy oil power plant aided by Dongguo has three units, which are very advanced and mature at present. The equipment is very stable in operation, with low failure rate and much lower production and maintenance cost.
As soon as this project agreement is signed, the share price of Sofina Investment Company should fall. Perhaps it is nothing but the port of Suo, but it represents a certain trend and has great influence.
Not long ago, the attitude of the authorities in Guinea has changed subtly, saying that they want to suspend the construction of the aid project. The central government of Guinea also said that they don’t want to repay the guarantee any more, and asked whether the local authorities in Somalia can repay the guarantee separately.
The surface reason is that the economic growth is expected to drop due to the impact of the ball epidemic, and there is not so much demand in Somalia for a long time.
It is necessary to build a unit, and once it is in operation, it cannot be stopped easily. I am afraid it will be difficult to make a profit after it is completed. This will not only make it difficult to guarantee the income from the operation to repay the loan, but also drag the non-Somali port into the abyss of continuous loss debt.
After the completion of the project, there was a problem with debt repayment. Lei Yunjin encountered it, but now it is the first time that he has encountered this situation just after the foundation stone was laid. Obviously, some people don’t want this factory to be completed smoothly.
At present, some gossip is said that Sofina Investment Company lobbied the governments of several countries. On the one hand, they said that it was not worth the loss to build such a power plant on the scale of non-Somali port economy. On the other hand, they also said that they would upgrade the existing power plant and increase the output to meet the demand in a more economical way without the government taking the guarantee risk.
It is also said that an international charity fund has given several million dollars to Guinea for environmental protection, and this aid has been directly credited to the government account of Guinea, but there is a political condition that the government cannot support projects that affect environmental protection.
It is hard to say what project will affect environmental protection. Although it is not publicly written, the organization verbally pointed out that the governments of several countries could not support the heavy oil power plant project in Somalia and could not be guaranteed by the state letter. This was before charity assistance.
I don’t know if these gossip are true or false, but Lei Yunjin can’t verify it anyway, but the attitude of the governments in several countries has really changed, and the project construction of the guarantee institute has stopped because of the unwillingness to continue, and it has not been said for sure that it will be cancelled.
After listening to these, Hua Zhen asked, "What about the completed part of the factory?"
Lei Yunjin: "We have completed the site leveling and the supporting heavy oil transportation terminal. This project is owned by the Beiwan District Government, and the Beiwan Power Company was specially established for this project. The latest news is that Sofina Investment Company wants to buy Beiwan Power Company at a low price, and their share price has risen recently."
At Li Xiaoyang, Hua Zhenxing said, "It’s better to buy from Beiwan District Government by Huan Xiang Industry. I know the situation of several countries. The so-called three-level administrative governance system is no better than the Emirates Union. Neither the government of several countries nor the municipal government of Suogang can control this decision of Beiwan District Government."
Li Xiaoyang nodded. "Even the government of several countries can not stop the project directly without continuing to guarantee. We can continue to build it after buying it."
Lei Yunjin paused for a moment with his glass in his hand before saying, "Even if you buy it, it’s not easy to deal with it. This is a reconstruction project with a loan from the Bank of China. I understand that our policy must be guaranteed by a national letter, even if it is guaranteed by the Beiwan District Government."
With the help of wine, Hua Zhen Bank said, "Huanxiang Industry can mortgage gold to Dong Guo Bank as a guarantee or directly pay the project payment by stages according to the progress. Besides, we can think of other ways."
Li Xiaoyang continued to nod, "Yes, there is always a way to do it again."
Details of the heavy oil power plant project in Hua Zhen today is also the first time to understand him. He immediately felt that he must try to keep and build this power plant, whether it is to build Kelin District or transform Beisuo River Basin to build a real state in the future.
When discussing the reconstruction project of Beisuo River Basin, Huazhenxing insisted that the swimming reservoir should also be turned into a water, which is also the reason why it is too early to expect water. However, the heavy oil power plant project can be built and operated soon, and it will be completed faster than originally planned.
The problem of infrastructure and economic development is that the chicken and egg cycle cannot be established, or the knot cannot be tied. Although Hua Zhen still lacks specific engineering experience, it definitely has this knowledge.
LeiYunJin drank a little too much to raise a glass. "Li, on behalf of the engineering headquarters, I propose a toast to you and your company! If you can really understand the project set of the factory, it will help us a lot!
To tell you the truth, we just talked about the first and second phases of the reconstruction of the Beisuo River Basin, which is a drop in the bucket for the headquarters. I have 1,500 people here. Even if I pick up your project, it won’t be a problem. Even the artificial Chengdu is not enough … "
Dongyi Company sends aid workers overseas, and the average per capita income is almost 200,000 Dong Guo. If the number of people is 1,500, it will cost 300 million a year.
After the completion of the Feisuohe Bridge, a group of workers were going back to China. However, due to various reasons, the Huanxiang Industrial Project was temporarily evacuated. Even if the third phase of the reservoir project was taken, it was planned at present, and the construction period of the first and second phases of the project was one hundred million yuan a year, which was far from enough for the project department to manually work in Chengdu.
Of course, there are not so many people in the first and second phases of the reconstruction of Beisuo River Basin. Only when the heavy oil power plant project can start smoothly can the problem of the project headquarters be truly solved, otherwise most engineers and technicians will try to return to China in batches.
Once these people leave, it will be difficult to find them again. Their local roots can replace them, but there must be enough projects to run. Even if someone returns to China, Dongyi Company will send someone to rotate.
I’ve been thinking about this question since I went back to Hua Zhen after dinner. There are two main contradictions: one is how much it costs to deal with the local authorities in Beiwan District, and the other is how much it costs.
Uncle Mo spent 100 million meters of gold, which is the annual budget of Huanxiang Industry. At present, he has spent 50 million meters, and the remaining 50 million meters of gold is equivalent to 350 million yuan, which seems like a lot, but it needs somewhere else.
Today, except for the two small projects, apartment building and block building, Hua Zhen Bank has to find a way to do it by itself.
He used to be a boy in a grocery store. How could he have done such a big thing? But if you dare to dream, you dare to do it. He wants to make a happy country!
According to Lei Yunjin’s introduction, the total cost of the heavy oil power plant in Hua Zhen is US$ 12.4 billion, and the cost of the first phase and the second phase of Beisuohe Reconstruction Project is RMB 100 million. These two items add up to a total cost of about 1.4 billion meters, and the payment period is one to one and a half years.
How much money can Huazhenxing expect to transfer? At present, there are 15 million meters of gold in the bank account of Jin Dian, and the mining company is expected to buy two tons of ore gold and refine 1.4 tons of pure gold, which is equivalent to more than 93 million meters of gold income if refining is not counted.
That is to say, he can raise about 1.2 billion meters of gold base, which is enough, and there will be new mine gold production in non-Somali port this year. Although it is impossible to buy that much again, it is also a source of profit.
The account is very clear. Hua Zhen Bank only didn’t expect that its "refining ability" was so exaggerated. 1.4 tons a year means that he has to refine seven or Jin of pure gold every day, which is comparable to a small factory.
Seeing Hua Zhenxing sitting in the front row in silence, Li Xiaoyang asked, "Xiaohua, are you drunk?"
Hua Zhen trip "No, I just want to talk about something today."
Seeing Li Xiaoyang, he didn’t worry about money, but laughed. "The bumper harvest is alive again. Who told him to be brave? Let’s work harder if he can!"
Next to Maman, he asked them what they said, and explained it in the local dialect of Hua Zhen. Maman nodded, "Those who can do more work and love to be brave, and you love to be brave!"
Why can’t she tell the difference between praise and criticism when Hua Zhen talks for a while? Is this a compliment or a disservice? But looking at Manmangu’s small eyes should be a sincere compliment. It seems that he still needs to study his language well.
Chapter 95, keep pace with the times
As he spoke, Hua Zhen’s Yuan God suddenly felt a sense of concentration and called for reunification. Seeing that "Huan Xiang Guo Tong" had promulgated a new-
Sixth, the signing of the "Beisuo River Basin Reconstruction Project" agreement officially started this project; Buy Beiwanli Company, sign a new agreement and continue to build a heavy oil power plant.

Later, it was messed up by the night departure.

He didn’t delve into it. After all, this is the most important thing compared with other things that can make the night come back.
Just because he doesn’t delve into it doesn’t mean he doesn’t know
Judging from the night departure measures, especially in the new house, before the night departure suddenly, he reached into Feng Ying Mo’s robe and took away his hairpins. That move made him have to suspect that everything had something to do with Feng Ying Mo.
He bided his time.
Whether Phoenix Shadow Ink is kind to him, whether Phoenix Shadow Ink is an important official or whether it is affectionate to Phoenix Shadow Ink at night makes him feel that he can’t make a rash move.
Once you do it, you must do it with one move.
Not only should it be justified to get rid of Feng Ying Mo, but it is also necessary to completely break the feelings of Ye Li for him.
This is also the reason why he came to Northland to bring Phoenix Shadow Ink and then took Yi Min as an excuse.
Feng Yingmo, Yi Min and Ye Li must have stories.
Lu he also deliberately had a temptation.
Three people are very subtle.
It was not until tonight when he heard the innkeeper say that he was taking a medicine bath that he thought about it.
It’s Yi Min’s medicated bath. He made people cheat.
It is said that when people are living, they are the most likely to be intoxicated. Yi Min will definitely go to the man in her heart.
If this person is Feng Yingmo, then all his problems will be solved.
He needs to lead someone to catch the rape and then let the night leave see all this.
Phoenix shadow ink is over, and the night is over with him.
Although the emperor actually disdains this three-way abuse, he has no choice.
He really can’t help it
He thinks that if he goes like this again, he will be completely finished with the night.
Everything went well, and tonight he won.
But he didn’t think Shen Yan snow also mixed in.
And lost his life for no reason.
After all, they are friends with a lot of friends.
Think of this in his heart is not a burst of sadness.
Actually speaking, Shen Yanxue is also a friend of Phoenix Shadow Ink.
He didn’t expect him to be so cruel.
Maybe he has always been cruel, but he is too good at pretending in front of him.
"Feng Ying Mo" withdrew his thoughts. He looked at the man sitting in front of him again. "You will have this?"
He took something out of his sleeve and held it in his hand.
I know that children don’t like reading books in my heart, in order to bring out some causes and effects, and there will be updates tonight. It is necessary to sample children’s books after eleven o’clock, so we can’t wait for the morning to see them ~ ~
Thank you [
LIYAN Li Yan] Pro-purse ~ ~ Thank you [ea77] [Escape from water and blue moonlight] [Weak and enchanting] Pro-monthly ticket ~ ~ Love your group ~ [185] He hates him ten times and one hundred times more than he does (second more).
"Feng Ying Mo" withdrew his thoughts. He looked at the man sitting in front of him again. "You will have this?"
He took something out of his sleeve and held it in his hand.
It’s that Yu Pei exactly like him. It’s plum-blossom shaped and fried with Hetian jade.
One from his father and one from his uncle san huang.
His father gave him the ring.
Can you understand that his uncle san huang gave it to Phoenix Shadow Ink?
So what is Feng Ying Mo and his uncle san huang?
Is it the same as his predecessor?
Is it the father?
Didn’t you say that his uncle san huang was killed when he was attacked by a mountain thief on his way to the secretariat of Youzhou?
What if he’s lucky that he hasn’t known his true identity all these years?
After all, being in the royal family is better than being poor and white.
It’s also wrong to say that he doesn’t know his identity because he wants to hide it deliberately.
If you really want to hide it, he won’t hang this Yu Pei around his waist so conspicuously.
After all, he also has one in Yu Pei, and the representative is identity.

He found out a little that it was made by witchcraft, magic, machine, puppet and many other methods.

The materials are mostly rare gold and wood, which are no less than a spiritual treasure.
If such artifacts are good, they are quite as good as ordinary immortals.
Of course, if you want to exert its strength, you need to be very demanding.
If it weren’t for it, Lingqing and Wu Tiantong would never leave it alone after no one controls the power.
Even will be nullified.
Lingqing looked and saw Wu Tiantong with a curious face and handed it over.
"This treasure was handed over to Minister Wu, who thanked him for helping me this time.
And this thing to wu minister to the Ministry of special affairs can play a more powerful "
Wu Tiantong took it and took a look at it. In the heart, he was surprised and solemnly handed over. "That would be a real person in Xie Daoqing. The Secret Service Department will surely be grateful for the gift from the Muslim people."
It’s not that he hasn’t seen Lingbao Bi Tianhe with one in his hand.
However, it is difficult to sacrifice instruments like treasure ships and halls, and even magic weapons are rare, let alone Lingbao.
With this Lingbao, China’s strength can definitely rise several times.
Although this thing is too expensive to use the power of the French Ministry, ordinary people can’t help it even if they run out of mana.
Only physical strength can make it better.
But the strength of Laoshan religion is not bad, even if it can’t be fully exerted.
With the help of this treasure ship, Laoshan religion can definitely become the first force in the country.
Ling Qing said, "minister Wu yanchong, this thing is yours and mine."
Besides, without the help of Minister Wu, I want to refine this treasure of mine and I don’t know how much effort it will take. "
Without Wu Tiantong’s help, it is impossible for him to slay Xu Fuliu’s treasure ship so easily.
When he finishes the sacrifice of Qing Di Jiuchongque, he may not lose to this treasure ship.
The main thing is that it is more appropriate to send this thing out than to stay in Laoshan.
When Wu Tiantong put away the treasure ship, Lingqing also offered a sacrifice to the Nine Heavenly Jade Que.
But he still has two busy faces, and the seventh and second doors are coming.
After he released Emperor Miao Dao to ninth gate, the whole Pingan Jing world had disappeared.
A bubble world as if there were several appeared in front of Lingqing and Qingren.
These foams come in different sizes, shapes and colors.
Every bubble contains a world and a variety of interpretations.
Obviously, every bubble may represent a sub-world.
These sub-worlds are a piece of light rushing forward like a river.
The foam floating around is like splashing in a long river.
Two people just glanced at it and felt a desire to melt into the body.
However, this desire also hides a great crisis, which makes them stop their fear.
Just as this fear spread and gradually swallowed up their minds, a traction pulled them in a familiar direction.
That’s the "real world"
This traction is not strong, as if it were blocked by something, which seems a little weak.
Lingqing has a feeling that she needs to earn a little to break free.
Heart desire also urged him to break away from this traction into Fang Changhe.
But his heart broke free, and the real world was completely cut off.
Now he doesn’t want to do this.
So instead, he runs his own way and strengthens this traction, leaving this world and returning to the real world.
From the instant he saw Wu Tiantong shape is slowly disappearing.
A strange experience made Lingqing vaguely and soberly experience the feeling of entering and leaving the sub-world.
Can’t tell whether it is from illusion to reality or from reality to illusion.
When he went to the top of Fuyue Mountain in Japan, an inexplicable emotion flooded his mind.
What is the real world in which you live?
Like the bubble world, or is it another strange phenomenon?
After he got used to it, he felt that the world in front of him was a little more real.

That’s the woman?

No woman has an Adam’s apple. Besides, she didn’t hear wrong just now, but the other person claimed to be a grandfather and the sound was male suspicion.
Liancheng’s beautiful eyes are filled with doubts. Is this horse riding a beautiful eyebrow and watching her "Uber" a man or a woman?
Although the bearer is riding a horse, his figure is absolutely slender and tall, and his eyebrows are slightly wrinkled. She cocked her head and stared at Huangfuyi carefully, as if she didn’t see anything.
Playing around with an air of arrogance is extremely arrogant. If you are a woman, even if you pretend to be good, you will not reach the high level of people in front of you.
Men are men and princes of the Zhou Dynasty.
Liancheng, whom Huangfuyi called Liu Tianyou, determined his identity.
You’re sick, you’re long enough to be a disaster, you’re a monster, and you’re wearing a red robe. What’s this about?
The most important point is that his body presents those very indecent expressions and arrogant gas fields, but his face of disaster does not make people feel disgusted and despised
The corners of the mouth evoke a new smile, which really hooks people’s souls
It is said that this is what Liancheng thinks in his own mind, and no one dares to feel so much about Huangfuyi.
Because they know that Huangfuyi’s manner is even more afraid of this gentleman from the bottom of my heart and dare to judge him.
It’s quiet around me, and it’s like forgetting what you’re doing at the moment, and thinking, "Tao Yao Yao Zhuo Hua" is a man like him!
It’s so beautiful to describe the enchanting face with a fiery red robe.
"Have you seen enough?" Huangfuyi toyed with the whip and asked with a smile.
Stupid, stupid, stupid. What kind of handsome pot have you never seen before, and how can you almost be confused by the other side?
Some self-contempt for Liancheng’s eyes suddenly returned to normal and leisurely said, "I should ask you if you have seen enough?" What tone? If you don’t look at me, how do you know that I look at you and ask frivolous questions? Have you seen enough of Huangfuyi’s sight? I don’t lose half a point in my anger and condescension.
I don’t know if Huangfuyi’s temper suddenly turns, "Don’t mind your own business if you don’t want to be right with me." Over the years, he has been cynical and arrogant, but he never cares too much about women.
Liancheng stared at him every word, "I’m in charge of today’s affairs, and I will resolutely stand up if I encounter similar incidents in the future."
"In your opinion, it’s a matter of doing everything right?" Huangfuyi eyebrows up gherardini.
Xinwen needs the support of the babies to collect and recommend messages. Come on, come on, the important thing is to say Xuan Xuan for three times. Please, Chapter I This man is very ill!
"Yes, I want to take care of everything that is unfair. Why?" Leisurely posture light tone to HuangFuYi a long time not.
Who is she?
Who the hell is she?
Second sister, she said that her voice is so similar to that of second sister?
Dead! Dead! They’re dead!
Gu Qi lay prone to tears.
That’s right. The ragged hair was pulled to the ground by Lu Tianyou’s whip with a crutch. The beggar was Gu Qi, and it was Ningyuan Hou Fushi.
Three years ago, under the orders of his father, he led 5,000 chosen men from another road to the rear of the Jin Guo army to burn the grain and grass, and then cooperated with his father to lead the army to attack the Jin Jin army in one fell swoop, but when we disembarked, the other side seemed to know that their battle plan was generally ambushed before they got close to the grain and grass, and surrounded him with 5,000 chosen men for a crazy attack.
Perhaps considering his identity, the soldiers tried their best to help him break out of the encirclement of 8 Jin Army regardless of his wishes.
Back to Beijing, he will go back to Beijing to plead guilty to the emperor.
Father died in battle, and tens of thousands of soldiers died in battle.
Only when he returns to the capital and asks the emperor to punish him can he feel at ease.
However, I don’t know which people have been chasing him to stop him from returning to Beijing.
He was seriously injured in the fight and his legs were disabled.
He can pretend to be a beggar and try his best to go to Beijing if he has to hunt down and escape.
I didn’t expect him to go to Beijing for more than three years.
I didn’t expect that all my relatives died tragically three years ago.
Mother, three sisters, younger brothers and people in the government died tragically by the assassin’s sword.

"Elder … I don’t know if it’s your view …"

The foreign Terran Holy King in that domain also shivered and said that he had just let the other side roll.
"Let’s go"
Liu Chen raised my hand and pressed the small stubborn son. This is said to the Terran Holy King.
Several holy kings of the Sun clan turned around and wanted to leave as they thanked Amnesty repeatedly.
"Did I let you go?"
Lu Chen light way suddenly several holy kings of the Sun family froze again.
"Predecessors ….. we have never spoken insults, so it must be so aggressive?"
The holy king of the Sun clan looks ugly, but he doesn’t know that the man is aiming at himself, and his body can’t stop shaking because the golden dragon in Tamio is drooling over himself.
At least the Great Sage!
He concluded that because the golden dragon was so magnificent, he was like an ant in front of him
"I seem to be in a bad mood with the Sun clan. I was disturbed just after I got back."
Lu Chen sighed with emotion, "I’ll leave it to you."
"It’s a master"
Little Nian ‘er is rubbing her hands. She has always been unhappy with the Sun clan. Before she set foot on the ancient road, the Sun clan had already arrived from outside the country. Beidou was very unfriendly and cruel to the local terrans.
At that time, she was also a contemporary enemy of the young people. She was really willing but unable to face the old king of the Sun clan. Now that the ancient road has returned, even the old and strong are not her opponents.
"You … you are the Eucharist with the missing sun!"
Suddenly, one of the three holy kings of the Sun was shocked and recognized the identity of Xiao Nian.
More than a hundred years ago, Xiao Yao ‘er killed several suns before leaving Beidou. At that time, he was chased by the Sun clan, and then he stepped on the ancient road. The Sun clan could not find Xiao Yao ‘er.
"You’re not on the ancient road? It’s only been a hundred years since I came back! ?”
The sun was shocked and said with disbelief.
Through the ages, I don’t know how many tianjiao people have stepped on the ancient road of stars, but few people can come back alive, even if they can come back alive, it will be at least hundreds of years later
"The ancient road is full of fun … I’m back."
Small stubborn son cold way forward immediately changed almost some disrespectful claim in front of the master.
Well, blame the dog masters and them!
A few holy kings of the sun are even more frightened. Have you already beaten all the ancient enemies of Terran from the King of the Light of the Beidou a hundred years ago? ?
Their hearts are unwilling to fight together, but they are suppressed by the vast sun’s holy power in an instant
As a result, the beauty of the little girl became colder after searching for the soul.
"What’s the matter?"
Lu Chen probably knows what happened in his heart, but he still can’t be the prophet.
"Master ….. the sun came for the little pupil pupil pupil now he don’t know life and death …"
Small Yao son show eyebrows slightly wrinkled obviously very worried.
Although she often beat her brother since she was a child, it doesn’t mean that she doesn’t spoil her brother. After all, she is her own brother.
Besides, it is said that the eldest sister was a teenager when she was born, and she was holding a belt every day when Ye was a little girl.
"Go back to Beidou to find out the situation first."
Probably know something about the plot. Lu Chen is not worried about Ye Fandi’s life, but it depends. Is Ye Fan not home yet?
What is said is probably familiar because it is normal for the former explorers to insert some small changes in the details of the plot because of the hidden world.
No one should dare to die and change the plot. I’m afraid it will be destroyed by the causal force of this world.
What happened to Ziwei Star Domain? Liu Chen told me that it’s just some great sages. Leng Yue can easily handle temporary worries.
And the real distance between the big dipper domain and Ziwei domain is not far. After exploring the coordinates on his side, his speed can be ten percent.
An old man in a suspended warship around Beidou opened his eyes and looked at Lu Chen and his little son falling in the direction of Beidou.
"It seems that Chengxian Road is really about to start, and even these characters are coming to Beidou. Does he look … so young?"
The old quasi-emperor muttered to himself with doubts in his eyes. In his perception, Lu Chen seemed to be full of life and blood, like a real young man.
Chapter one thousand one hundred and thirty-two Reunion of old friends The Great Sage dining tables
Liu Chen first took his little son to the holy city of Zhongzhou, which is a good place to get information.
After many years, he was also deeply touched when he came back here. He once held his own ancient city, Qing Di Emperor, soldiers and night kings, and fought to protect the recovery of the God King.
I also had a stormy bet with Ye Fan here.
Today, the holy city is still the bustling area of Beidou, and it is a good place to find out information.
Lu Chen stopped a monk at random to ask for advice and learned what had happened for more than a hundred years.
Xiao Nian ‘er didn’t brag. Since Ye Fan, she has been regarded as the man of the year in Beidou. It’s even more miserable for the younger generation to beat many tianjiao people in the ancient clan and dare to play in foreign visitors.
The young tianjiao of the Sun clan provoked Tiancun and was almost killed by Xiao Nian.
This is also a disaster. One day, there was no master in the village, and Xiao Nian was under great pressure. I just felt that no one in my generation could fight and meet the requirements of the master, so I set foot on the ancient road to pursue Lu Chen’s footsteps.
Only after stepping on the ancient road did I find that the master … was lost.
"Alas, the Eucharist is in the same strain, but the natural endowment of the leaf pupil has been chased by the sun clan. I heard that several senior strong people will be seriously injured, and they will also pull their arms and thighs to put bloody decorations in the sun clan’s territory to shock the pack."
A Terran monk sighed with emotion that "Terran predecessors seem to have left this ancient star in recent years, and it’s not so easy for Tianjiao, who was once brilliant."
Although Jiuyou Gai deterred the ancient people many years ago, with more and more powerful people coming to this ancient star, he became more and more reckless.
"What about the big black dog? Didn’t it shoot? "
Xiao Nian ‘er didn’t say Uncle Dog, mainly because she didn’t want to let Beidou know that she was back too early. Because the Master hasn’t made a statement yet, she is worried about her brother and his friends in Tianmu.
"From the black dog, it … although it is hateful, it is indeed a powerful force in the Eucharist, but I don’t know if it is true or not when I heard a test array pattern decades ago."
The holy monk said that he was not sure after listening to the words.
My little son was dumbfounded and said something that made him lose himself. It seems normal to enlarge the black dog’s body if it is ridiculous to let others go.
Lu Chen also wanted to laugh when he heard this. After all, the Black Emperor had a good time, but he was miserable. These students came to Beidou to experience Tiancun.
He knows that Qingtian Village has moved out of the Big Dipper because of the chaos in the Big Dipper. Can anyone know that it is the Black Emperor who came to Beidou with his young players to experience?

At that moment, Zhuge Yue was surprised, and the bottom of my heart gave birth to a feeling of despair. I couldn’t kill each other and I couldn’t destroy each other. Is it so good?

-dividing line-
South Lichuan side also thought of a way to look at the false plan to "by the way, that didn’t count just now …"
But the other party is not stupid enough to ask, "What didn’t count just now is that I won!"
"Listen, don’t you want to play a little longer?"
The other party listened to this reason and felt very reasonable! So he nodded. "Well, let’s play again!"
"Let’s guess again this time. If we lose, we can win!"
Nan Lichuan thought that he would turn everything upside down this time. If he wants this, he will praise him for getting smarter!
If so, Nan Lichuan lost three sets in a row and won!
At this time of the other party, it seems that it has increased its strength. "Does it count that we will start again? Chapter 61 is not to say that we should not hit our faces (4)
At this time, the other party seems to have risen. "Is it not that we will start again!"
"How not! Just now, you were greedy and said you wanted to play more! So we have to continue, but now I’m tired and don’t want to play! " South Lichuan also played a role of being dependent at this time!
The other person’s eyes are watery with anger as if they will cry at any time!
Nan Lichuan made a face behind him and pointed to his temple. "You are still too young to compare with my brain!"
He’s really bursting with a sense of accomplishment. This is the first person who is more stupid than him. Hahahaha … Actually, he almost wanted to play more games with each other just now!
But unlike that man, he has a month and a month, and now it’s his department. Yueyuean can’t keep playing …
As soon as he got it, he immediately ran to Zhuge Yue’s side, where the fight was in full swing. As soon as the other side saw Nan Lichuan running, they were cruel and prepared to take him hostage to avoid injury to Nan Lichuan. Zhuge Yue also broke out at this time, which had never been brave and courageous before!
Immediately step by step to South Lichuan to pull up …
At this time, the night is like a stranger, and I have solved my own fake. Although I am one step behind Zhuge Yue, it is actually more and more difficult to upgrade because of the higher the level!
When he approached Zhuge Yue, Zhuge Yue keenly saw that the fake behind him had revived and stabbed the night like a stranger!
"Be careful …" As soon as she screamed loudly, she saw that the night was stabbed like a stranger, and suddenly his white shirt was stained with blood, and his pupils suddenly enlarged a few minutes!
Zhuge Yue forgot all the expressions at this time, so he just looked at him and didn’t know what to do for a second!
The night is as keen as a stranger, and the sword is broken directly by hand, and the body swings quickly to pull out the remaining piece …
Everyone has fallen into an unfavorable state. They are all living people with feelings, and the other person is already a person who has no feelings and is always energetic. This is like fighting hard!
At this time, Nan Lichuan, who has always been slow, attacked his brain and said, "Aren’t you most afraid of drinking every month?"
Zhuge Yue’s mind was lit by a big light bulb. This sentence really gave her a limit …
If these people are copied by them, they are bound to be as afraid of things as they have the same shortcomings!
Then she secretly thought of a way in her own mind, that is, not to take someone to learn a Tian Ji horse racing!
Tian Ji, the general of Qi State, likes horse racing very much. He once agreed with Qi Weiwang to have a race.
They agreed to divide their horses into third-class races, and they should be horse-to-horse, middle-to-horse and middle-to-middle.
Horse-to-horse races have been held several times in Tian Ji, because each class of horses in Qi Weiwang is much better than that in Tian Ji.
Then Tian Ji’s good friend Sun Bin suggested waiting for the horse to lose the first game against Qi Weiwang.
Then take the medium horse to win, and finally take the medium horse to win another game!
Although this is still a solution to the root problem, it can finally be temporarily delayed. Copy these to stop 6. Isn’t chapter 6 agreed not to hit the face (5)
Although this is still a solution to the root problem, it can finally be temporarily delayed when these copies are stopped!
"Ogawa ….." Zhuge Yue put his hand on Nan Lichuan’s shoulder. "This is your cleverest and most powerful time!"
I don’t know where to put my hands when I hear Zhuge Yue boasting about South Lichuan!
He smiled at Zhuge Yuejing and waited for her to pick up the message!
Zhuge Yue said softly, "I’m giving you an important one. Go and find out what’s strange around here. This is the most serious game. I hope you do your best!"
"Yes, I will do it well every month!"
Everyone else is United in preparing for Nanlichuan, and Zhuge Yue recognizes that there is no smoke without fire. These fakes can appear again and again, so there must be something wrong with the certificate!
Nan Lichuan looked very carefully, even if there were some fakes, he almost hit himself on the back with a fist. He knew that one punch would make him die!
But he still keeps looking for things. He believes in him every month!
He has never let him down once a month, and every time he is full of gains!
So when he didn’t move, he was almost hit by that fist and vomited blood to death. Someone always appeared behind him and got rid of the copy!
He just found all the way and suffered from the crisis, but he was not hurt at all!
In this way, he searched everywhere and found no mystery. He was not a little upset. He paid so much, but he found nothing!

Lu Chen turned his head and explored dozens of figures in the distance, all of which were the strongest in the end, reaching the fourth order of the end.

Jiang Li pulled up Liu Chen and cast his escape technique and rushed at the black whirlpool.
And those noble people with deep blood also found Lu Chen, and they sped up and rushed in their direction.
Lu Chen pulled out the regicide’s clothes and was ready to enter the fighting state. However, he was held down by the elder Jiang Li. "Liu Xian’s nephew saves some energy. There is still a long way to go. You may have to go alone."
"Ginger elder you …"
Before Lu Chen finished speaking, he felt a strong force to throw Lu Chen into the dark whirlpool in Jiang Li’s evasion.
They are all great monks at the final level, but this strange desert is not as fast as the outside world. In an instant, Jiang Li will judge that they will be chased by deep blood nobles, and someone must break up.
There are a lot of nobles with deep blood who dare to be sent to explore the forbidden area. Naturally, they are strong. There are more than a dozen in the third-order degree of the final realm alone, and there are two nobles with fourth-order strength in the final realm.
Lu Chen looked back, leaving only seven predecessors to block the road with Jiang Li, and all the fighting forces broke out with all the immortal light, ready to fight to the death.
His mind trembled and he grasped the blood of regicide in his hand, and he was confused for the first time on the battlefield.
His battlefield has always been the last one, but today someone is behind him.
Is it a shame? He didn’t know
"Let’s go!"
Senior Ji Shanhai from the royal family of Daxia roared and rushed to several noble people with deep blood, "They all crushed you!"
Liu Chen’s foot stepped on the line and the secret disappeared away without looking back.
Behind him, when the forbidden killing method bombards, the sky rings, life burns and growls, and the death comes and falls …
He is not so sentimental. The moment Elder Jiang Li throws him out, he will understand that if they rush towards the entrance of the whirlpool, they will be caught up. It will be ten deaths and one life must be delayed, otherwise no one will arrive.
Elder Jiang Li’s judgment is correct, and so is his rushing into the whirlpool. But what?
What, his mouth is bleeding, and his teeth are so tight?
These predecessors had a good sense of death from the time they set out, so that they could send themselves into the depths of the original mine, and nearly half of them fell all the way, but he was unscathed.
"When people die, they will die. They have lived enough to fight for a future for future generations!"
In the distance, the elders of Jiang Li were covered with double axe totems, and the nobleman with the strongest source of blood killed him and let him laugh wildly in the battle. "Old Roots don’t want to ask for a bunch of cowardly goods, but they want to chase me. My nephew Liu Xian stepped over the old body first."
He was like a totem, and in the end, the whole humanization was dark, leaving only a few Shou Yuan’s crazy burning power soaring, but one enemy and two stopped the strongest two deep-blooded nobles
"When the race wants to die, it will be you."
That noble old man with deep blood can command his department with surging blood. "You go after Lu Chen. That’s the entrance. Don’t let him in."
Lu Chen, forbidden to step on his feet, rushed into the dark vortex and prayed in his heart that this vortex has four time zones in a year. He prayed that God would take care of the star that buried the gods once and not let those predecessors die in vain.
When he was rushing to the dark whirlpool, he received a sound in his ear. He was a little tired. "Brother Liu Xian’s nephew Tianhua has a sentence for me to tell you that if you don’t want to shoot after you go in, don’t come out. It’s never too late for the secret blood fighters to take revenge."
Lu Chen looked back at the predecessors who buried the gods. After all, there were seven people and two people in the end. The second-level source blood aristocrats had approached him, and only Jiang Li in the crowd was still fighting bloody battles.
His moves greatly stopped most of the deep-blooded nobles from growling, "If you fight in the same world, you will all be native dogs!"
At his words, his totem suddenly broke up, but those noble people with deep blood all turned to retreat quickly.
The fairy gods’ bones burst into the sky in the desert, and the old elder Wuwanggu blew himself up.
Seven Terran strongmen fought thirty-four deep-blooded aristocrats and missed two. None of them could instantly pose a death threat to Lu Chen. The strong man was released.
Lu Chen rushed to the dark whirlpool before gnashing his teeth.
His roaring whirlpool didn’t start him into a corner, and it was meaningless for his predecessors to fight for it.
He turned out to cut the knife to the two strong men, and the mysterious blood of the magic grain appeared on his face, and the forbidden art was lifted again.
Cause and effect knife meaning emerge so that two blood can pass by by themselves.
"Liu Chennian, your generation of tianjiao Romon’s adult said that if you want to carve your soul brand, you will be accepted as a war slave."
The deep blood noble smile mouth.
Lu Chen looked at the distant desert filled with dust and sand, and the sky was full of blood and rain. "Fight your mother!"

Hear small sunny so worried about Yang Xiao and Zhang Dianfei two people looked at each other for a silence!

Thoughtfully for a moment, Yang Xiao said hesitantly, "Why don’t we just stay around here! In this way, if something happens, we can also rescue it! "
Zhang Dianfei and Xiao Qing looked at each other and didn’t know what to say! From here, although they can reach the misty hill quickly, it still takes an hour! None of them can predict what will happen during this period! But there is nothing else they can do!
"no! Can’t let the boss be in danger! " Suddenly, the fat boy said with a red face, "So … What should I do?" After hearing what Fat Boy said, Yang Xiao turned red.
After hearing Yang Xiao’s words, Fat Boy couldn’t help but lower his head and frown slightly and think hard!
"I … I …" Fat boy hesitated for a long time but couldn’t say a way.
"That’s right! We can go to Xiao Ran! " Suddenly Zhang Dianfei said with a face of awakening.
"Xiao Ran?" Yang Xiao eyes are not a bright! Indeed, no matter how they say it, they are playing the Xiaoran flag! If they can get Xiao Ran here, all the difficulties will be solved.
"Then let’s hurry to find him!" Xiao Qing looked up with a face of joy and said!
"Wait! If we call Xiao Ran, how can we explain things here to him? " Suddenly Yang Xiao frowned.
"Just say that my boss is closing!" Fat lift up your little head a face of dignified and said
"good! Just do it! " Thought for a moment, Yang Xiao nodded and agreed, except this explanation, it’s not easy to explain.
At this moment, Yang Xiao’s three eyes looked at the fat boy.
"I’ll take you there! Xiao Ran will definitely come! " Maybe it’s the thought of a way for Zhang Xiaotian to avoid danger. Fat boy said very heartily.
"Wait a minute!" Just as several people were preparing to go out, Zhang Dianfei suddenly shouted.
Three people stop shape qi qi looked Zhang Dianfei.
"Just now, it suddenly occurred to me that we killed the black ghost town in Tiangui! Will Xiao Ran kill us directly when we go there? " Zhang Dianfei was hesitant and said slowly, inexplicably.
After hearing Zhang Dianfei say this sentence, Yang Xiaodi and Xiao Qing can’t help but think of it! His face immediately became embarrassed.
"Yes! That dark place is dead. Xiao Ran must hate us! " Xiao Qing hesitated and said
"No! Xiao Ran will definitely come! " Just when three people are in trouble, fat boy shook his little head and said with a face of anxiety
"Fat boy! That Heiyou and Xiaoran were famous figures thousands of years ago! They must have known each other for thousands of years. Xiao Ran and my brother only knew each other a little, but when they were young, they were killed by the eldest sister-in-law and he pulled them to help out. Can he leave us alone? " Bowed their heads and looked at the fat Yang Xiao said with a wry smile.
"And XiaoRan and earth treasure not shallow! What if Xiao Ran shows something and tells the earth treasure king about us? " Zhang Dianfei said again.
I don’t want to know that there are really many problems with this idea!
In a short time, Yang Xiaodi and several of them overthrew this just-figured-out way.
"Let’s go back and find a place closer!" After a while, Xiao Qing looked at Yang Xiao and three people said again
"hmm!" Zhang Dianfei sighed slightly and nodded. Fat boy also hung his little head and stopped talking.
So four people again to the misty hills!
"Elder brother said ghost emperor level ghost repair spirit induction range up to a thousand miles! The two ghost emperor level ghost repair at most is the ghost emperor mid-repair! The spiritual induction range is 500 miles at most. Shall we stay 600 miles away from that misty hill? " After flying for a while, Yang Xiao asked to export
"good!" Zhang Dianfei and Xiao Qing nodded and said that everything should be protected against eleven thousand. The two ghost emperors have a special spirit. Find out the scope farther than other ghost emperors. This hundred miles is the buffer range.
Say that finish four people to fall, at this time they are very close to the misty hill.
When I got to the place, Yang Xiao and four people just found a hill and even lived!
Sorry! Yesterday, Jinsha was in such a bad state that it was impossible to code! Sorry! Jinsha is busy today! So many yards! Khan … Jinsha can’t promise anything more. Try to update as much as possible on time after you can say it …)
Chapter two hundred and forty-nine Xiao days away
The top of the misty hill! Three evil spirits are discussing together.
"Eldest brother! There is nothing on the top of this mountain but this fog. Do you think we should go in? " Blue evil spirit frowning look aside purple evil spirit export asked.
"Second brother! The fog outside made us stay in the park for two months and suffered a lot! This fog inside is worse than outside! What if we go in and can’t get out? " After hearing the blue words, the black face said
Is bowed their heads and meditation purple evil spirit heard these words can’t help but face some hesitation said "two pieces of fog outside here is law! I was just wondering how this array came about, and what’s the difference between the ghost man and this array! "
"Isn’t this a natural array?" Hear purple evil spirit so hesitate blue evil spirit and black evil spirit expression is not from one leng asked some doubts.
"I was still a natural array, but now I think there are many questions!" Purple evil spirit shook his head and said slowly
"The fog is four months first suddenly appeared! Before this fog appeared, the spirit beast lived in this hill and didn’t feel anything strange! In addition, the general natural array is not too powerful when it is just formed! And when we came in, the two arrays were powerful! And these LingShi! The natural array in hell doesn’t need lingshi, but there are some lingshi here! And when I came in, I saw the ghost and her three companions throwing soul stones into the fog! So I don’t think this array root is naturally formed, but the ghost and her friends! " Purple evil spirit slowly express their doubts and finally say for sure
"People cloth? What are they doing with this array? " Blue and black are stupefied.
Three people were silent for a moment and finally looked at the fog in the top of the mountain.
"Is it because of this formation?" The three men looked at each other and questioned at the same time.
"What’s in this array?" Three people question again.
Just as the three people wondered, the fog on the top of the mountain churned violently.
Seeing the fog on the top of the mountain churning violently, the three evil spirits can’t help but brighten their eyes! Keep a close eye on the fog
At the same time, Yang Xiao exclaimed, "No! My brother is going to fight! "
So in Yang Xiao, when the words sound just fell, four streams of time went up into the sky and rushed to fly out of the misty hills.
Zhang Xiaotian’s plan is to play for half a year, but they forget to calculate how long Zhang Xiaotian can persist in the law!
Four months is a long time! Although Zhang Dianfei has to be recorded in it for the longest half a year, it was impossible to get out of Zhang Dianfei, and during that half a year, the essence of Zhang Dianfei’s mind was going to collapse several times.
The most important thing is that Zhang Xiaotian’s entry into the array this time is almost an illusion of devotion! Is to save time! The longer it takes, the more changes there will be. When Zhang Xiaotian dares not wave a spark! As a result, Zhang Xiaotian had to go out during these four months.
Outside the misty hills, Eagle Nine and Niu Tong are watching the scene of the crowd’s competition, but now four streams are flying in the distance! In my heart, I can’t help but be alert and wait until four streamers are close to Eagle Nine and Niutong, so I can rest assured! Heart also relieved at the same time turned out to be Yang Xiao to four people!