He freed his hand to get out of the way of the robe.

All his clothes were stripped to reveal his strong chest, strong abdominal muscles and full of bullets.
Taking off his clothes, he stripped her of her silk nightgown.
When he buried his head in her chest and his wet lips stirred up layers of love fire in her sensitive parts, she couldn’t help shivering and moaning.
"no!" Her body has been soft but hard to push his voice is more attractive than resisting it. "Wenxuan can’t really have children …"
Hua Wenxuan, a tingle filled with crazy in love, was awakened by these two words and returned to reason. He slumped to the side and was panting by his younger brother’s sword.
"Do I have to abstain from sex for ten months?" He turned to insatiability to look at her.
"Not really." She is still a little reluctant to let go of such a question. "It seems that it is ok to be careful when it is necessary to ban China in the first three months and the last three months."
"But what do I want you to do now?" He stretched out his hand and hugged her to rub her in front of him, feeling more and more hungry.
Her little head was buried in his arms and she didn’t speak, and she didn’t know what to do.
He grabbed her hand and forced it on his younger brother. She was so scared that she quickly pulled her hand back, but he held it down.
Section 5
He is as hard as iron and as warm as fire, as if every cell is clamoring for it.
"Can you help me?" He whispered close to her ear and licked her earlobe.
"How can I help?" She’s a little scared, but she doesn’t want to see him suffer like this.
He whispered two words in her ear, and she was so ashamed that she could pretend to be deaf.
"Wife, I feel uncomfortable!" He pulled her up and held her face. She saw in his eyes that he was forbearing, "Give me what you love, give me all your departments, okay?"
He kissed her lips again, described them carefully, rolled them gently, and then slowly leaned into his body, constantly sticking to her as if eager to please the sex slave.
"Good wife, help me!" He begged her to reach out and gently rub her in the most attractive part of her body until she couldn’t stop wheezing.
"Wenxuan don’t!" She tried to escape, but she couldn’t help getting closer to him
"Call me husband!" He was flirting in her ear.
"Husband! Give me a break! " She clung to him desperately, wanting to beg for mercy.
"Okay, I’ll spare you, but you have to save me first!" His voice was hoarse and he endured very hard. "If you don’t help me, I’m going to die!"
Listening to his pleading, looking at his face tortured by lust and his body hitting her like a soldering iron from time to time, her heart softened.
She slipped slowly from him and left a shallow kiss on his Adam’s apple.
He suddenly rolled a pair of hands in his throat and grabbed the sheet with great strength.
She gently and shallowly stretched all the way to the atrium to eat strawberries around her navel and finally stopped at that towering place.
It’s the first time I’ve seen this magnificent and high-spirited artifact alive in front of me after living so much.
A little creepy
She was too scared to open her eyes.
"wife!" Hua Wenxuan can’t bear to call it out and push up her ass and send it to her.
She held the object tightly with a horizontal hand and opened her mouth to contain it.
At the weekend, Hua Wenxuan drove the car to move Shen Xintang’s things, and the two formally lived together.
A few days later, the two also went to the hospital for an examination to make sure Shen Xintang was pregnant.
Both of them are very happy that Hua Wenxuan is also planning to go back to their hometown with Shen Xintang to visit her parents to discuss marriage.
Come to HuaWenXuan means that because he is also busy and Shen Xintang is pregnant, it is not convenient to travel long distances. He thinks it is best to bring his parents to the sea, and then arrange for their parents to meet after he has obtained their consent.
However, it’s just the time when the family is busy with farming. They can’t leave Wenxuan for nothing.
Shen Xintang’s magazine has recruited new people. She has become less busy in the company, but she was still shocked when she was paid.
"How did my salary get more?" She found the editor-in-chief and asked in wonder, "and what about this 20 thousand bonus?"
"This is a decision," the editor-in-chief said with a smile. "You have done a good job in the company and have been working hard. This time, the advertising department and the distribution department have achieved good results. There are some benefits for senior employees, including the year-end bonus in previous years and the high-temperature allowance for housing stickers, car stickers and traffic stickers … Anyway, it is to give you more money, not to deduct it. Just take it with peace of mind."
"Is that right? Is that for everyone? " Shen Xintang wanted to think about her qualifications. She is really an old company member.
Because the company’s efficiency is not very good, and there is no year-end bonus, many people leave after a long time.
"Not everyone has it. Only those who have made great contributions to the company have it." Yu ‘an still walked over. "Are you and President Hua getting married soon? Will you stay in the company class after marriage? In fact, the company gives you a raise to keep you. "
"Thank you, editor-in-chief and thank you very much for the company’s cultivation." Shen Xintang nodded with great loyalty. "I won’t abandon the company if the company doesn’t abandon me!"
It is said that the iron camp and the flowing water soldiers go high, but Shen Xintang is a stubborn man. He treats the company like a lover, and he doesn’t want to move to one place.
She said that after a long time in the company, she had feelings and didn’t want to leave.
Money? I wish I could spend enough.
Anyway, she has no ambition to rent a car if she can’t afford a house. It is a consumption. She has to eat three meals and have a job, so she has no idea.
The most important thing is that she deeply felt that she was so happy after contacting the backward place like the cave tribe.
So I lost my fighting spirit.
Well, actually, she’s a huge loser
☆ Chapter 11 Less land ☆
Shen Xintang happily took the paycheck and put it in her bag. Everything has been going smoothly recently. The life-long event has also been decided, and her life value has been affirmed because of a raise …
Life is perfect!
But think about why the company didn’t give her a raise early or late, but why did it do so at this time?
The editor-in-chief said that the advertising department and the distribution department had a good benefit. Isn’t it that the distribution department and the head of the advertising department went to Huaxuantang together?
At that time, Hua Wenxuan also kicked her out of the meeting room.
There must be something fishy!
She called Hua Wenxuan in a hurry to get some news from him, but it was on the phone.
She hung up temporarily and called Hua Wenxuan later.
Hua Wenxuan got the message that it was a private detective.
The other party said that Lin Lang’s footprint was found on the Yunnan border, and Lin Lang had plans to flee to Myanmar.
The other side also said that their troops were all injured in the conflict in Lin Lang, and they recently asked him for financial support.
The other party sent the photos of Lin Lang’s absconding to Hua Wenxuan for acceptance, and Hua Wenxuan transferred a sum of money to the other party. The other party said that he would bring Lin Lang back to the sea as soon as possible.
The moonlit breeze is soft in the quiet border town of Lin Lang, which comes out of an alley and clings to the wall and looks around warily.
I never thought that I would hide in hiding like this one day. I have never been so embarrassed and tired as I am now. It is because I made a small mistake that he dare not face it because I don’t want to implicate his beloved.

(Could it be Shangxian? "Holler chuai is not unreasonable. The 4th Air Force’s spring bombing fleet was still in Slovakia during the day, and the pilots in Suiguo estimated that there were only a few hundred Soviet fighters lurking there.

Maybe! Male root closed gills eyes, hand holding nose beam bone end gently saved the cangue "hai 222 should help sharp fighter forces which came to cut into MuEr owe fried fire extinguishers when fu Wei scattered to the winter war remnants! "
"Since calcium dobesilate capsules has reached such a fate," let’s do our best to implement it! "Zhen le goodwill she urged.
Logan retorted and said, "I want to arrange it according to what Qi Xiong said!"
Compared with the war minister of Cheqing Imperial Army, Holler is much more experienced in the actual speech. Before the special train arrived in Berlin, he had already delivered the details to the corresponding two aviation troops and airports.
The military train didn’t just enter Potsdam Feng in the urban area of Berlin, but stopped at a small platform sheath near Junyue Airport in the western suburbs of Berlin for several hours, and then returned to Mizuho from Romanian Qin Ruiyi. General Wolfgang von richter swore that she was very dusty.
"Hello again at last, General!" Luo Genzhi met with an uncharacteristic hot orange in the Yuan office, but richthofen responded with courtesy and politeness. I can see that he is very tired and his eyes are always shaking.
The main reason is that the First Jumping Army suffered heavy losses in Romania. If it were not for the end of the Crete War, the German troops deployed in Greece would have rushed to the Romanian battlefield. The First Jumping Han would have continued to fight the powerful Soviet residual air group in the south after losing its fighter planes and late dive bombers.
Now, like the first army, the five regiments that suffered the most losses were forced to be reorganized, and the squadrons of Shangcai fighting capacity were scattered and filled up, and they were still holding on to each regiment, and the whole Romania was handed over to the first. General geissler, the officer in charge of the panic army, had to get out of the complicated army and return to Berlin to report on the situation of the southern remnants. Most of the officers and soldiers and civilians still didn’t know that they had moved to Potsdam, a suburb of Berlin, to settle down a seat for richthofen and bring a cup of hot coffee to the regular soldiers. In turn, he comforted, "Don’t worry, the cooks are working overtime to make new fighters and bombers, and it won’t be long before the first aviation and the first army, which suffered heavy losses in Poland, can be rebuilt! In addition, based on the excellent actual combat performance of the new Woolf fighter, we are going to form 6 new Woolf fighter wings, one of which will be assigned to the first one! "
"We have damaged the skilled pilots!" Richthofen cupped his coffee cup in his hands. "What’s worse, our pilots now have a fear of swarming Soviet fighters. That is, a person is being spared by mustard flies, and he will feel scared at the sight of mustard snails!"
"This metaphor is really" Logan was very surprised, but he thought that he had never been in a war before, and he could feel the true feelings of the pilots by relying on the atmosphere he imagined.
Richseed Hoffen is very handsome. She calls Logan "the cabinet of war ministers". He is extremely serious. She said, "The steep soil is a serious trick, but I still sincerely hope that the war department will consider sending more fighters to the southern line. Only one day will we plan to completely stock them!"
Logan stared. "Yuan has never thought about putting things on the stack, and so have we, but we have no more fighter units to deploy! Fact "yuan play for zai" tonight will be two zha air force sent to the execution and Czech her area, blocking the Soviet union to Austria found the pile into! "
"Audley?" Obviously, richthofen didn’t realize that the situation in other battles was very bad. He insisted heavily, "I personally think that if the current situation is not changed, General geissler’s first, our first and our last remaining troops can hold up for another week at most!"
Logan didn’t understand her and said, "But we have been fighting with Soviet talents for less than a week, and the situation is changing every day!"
"Maybe it’s because the report didn’t really reflect the reality of the battlefield!" Richthofen was very worried, saying, "Because our fighter plane Bunny closely protected the Romanian oil field from the Soviet Union, there has actually been a big gap in the battlefield in the South Stack. However, the defensive actions of the defense forces and the Romanian army have been hampered by the Soviet Union, and the situation is deteriorating every day. Once the Soviet Union breaks through the Romanian oil field in Fukemini-Galac, it will be over. Sui Guo Oil should be greatly cut off!"
It took Rogan a long time to sink, and then he said, "In the new situation that the soil defense is not very stable, we are forced to deploy heavy troops to fill the gap in Slovakia. If we deploy another army to Romania, what should we do to fill the gap?"
Richthofen sighed. "So," our 6th Army should adapt to the lack of talent to support the battle, instead of thinking of Smika in the special situation of lacking firepower! "
"I’m afraid so!" Logan was also very shaken and said, "In a few months, I’m afraid our troops will be given aid to the battlefields everywhere like wooden villages. It’s better to be bitter first than sweet first!" “
Chapter 62 chess language
Minister of war, I think the defense plan of one tear and ten strokes should be deleted. If it can be completely implemented, we have a great chance to turn the tide in three to four weeks! "
Slightly shaking the train carriage, Feng Sui, the general of the aviation soldier, Tilf von richthofen leaned forward at an angle of about 10,000 degrees, supported his hands on the wooden rectangular table, and his eyes just shifted from the war map to his front.
Opposite him is a young and handsome Major General of Imperial Army. His posture of holding his head high and holding his chest high is like a rooster who is still passionate when he meets a strong enemy. His black head is still full of suppleness in the wall lamp, but his original intense eyes are full of deep tiredness.
"The problem is that we don’t have that long to verify this plan! Because Yuan insists on his own judgment, we have transferred two main aviation troops to Austria and the Czech Republic, and the defense forces left by the original defense system make up for the efficiency of doing so. But if he refuses to accept Yuan’s order, the result is likely to be another person to take over the actual command of the army. Nowadays, the German army has enough qualifications and ranks, but he has climbed from the bottom through a series of rare opportunities!
"Ah, we yuan" richthofen sighed, saying neither wrong nor right, but sighed with emotion, "As far as strategic choice is concerned, China has its own advantages in carrying out soil defense or dividing its troops to guard all fronts, but handsome people should insist on going to the battlefield after making a judgment. The most taboo is to swing from side to side, but they can’t divide their troops and worry about it!"
"I don’t think so." Logan put his fist on the wooden table and stared at the map around the war in Central and Eastern Europe. "The more we need to accurately judge the enemy’s next move in this situation, but the intelligence department has the Soviet army to deploy information to us." The general doesn’t mind a war chess deduction. "
"Of course not!" Richthofen did not hesitate to say, "I will play the Soviet side."
"hmm!" Rogan picked up a pencil and drew directly beside the map. He said casually, "You are Shmushkevich now. You still have 10,000 planes that can touch the war at any time, including about fighter planes, agricultural planes and bombers, and more than 1,000 important transport planes and auxiliary planes! Some of these planes are deployed in Ukraine to deal with the team deployed in Romania, and the rest are deployed in Poland! In addition to these, there may be hundreds of new planes just transferred from the rear. Let’s just call it a fight! Well, this amazing army will be completely deployed by you. "
"Insert a word to fight the Minister’s Cabinet!" Richthofen raised his eyebrows and said, "If I am Shmushkevich, do I need to get the approval of the Soviet Supreme Commander and the Military Commission before implementing some war operations?
"Huh?" This frightened Logan, who had never considered that he had stopped moving for two days and seemed to have found a clue to the strange behavior of the Soviet Russian army
"Let’s just say that I am a combination of Shmushkevich and Stalin." richthofen quickly searched the map and picked up a red pencil. He drew two horizontal lines in the German defense line in central Poland and near the German border in depth. "Since bombing German targets day and night must pay a heavy price, I will support the ground war with strong military forces, in addition to attacking the first-line positions of the German team, and cut off their troops and ammunition with the rear! In order to achieve this goal, I invested in ugly fighter jets and blade bombers. "
"Well, the Soviet army is indeed doing this at present, and the input of troops is almost the same." Rogan commented that he set a corresponding blue line along the east side of the German border and crossed the second red line drawn by richthofen. "I helped Messerschmidt fighters to carry out strict soil defense and attack Soviet aircraft entering the cordon, and had an absolute advantage in voyage and early warning."
Richthofen Xun drew a big arrow with an arc in the Slovak position. "When the war situation is unfavorable, I correspondingly contracted the regional force to attack the first line of defense of the German team and urged the 6 th Army to speed up the attack! At the same time, we invested in Tian Qi fighters and curved bombers to Slovakia in the southwest to help the 6 th Army make a breakthrough from the left wing and cut off the contact between Germany and the southern line! "
Rogan drew an arrow pointing to the southeast from the soil in a tit-for-tat manner. "We transferred the two air forces to Austria and the Czech Republic according to the great meta-instruction to build a Messerschmidt fighter plane to intercept you. You advised the fighter plane to use the razor-thin bomber to block your ground forces. With the radar deployed in eastern Austria, we still have the early warning advantage."
Richthofen thought a little "now that you have transferred some of your main forces to the south, I am faced with two choices: one is to send more reserve troops to the Slovak front, and the other is to take advantage of this small opportunity to storm the front again!" I personally choose the second one. "
Logan’s response also slowed down a little. He frowned and said, "I still have Xu Messerschmidt and Li Woolf on the front. I still carry out the closing of the mouth. In the unfavorable situation, I gave up the German border east area and deleted the first line of anti-artillery cover soil!"
"On the front, our army is still active in the area where you don’t take the initiative to attack, suppressing the ground defense of the German team. Our ground troops are likely to make a breakthrough in the short term!" Richthofen pointed to the direction of Slovakia and said, "I jumped on a plane there and firmly restrained you from brewing a fighter plane. At the same time, I also dispatched the latest fighter plane in my hand to let you swing the bomber, and our ground troops can advance all the way along the southwest of Slovakia to Austria!"
"In this situation, you will lose one plane every day, but I can’t lose four." Logan confidently gave this calculation ratio.

However, this really wait until Chai Xue they ate up to see Han Min month late.

Han jilt package didn’t good the spirit tunnel "what the hell? I managed to find it. "
"Come on, you can find half a day even if you are crazy." Chai Xue wiped her mouth and said rudely.
However, it caused Han Minyue to have a toothache. "Cher, do you always expose my old age and deliberately give me a hard time?"
"Cut also don’t know who said the somebody else know first" Chai Xue also stared at her.
"Very well, is it your treat? Somebody give me a bottle of six-year-old Lafite and a sirloin steak with pine mushrooms and foie gras. Just sign it! " Han Min month breath say that finish also don’t forget to raise your eyebrows to Chai Xue that expression is about to Chai Xue ready to bleed.
Chai Xue swallowed saliva and suddenly regretted eating too fast and too full just now. I hope Shenjin can see him drinking water calmly.
It’s hard for her to ride a tiger now. If she tells Han Min that the monthly account is Shenjin knot now, she will definitely not comply. If you don’t tell her that you are sorry again, Shen Jin will be cut off with a neck of blood; If you give him money afterwards, Shenjin will definitely not accept it.
Is this so good?
And Han Minyue doesn’t care how much it took Chai Xue to meet each other. Anyway, she has to make up for her tears before, and the best way is to have a big meal. Anyway, Chai Xue is now a wealthy family.
Chapter 57 Can’t say why.
Seeing that the clerk was going to order Chai Xue with joy, she was so frightened that the little heart hurriedly reached out and stopped the clerk who was about to turn around and said, "Wait!"
When she wants to order food, she is full of smiling faces, which is almost heart-to-heart flowers and a face of rhinoceros waiting for Chai Xuewen.
Er, yes, the sparkling starlight eyes made Chai Xue stretch out his hand and cringe, but he had to swallow saliva before he stammered, "You can directly serve the truffle foie gras, but it’s really rare for Lafite for six years, especially for a person who is used to drinking heavily. It’s a bit embarrassing for her to wait for delicacies in her hands. Let’s respect the winemakers. Just bring a bottle of Great Wall dry red wine casually. Thank you!"
"This ….." The clerk looked at Han Minyue and wanted to seek her meaning.
Presumably, at this moment, his heart is like being thrown a pot of cold water at the pledge, but his face is hard to show, so it is too much to find Han Min.
Who knows Han Minyue rolled her eyes and made no comments?
In this way, the duck will fly away, and it’s hard to say what to do.
Chai Xue heaved a sigh of relief and finally saved the purse, but I thought that the truffle foie gras hurt me again, so Uncle Han Minyue just came to burn my money!
"You te stingy! Do a wealthy family don’t tell me even if I don’t want to invite me to eat a meal, you know? My heart is cold now. "Han Minyue caressed his chest with a painful experience.
Chai Xue also sank to her heart. She could not help but earnestly say, "Min Min, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hide you, me and me …"
"You can’t talk about your difficulties, can you?" I didn’t expect Han Minyue to take over her words and look excited. "But we have always been close friends, haven’t we?" What, you don’t leave me a message and choose to leave? Can’t our friendship stand this change? Or did the life of a young housewife make you look down on ordinary people like us? "
"Ah?" Chai Xue gaped at her and almost blurted out the explanation, which was choked by Han Min’s successive confession.
"Cher is not like this. She really has difficulties." Shen Jin tried to make amends.
"Do you really think so? Then who came to ask me about her yesterday? " See ShenJin maintenance firewood Han Min month instead of red eyes almost growled at him.
Chai Xue shook his hands in surprise. "Don’t do this. It’s all my fault, Min Min. I’m sorry for you, but you are my most important friend up to now, including Jin."
Section 2
"Really?" Han Min month Chou to her reddish eyes shining with complex emotions, like unwilling, angry and sad.
"Well, not only now, but always." Chai Xueli nodded.
Han Minyue looked at her for a while and suddenly turned to Shenjin with a smile. "Do you hear that we will always be her friends?"
"Don’t repeat it if you hear it," Shen Jin replied stiffly, and the bitterness in the fundus slowly overflowed.
"I really cherish this kindness." Chai Xue suddenly felt that the atmosphere seemed to be depressed and strange, but I couldn’t say where it was strange. I looked back and forth in solitude and was afraid that Han Minyue would question her again, so I tried my best to show my heart.
If you can’t drink a truffle from Lafite, it’s a top count. Han Minyue wiped her mouth and reached for the glass in front of her. "Let’s meet again and have a toast!"
The crispness of the wine glasses when they hit each other makes the originally somewhat depressing atmosphere transient and harmonious.
Chai Xue burst into a smile and drank the wine in one breath as if to show how much he valued the friendship between the three.
And Han Minyue Shenjin gave her a look and silently drank his own wine and didn’t intend to stop it.
Chai Xue, who put down his glass, suddenly said excitedly, "Hey, I have a proposal. We finally got together. Anyway, it’s a long night. Why don’t we find a place to drink enough?"
No one agreed and no one objected. The other two were still drinking silently.
"Don’t talk just agreed! Come on, let me check out first. "Chai Xue looked very excited and made a final decision simply.
In fact, the real reason why both of them want to drink at this time is just that all kinds of words that have been entangled in her for the past two days can’t be released, so they just come to drink to burn their sorrows, but they just use the fact that three people get together as an excuse. Of course, this also contains some but it’s not.
However, they are still a little scared to add Chai Xue when they think of Chai Snowman’s drinking scene. Now it has made headlines many times and you will recognize her at a glance.
Both of them dare not compliment Chai Xue for choosing the venue, but they unanimously denied Chai Xue’s location with great perseverance.
The last two votes passed Shen Jin’s departure place.
Chai Xue frowned slightly, and then thought that his purse was saved, so he readily agreed.
When I walked out of the restaurant, it was already the beginning of the lights, and the traffic was a little blocked. Shen Jin held the car steady when two girls creaked behind him.
Shenjin saw from time to time in the rearview mirror that hip-hop was laughing and Chai Xue’s eyebrows were lingering and melancholy. It can be seen that she was just showing her heart, but she still wanted to drink and get drunk.
The reason why everyone is tacitly ignorant is that they have formed a tacit understanding for a long time, and they are very dependent on each other’s trust.
Cars are interspersed with dense traffic, and the neon lights outside are constantly changing. With the movement of cars, they gradually retreat and extend forward, covering this bustling city.
At this moment, the charm of the whole city is also fully erupted, and there are endless traffic and crowds everywhere.
Say goodbye to a tired day, people meet in groups in the bright night, in the bustling square in the colorful world … At this time of night, it is the most noisy moment in the city and the moment of getting drunk, which also means that the evening performance is coming.
For example, the night performance of Chai Xue’s three people can make several people feel at ease and get drunk without worrying about getting drunk and going back to their misery.
It’s hard for Shen Jin not only to move wine and food before and after running, but also to take care of two drunk and unconscious women, and to clean up the mess before and after, even if he is tired, he can’t complain.
Hey, who told him to come to his own house to drink?
So he has always been a gentleman. Forget it! It’s better than forcibly moving people out of the night show.
Chapter 5 is getting worse.
Chai Xue’s headline story will be diluted in a day or two as usual, but I never imagined that things were getting worse.
"How did this happen?" Chai Xue stared at the mobile phone screen in regret.
"It’s a little hateful, but the author has a good style of writing. It says,’ The wife of the president of HK Group is suspected of having a tryst, and Gao Fushuai’s husband’s restaurant is openly and sweetly eating, and the marriage is in danger.’ I said that this matter has been heated up. Why didn’t your Gao Fushuai husband come forward to clarify it?"

Yamada liked Zhen Chen very much and loved him very early.

Zhen Chen knows what she wants, but Zhen Chen’s studies have not been completed, and China and Japan are hostile. It is too much resistance for them to want to be together.
It’s impossible for Zhen Chen to stay in Japan, and it’s also impossible for Yamada to leave everything for China.
Long-distance relationships are very painful
Not to mention that the two of them are still in a foreign relationship.
Zhen Chen shook his head and said, "I don’t know if your Japanese army will withdraw from China in the future. Maybe I will go back to the sun. I’m leaving. Take care."
With tears in his eyes, Yamada nodded, "Take care of yourself, Zhen Chen."
Wang Min worships Chen Yan in some ways, but she is not white. Why does Chen Yan have such high martial arts and not go to the country to play? Instead, he is "self-destructive" and comes from a small restaurant to do odd jobs.
Miss her, Wang Min, but the progressive young people in the girls’ school are the most active female students in the school. It is a scenic limit to often give speeches on stage and March with the students.
Wang Min’s little vanity was satisfied.
She likes to be complimented.
Chen Yan’s backyard chopping wood
More than 20 kilograms of heavy axe, his hand seems as light as a thing, and the mouth of the bowl is thick with wood. Chen Yanneng can easily split it.
Chen Yan’s eyes rise and fall with the axe, and every time he chopped, he was so engrossed that Wang Min sat on the threshold and ate melons. With a smile, she looked at Chen Yan and felt that he was more and more handsome.
Focusing on men is the most attractive.
Wang Min went to the side of the Ulrich and was stopped by Ulrich before he could speak.
Chen Yan said, "Wang Minmei, don’t tell me about the country’s contribution. I haven’t solved the problem of food and clothing yet. Besides, there seems to be no war in China now. Even if I go to work in the country, I have no enemies to kill."
Now China is a warlord melee, and Chen Yan doesn’t want to interfere. He doesn’t want his hands covered with China blood, except traitors, of course.
Wang Min, who came back last night, took Chen Yan and talked about the idea of saving the country and the people in the middle of the night.
Chen Yan doesn’t like being lectured on politics, but now she is a fence, and Wang Min is a very beautiful Sichuan girl. Chen Yan put up with it.
When Wang Min reached the tip of his tongue and swallowed it back, his heart suddenly became angry. "Chen Yan, are you so hopeless and planning to sweep the land for my small restaurant for a generation?"
Chen Yan said with a smile, "A house doesn’t sweep the sky?"
Wang Min said with a cold breath, "You … you really piss me off. Ulrich, if you have the heart, I still want to be your girlfriend. Now it seems that you really can’t help the wall. I was wrong about you."

In Yangyuan Valley, the climate actually has bamboo shoots all year round. It depends on the bamboo species. If the bamboo shoots should be the most before and after the fright in the south of the East China, the most bamboo shoots here are just the beginning of the rainy season, and now it is just the right time.

Hua Zhenxing turned and walked into Kefu Garden, where there was an acre and a half of houses, and bamboo in this area was built about the thickness of a glass.
Different bamboo shoots have different stresses. For example, winter bamboo shoots are usually the kind of hoes that dig the thickness of tea cups, while this kind of bamboo shoots directly hold the roots and pull the elbows skillfully. Takaso bamboo shoots are just fresh and tender
There aren’t many roots in a dish, but Hua Zhen’s trip was very careful. He swept the whole bamboo forest in the courtyard first, and it was the most suitable to distinguish the physical properties. He didn’t pull out any place, but tried to pull out a part of the dense bamboo forest and raw bamboo shoots, which could play a role in thinning the forest and did not affect the growth of this bamboo forest
Kefu nodded with satisfaction when he looked at his back hand.
Hua Zhen pulled out a bundle of bamboo shoots and a thin bamboo thread, and finally caught a pair of bamboo chickens, picked out a dozen bamboo eggs and stuffed them into the bamboo forest with hands and things.
Ke Mengchao: "You pick a lot of bamboo shoots. You can’t get a dish."
Hua Zhen trip "I’m going to make three copies"
Ke Mengchao "No wonder you want to catch a pair of bamboo chickens. These eggs can also be used for other dishes."
Hua Zhen line "to fry tree buds … but where are the bamboo chickens here?"
There is no Toona sinensis in Yangyuan Valley, but at least a dozen tree buds can scramble eggs like Toona sinensis. There are no bamboo chickens in Yangyuan Valley, but there are still many near the bamboo forest just now.
Ke Mengchao smiled and asked, "Did you finally find out?"
Hua Zhen trip "There are pheasants here but there are no bamboo chickens. I was surprised just now."
Ke Mengchao "How do you recognize it?"
Hua Zhen trip "I haven’t seen any living things, but I’ve seen photos and videos. Lao Yang said that bamboo chicken tastes good. I checked it, but it’s a pity that it’s not a black and wild mainland species."
Ke Mengchao "is really Lao Yang’s idea. He and Lao Mo deduced together that the wild bamboo chicken here is very suitable and will not affect the ecology."
Hua Zhen trip "When did it happen?"
Ke Mengchao "When Lao Mo and I built the Ministry of Education of the Research Institute after you broke through the five borders, Lao Yang introduced thousands of bamboo chickens here."
Hua Zhen trip "That was before the first training class!"
Ke Mengchao "Yes, I am a cave Lord, and you just found out! Did you notice Lao Yang’s paper crane just now? "
Hua Zhen conduits ashamed bowed their heads and said, "I’ll cook first."
It takes a lot of effort to set up Ling Festival, even if it is simplified, if you want to eat late, you should prepare it now.
Peel the bamboo shoots, soak them in water for an hour, and cook chicken soup at the same time. A little chicken with a little fat and salt will be crushed into minced meat. Cut the soaked bamboo shoots and fill the minced meat into the cavity of the bamboo shoots on one side, and then think about pork stuffing. Unfortunately, there is no stuffing here, but the real thing is chestnut powder and dough as minced meat.
In this way, the bamboo shoots should be placed in a plate and poured with a layer of bamboo chicken soup, which can be slightly longer when they are steamed in a cage.
Hua Zhenxing didn’t play freely according to the original recipe-this would save time and trouble. If he had cooked it from last night according to the original recipe, and there are still many kinds of ingredients here that can be adapted to local conditions (note that I don’t need words here in my other "Wandering" recipe)
In the process of cooking, I don’t always look at bamboo shoots and soak chicken soup. I also need to cook Hua Zhen and walk out of the kitchen to have a rest and chat with Kefu.
Ke Mengchao casually asked, "Xiaohua, I suddenly want to eat this dish today. Do you think it is too thoughtful?"
Hua Zhen trip "I didn’t think it was just to make it. It took me a long time to come up with this dish."
Ke Mengchao "Is it worth it?"
Hua Zhen grinned, "Of course it’s worth it. You told me when you were old," You never get tired of eating. "
Ke Mengchao was angry and laughed. "There is something wrong with this sentence, not when I was a child, but when you were a child!"
There is a saying in East China that "people eat the sky", which has many meanings. The so-called food does not simply mean eating. It refers to what is needed to ensure life and reproduction. The first step in the transformation of the non-Somali port is to build a farming area first.
But is life just about food and clothing? Then there is a difference between animals and animals. What about eating cassava noodles every day after food and clothing? Even if there is meat, it is boiled in white water with some salt. So there are so many oil-sprinkled noodle restaurants in Locke that it makes sense?
The so-called "simple food" is not only literal, but also refers to a kind of cultivation, not indulging in the pursuit of higher spiritual realm and more achievements
Neither Yang Laotou nor Ke Fushi is a tough person. They have talked about "frugality" with Hua Zhen since childhood, although the angle is different from that of Mo Shang Tong, not to mention a diligent and frugal person.
Yang Tehong has always advocated frugality and kindness, but since he was a child, he has asked Hua Zhen to use recipes as cartoons and let Xiaohua learn to cook all kinds of delicious food. How can this be explained? Once Kefu saw Xiaohua flipping through the recipes and asked him this question.
Hua Zhen was only five or six years old at that time. What can he say and repeat what Yang Lao-tou told him? This is called respecting heaven and cherishing things.
It’s rare for people to eat food in the sky. Shouldn’t it be better? Treat these foods with more respect, or you will be against God!
He amused Coffey and asked him if he knew that the so-called text not only has height but also thickness. This is a modern discourse style, and his old man doesn’t always speak ancient Chinese.
The so-called height of the text is easy to understand, but the thickness is difficult to explain to such a child. Kefu just came to chat and told Hua Zhen that an important reference in his trip was that he was reading the menu at that time.
How to look at a lot of accumulation of a text hides the height of accumulation of a given text in secular life, for example, the degree of prosperity is different, and many aspects reflect how people live.
What can be eaten and how to eat during the period of ignorance is a secret of tribal development, which is equivalent to the advanced core technology of modern society.
How many kinds of materials can be found or cultivated in nature and how to make food is a very important factor. This problem does not necessarily appear to be rich or poor. For example, pickled spicy cabbage is a civilian food, and there is such a thing that a country has learned to unify it and regard it as a national treasure. Although it is funny, it also reflects this truth.
A radish, a cabbage and a few cucumbers can make all kinds of tricks. This is not only an appetite, but also represents the spirit of interest in life. It is not reflected by someone.
Besides, cooking this dish today is very Hua Zhen-style, and it’s really not extravagant. The bamboo shoots and chickens are all things. Try to respect them more and enjoy them more.
If you just fool an unpalatable, violent and vulgar person, it is definitely not Yang Tehong and frugal, let alone Ke Mengchao.
There is a difference between this extravagance and luxury, that is, it is not to be extravagant and forget the spirit of "not eating meat". That kind of joke is to understand people’s livelihood, and this spirit is just about people’s livelihood.
The processing and selection of ingredients can also reflect this spirit, such as all kinds of dirty animals and all kinds of scraps, which are commonly known as water world in many places. Many places are not processed well and don’t know how to eat.
But Dongguo can make all kinds of delicious dishes, and there are also different characteristics of dishes. For example, those who have mountain city hot pot were originally dock river workers, working hard to keep out the cold, removing dampness and eating snacks, but now it has become a common practice.
Are these really hard-working? That’s not necessarily what our predecessors thought. It is necessary to observe and practice everything. Are these just food and clothing? Are they just a reflection of material desires? Of course not!
The so-called food is not enough, so if you talk more, Xiaohua will not understand at that time.
Today, sitting in the house chatting, Ke Mengchao actually talked about this topic again. The trip to Hua Zhen has grown up a lot, and the truth is more white. Like an adult, he sighed, "I don’t get tired of eating and improving my skills! In this respect, you and Yang Zong agree very much. "
As soon as the words were exported to Hua Zhen, I regretted it a little, because he also knew very well that Kefu wanted to talk about the views of Old Man Yang and Uncle Mo. Kefu always couldn’t help but shake his head and said, "specious, you still haven’t got the essence. My old Yang is very different!"
Chapter 276, Saving the World
Now that the words have been said here, can Hua Zhen continue to ask, "What’s the difference?"
Ke Mengchao’s line of sight seems to be looking at the distance. "Lao Yang never mistreated himself in those days. I don’t like him to harm others, but he also helps the world …"
Hua Zhenxing raised his hand and said, "I’ve heard a lot since I was a child. Today, I say it’s cooking. You always love this dish as much as he does."
Ke Mengchao gently coughed a "Ke Mengchao paused", so let’s talk about cooking. Is there a "Jiejin Wrapped Jade Pill" that Lao Yang, a vegetable in Wuwei City, asked you to do?

Niu Ping arrived this afternoon with Shen Si, Li Jingzhi and others. They occupied the best position outside the array pivot, and the name protector actually visited and realized the whole process of the formation’s completion and operation.

In addition, there are nine instructors in each of the nine eye arrays, leading a group of students to sit in the town, and there are nine six-level instructors who have to cooperate with Hua Zhenxing to operate the array.
At noon, the Hua Zhen line will be washed in the Dan furnace, and the array will run together. It seems that there is no deviation in the process of chiseling and building.
The long Sima value also breathed a sigh of relief. Although he had been sure, it was now that he was completely at ease. He looked up at Yan Yuehu and there was a rainbow light.
February is in the dry season. In this area, the original Wan Liyun is running with the formation method, but there are clouds gathering in the sky. The strange light refracts and presents a rainbow scene with the breeze blowing.
I don’t know where the wind rises, but I can feel the vitality. It seems that there are buds in it as if it had just broken ground.
The large array of Bihu Lake has been completed, but there are still more things to be done in Hua Zhen. He took out another Xuanzang bead and put it in the Dan furnace. With the operation of the array, Xuanzang bead turned into a milli-ray and entered the pavilion top.
The clouds are getting denser and denser, gradually obscuring the sun, and the wind is getting stronger and stronger. The position of the array pivot and the array eye is still a breeze, and the wind is howling in the large array, and then there is a roar
Many tutors and students in sound stage have heard of this. Yesterday, the rhinoceros beast roared and saw a rhinoceros figure appear in the large array, which seemed to be a false combination of illusion and falsehood, roaring and rushing in the clouds.
When this large array was built, Yangyuan Valley refined the remains of a rhinoceros canal demon king into arrays, which were placed in nine arrays respectively. Another wonderful thing is to summon a rhinoceros canal to guard it.
With the roar of the rhinoceros canal, thunder and rain poured down, and the rain was particularly urgent, especially heavy and continuous, but the rain curtain strangely avoided the position of the array pivot.
The downpour enveloped the fields. Hua Zhenxing took out nine five-qi pills and put them in the furnace. He also took out various kinds of elixir auxiliary materials to refine Chundan.
One of the most important purposes of building Bixi large array is to complete the final step of sacrifice refining of Chundan to replace the original nine-turn Zijin furnace large array. Taking this opportunity, Hua Zhen Bank will also refine a furnace of Dan medicine on site.
The alchemist in Huazhenxing’s Moon-Covering Pavilion was also hit by a heavy rain day and night. The rainfall range enveloped the surrounding hundreds of square kilometers. Where did it come from in the dry season?
The climate of a certain place is influenced by latitude, topography, season, vegetation, ocean current, wind direction and many other factors, resulting in that the country is located in the north of the tropical equator, and the northeast wind blows in winter and spring.
In this direction, there are no tall mountains in Yuan Ye to prevent the surface temperature from being hotter than the wind from the ocean. After reaching the land, the warm and humid airflow will pass south along the narrow terrain of Guinea, and no rainfall will be formed.
On the contrary, at the end of spring, the wind blowing from the ocean to the north and south winds will form convection, which will lead to the rainy period lasting for nearly four months, which is the unique local rainy season.
At the moment, Huazhenxing’s large-scale operation has changed the direction of gas flow in a local area, which is not far from the ocean. After the air flow from the ocean direction enters the land, it is led to a lower temperature and forms a turbulent front.
By noon the next day, Yanyue Lake had become a real wetland, and there were several meters of water in the deepest part.
This is the prototype of the Moon Lake, which is close to the lowest water level in the design at present. It is planned that it will not reach the highest water level until the end of this year’s rainy season. Today’s operation of the Hua Zhen line is just a foreshadowing.
If he is an alchemist in the pavilion, he doesn’t need the other nine eyes to cooperate, but he can’t rest at the nine eyes if he wants to keep the rainstorm going. Hua Zhen travels alone, but he has changed four rounds of tutors each.
Hua Zhenxing cooperated with him to run the array pivot and refine Chundan day and night, but he changed four rounds. All the instructors and students witnessed the director of Hua today.
Under normal circumstances, there is no need to make such a big noise. Today, the inauguration ceremony was specially held. After noon, the Hua Zhen trip finally got up, and suddenly the clouds disappeared, the rain rested and the sun fell on the moon lake.
The half-middle rhinoceros canal is no longer roaring, but the large array is still slowly running, and the turbid water gradually becomes clear. Looking at it, it is actually a beautiful scenery.
Chapter 534, difficult journey
More than 1,000 students distributed in 10 places gave cheers and high-fived each other to celebrate Hua Zhen’s trip. Looking back and forth, he was in high spirits, and he was limited to feeling that there was a sudden movement in Yuan Shen.
"Huan Xiang Guo Tong" had a little reaction, but it was not new, but "Tong Tong" released one a long time ago and finally finished it today!
19. Choose a place to build the second Bixi large array. Since ancient times, the demon king, the rhinoceros beast Xuan Xuan Zhu, and the rhinoceros beast’s original natural materials and treasures have been chiseled and built everywhere to improve the array.
Reward can realize the wonderful changes of each Bixi array in the future.
This "unification" Huazhenxing was released before going to study in the East, and it was not finally completed until today. It took nearly two years to complete it, which is the longest one of all the unification so far.
The Moon Covering Lake Array is the second Bixi Array built by Yangyuan Valley. After the completion of this array, Brother Yangyuan Valley will also build a dust-free Luofa Array in Luohu Town, Luochade Airport.
It is much simpler to chisel and build a clean-dust Luo Fa array than to build a large array. The amount of work is roughly equivalent to chisel and build a large array. It takes Hua Zhenxing to do it himself, and Sima Yi can take a group of people to get it done.
After the Spring Festival, the exhibition plan was completed before the arrival of the rainy season this year. After the completion of the Luohu array, Huanxiang Tebang had two Bixi arrays and four Jiechen Luofa arrays.
First, the Beiluohe River swims the Bihu array, then the Tianhe array, Xintian array and Gao Qiao array in turn. This array is distributed along the Beiluohe River basin, and then turns to the north, and then turns to the Luohu array and the Moon Lake array in turn.
The first and second large arrays plus the fourth array are like a pearl chain scattered in the wasteland, which connects all the blessed places together.
Since ancient times, there have been many famous mountains and rivers in the blessed land, and the scenery is beautiful and far away from the hustle and bustle. Ordinary people can neither smell nor see some Zongmen Dojo, although they are in the market, but they are also different from each other.
However, it is quite different for Huazhenxing to build a large array of clean dust and Luo Fa array. It is a free array except for the array eye and the array pivot. The array is surrounded by towns and villages everywhere.
At present, these arrays are surrounded by blessings and connected into a chain, and in the future, this chain-like structure will extend into a network.
Huanxiang specially helps people in cities, villages and towns to distribute the location of this network node chain in their production and living areas. I don’t know if it will be until September, but now it is just a success to build the second Bixi array.
After the "Nineteenth National Plan" was finally completed, several old people engaged in "thinking about reunification". So far, all the trips to Hua Zhen have been completed, and there are corresponding records in Yuan Shen.
1. (1) Escort Dr. Rothschild away safely
(2) Investigate the situation that the Big Head Gang wants to kill Dr. Rothschild.
Three (3) two days’ walk back to the original road and insist on cultivating Yuan-nourishing skills along the way.
(4) Eradicate the Golden Big Head and control and transform the Big Head Gang.
Five (5) refine your own pure gold. Don’t let Uncle Mo always help you dig gold mines and find a way to get the source of gold mines yourself.

Only in this way can we regenerate and eliminate all the dark wounds in our bodies.

Lian Jin was happy that his hamstring could still pick it up, but when he learned that he could use the first half of his strength, Lian Jin felt gloomy again.
Took one look at Lian Jin’s left hand and said, "Practice your left sword after Lian Jin Gong."
"Left-handed sword?" Lian Jin one leng.
The left-handed sword is not so easy to practice.
The same swordsmanship is powerful with the right hand, but poor with the left hand. Not only can you not kill the enemy, but you will also hurt yourself.
Lian Jin is a fencing master. He didn’t think about practicing sword with his left hand before. Unfortunately, many attempts have failed and ended.
Chen Yan nodded, "Yes, it’s the left-handed sword. I once knew a swordsman named Zhao Danchen. He was the top ten super strong man in the list of law enforcement elders in clear lake Island. His right arm was cut off, which led to a great decline in martial arts. Years later, he developed a left-handed swordsmanship, which was even better than the past. After Zhao Danchen, he was honored as’ one-armed blade master’. I have his left-handed swordsmanship cheats here."
Clear lake island law enforcement elders day list strong one-armed blade master.
Lian Jin has never heard of it.
However, it gives Lian Jin a feeling that he is not aware of it.
Lian Jin immediately knelt down and pleaded, "Mr. Chen also asked you to teach me’ one-armed blade master’ Zhao Danchen’s left-hand swordsmanship."
Lleyton lifted Lian Jin up and said, "I told you not to kneel Zhao Danchen’s left-hand swordsmanship. I hope you can practice it well and don’t let this swordsmanship get dusty."
Chapter 413 Draw the snake out of the hole. Big things will happen tonight.
"Lian Jin, you go back first and come to Wujiabao early. I’ll give you your left sword." Ulrich is going to Fujian.
Lian Jin was a little impatient and asked, "Can’t I learn now, Mr. Chen?"
Ulrich shook his head and said, "Haste makes waste. You are now mentally unstable. It would be better to get twice the result with half the effort if you go back and calm down."
Wu Tingfang said, "Lian Jin is home now. Where else can he go? Just live in Wujiabao. I’ll arrange accommodation for Lian Jin now. "
Off Lian Jin and Wu Tingfang Chen Yanzheng is going to have a good rest, but unfortunately things didn’t work out.
Zhao Ya came with a sad face. Her eyes were red and swollen, and she obviously cried.
Zhao Ya saw Ulrich and shed tears. "Mr. Chen didn’t see Pan Er after I went back to the office. He was arrested by Zhao Mu. I still don’t know where Pan Er was. Zhao Mu just came to me to ask for Lu Gong’s secret record. He said that if I didn’t give him Lu Gong’s secret record for three days, he would start work on Pan Er."
Zhao Pan was Chen Yandi’s first visit when he came back to Handan Zhao Pan, but he didn’t come.
It turned out that he was detained by Zhao Mu.
Chen Yan said, "Lady Ya, you don’t worry that Zhao Mu won’t hurt the public plate until he gets the secret record of Lu Gong. Go back and tell Zhao Mu that I will take the secret record of Lu Gong to see him one day. Where is the best pub in Handan City?"
Zhao Ya said, "It’s the Zui Xiang Building, just east of the strip, not far from my mansion."
Ulrich nods, "Well, the meeting place will be Zui Xiang Building."
Zhao Ya said, "I’ll go back and tell Zhao Mu now."
Zhao Ya had to rely on Yan Yan when Wei was in Daliangcheng. I didn’t expect to return to Handan, Zhao. She still had to rely on Yan, not because she was too timid in princess royal, but because Zhao Mu was too powerful.
Zhao Mu didn’t put the royal family of Zhao in the eye.
Zhao Mu is the illegitimate son of Chun Shenjun of Chu State.
Zhao Mu is not a native of Zhao. He can be said to be the biggest undercover hiding Zhao Chaotang. Zhao Mu has no awe of the Zhao royal family.
Ulrich sent Zhao Ya out of the back channel outside the house. "Zhao Mu is a little too eager to get Lu Gong’s secret record."

Fifty ducklings were handed over to Lee and Zhang Xiuer to raise ducks in the back of the compound living area. Now the ducklings are too young to be kept in the backyard with cold water. After ten days, they can get to the village stream for food and stocking.

Zhao Rujun was almost so angry that he didn’t have a serious illness when he lost his wife and folded the battlefield for attempted arson.
What made her most angry was that she had praised herself since she was a child, and her father even learned about it and taught herself a lesson!
There are also those slaves in the house who are born according to her confidants, and they are so frightened that they really take the indenture in the hands of Lian Fangzhou seriously. They actually watch their whereabouts to death in their relatives. When something happens, someone will report to their father, and his father will make a fuss about himself …
Zhao Rujun hates the root itch!
The more you hate, the more you have to do something to vent your hatred or she will be suffocated!
She was even angry with Fang Zhou and lost her mind. She wanted to come back with revenge and come up with this evil spirit. Although Master Zhao has taken strict precautions, Zhao Rujun, after all, has been managing the business for so many years, and it is still very simple for her to want it.
So when several arrested animals were caught with leg injuries, gangsters were sent to Master Zhao together with their mouths. Master Zhao trembled with anger and taught Zhao Rujun a lesson.
At the same time, two dog, Erliang, Toad and Toad left Yu County and news came from nowhere. It is said that they left Yu County because they had offended Miss Zhao Rujun, a big lady of Zhao’s house, and had to leave their hometown because she was almost killed by Miss Zhao.
When this happened, everyone was in uproar. Zhao Rujun’s name plummeted!
As the saying goes, it’s not necessarily because of the wind coming from the cave. Besides, two dog and they were really involved with Zhao Rujun. Although Master Zhao repeatedly explained that he was missing with them and his daughter, he couldn’t come up with a reason to speak.
Those people in the Zhao family who covet their property have begun to stir up again. The reputation of the Zhao family has been damaged. By asking about this matter, Master Zhao was almost cornered. Finally, it took several silver and contacts to make it perfunctory.
Zhao Rujun, however, took it all out on Lianfangzhoutou and didn’t feel at all wrong.
Master Zhao was completely disappointed with her. Putting her under house arrest was called convalescence.
Zhao Rujun was so soft and hard that he even went on a hunger strike. Master Zhao was still indifferent. Zhao Rujun panicked and asked his mother for help and knelt in front of his father to beg for forgiveness.
Master Zhao was unmoved and indifferent. "Dad thought that you should be pampered in a boudoir when you are a girl. Dad really regrets it. He shouldn’t have taught you business and shouldn’t have allowed you to show up outside! It’s not too late now. You’d better learn needlework and manage the house! This is what a girl should learn! "
Zhao Rujun face suddenly went white busy way "dad! I’m your only daughter! I won’t share it for you. Who will? Don’t you want to carve up your hard-earned possessions by those baiwenhang in your family? I am your daughter, and all this should be inherited and managed by me! "
"Don’t worry about this," said Master Zhao, glancing at her quietly. "Dad thought and thought it was too hard for you and hard for you! Dad has decided to take a three-bedroom concubine again, regardless of appearance, no matter where he comes from, he should have a good baby! If you can’t add a little brother and father in three years, you will adopt a child in the family. "
"no! No way! I don’t agree! " Zhao Rujun screamed and stared with disbelief.
Even Mrs. Zhao turned white and took a surprised look at Master Zhao. Her eyes were red and she bowed her head and said nothing.
Master Zhao waved his hand and sighed, "I didn’t want to say it, but since you asked me today, I will say it!" Go back to your hospital and have a good rest! "
Where is Zhao Rujun willing to be shocked by sudden anger? "Dad! You can’t do this! You can’t do this! Are you so worthy of my mother! "
Master Zhao could not help but be angry and calm. "Who are you talking to? Do you have a daughter like this! "
He looked at a lump and swallowed his wife’s heart with a soft way, "this is more than you worry about!" You have a little brother, and your mother and I will have a support when we get old! Whether I was born in a concubine or adopted will be recorded in your mother’s name and raised by your mother herself! Still not going! "
After hearing what her husband said, Mrs. Zhao immediately decided to be busy dragging Zhao Rujun and whispered, "Stop that now! Go, go with your mother! "
Zhao Rujun is crazy, screaming, struggling and screaming in disgust. Mrs. Zhao has to greet the maids and drag her daughter together.
Master Zhao shook his head with a long sigh and immediately ordered the housekeeper to send someone to inquire where there were good sons and daughters ready to take concubinage.
The boudoir, Zhao Rujun, fell on the bed crying in a big mess, and our maids were driven out. With Mrs. Zhao at her side, there was no way to persuade her!
"Niang! Dad, how could he do this! How could he do this to me! Didn’t we agree that I would inherit our family property? How can he break his word! "
Very easy Zhao Rujun cried enough and finally sobbed and opened her mouth. She looked up and looked at Mrs. Zhao with tears in her eyes. "Mom, why don’t you help me talk!" I am your daughter! Don’t you just watch dad give his family property to others! "
I’m a little tired. There are 4 chapters and 34 chapters and 34 revenge today.
In the face of her daughter’s remarks, Mrs. Zhao was a little angry and uncomfortable and ashamed. She had to persuade her, "What are you talking about, silly child?" How are your brothers? It’s better to have a backer in the future! Does this woman have a bride’s family as a backer? That’s very different-"
"What a big difference! What is the backing! " Zhao Rujun was so angry that he shouted, "I am the backer. What else is the backer? It should be me when the Zhao family comes. I am my father’s first daughter! Niang! "
Zhao Rujun fierce stare to Mrs Zhao grind way "niang don’t you forget? Why can’t those aunts have children? Have you forgotten all about it? This Zhao Fu can be our mother and daughter, but us! Mom, you regret it! "
Mrs. Zhao’s face changed. "You!"
She stared at her daughter’s cold, pale face and gloomy eyes, and she was speechless.
At the beginning, in order to keep her position, she and her daughter joined hands to make sure that none of the concubines in the backyard could get pregnant and bribed the doctor, so that the master had no doubt that it was destiny takes a hand!
In addition, the fact that she and her daughter kept still again and again suggested that the master finally agreed with the idea of giving his family property to his daughter and recruiting a husband in the future.
But no one thought that the daughter and the master would make it to this point one day!
The master wanted the past and promised her that for many years, and she believed that he would not break his word.
As the saying goes, young couples are always with them. After all, they have been together for a generation. The master is not a philanderer. Even if there are more beautiful young concubines, she believes that she will never shake her position!
In those days, young people were eager to be competitive, and other women had to give birth to children, but this vein of the master was ruined. In recent years, she has never regretted thinking about it.
However, because of my guilty conscience and because my daughter has been doing very well, the thought of regret only passed by, and I didn’t think deeply until now. She really regretted it!
If she hadn’t done those things, Zhao wouldn’t have died! My daughter has already set a suitable marriage, and she has been waiting for happiness since she left the cabinet. Now it’s-
Now she regrets it again?
Daughter will never let her regret it!
If her personality pokes everything in front of her master, will he still care about her husband and wife for decades? If you don’t stop, she will be fine!
She knows how much trouble the master has suffered and how much clan pressure she has endured without heirs for so many years! Once he knows the truth, can he spare himself? Absolutely not!
Mrs. Zhao’s heart instantly fell into icehouse and it was cold thoroughly.
"Mom!" Zhao Rujun whimpered, "Mom, dad, he is so affectionate! How could he do this to us! Hum, he wants to have a son to take my place, and he wants to succeed! I won’t agree. I will never agree! "
"Jun, Jun …" Mrs. Zhao looked at her daughter with a trembling voice and felt so strange and cold.
Her lips trembled and she wanted to say something and persuade something, but she couldn’t say anything!
Her mind kept repeating a sentence "I regret it, I regret it, I really regret it …"
Zhao Rujun didn’t realize her emotions. She snuggled up to her body and hugged her shoulder. "Mom, you won’t watch me being wronged. You will help me, right? Just like I helped you before … "

"Gege" Dong Ying was silent for a long time and finally called me.

I wry smile "vanquish? Dong Ying … You didn’t take me for a long time … didn’t you? "
She looked at me and turned her head away, saying, "Dong Ying’s heart is always vanquished."
"Really?" I asked in a rhetorical way but in a declarative tone.
"Sister and your maid-in-waiting are afraid they have a lot to say?" Nian Qin Xue suddenly interjected with a smile, "Then my sister won’t bother my sister, and your servant and servant will catch up. At this time, you should grasp it well. If someone finds out about your forgetfulness, it’s really a lot of trouble."
She finished laughing and went out with two other maids.
The light in the cell is very weak, and the flickering candlelight maintains the pitiful light here. The jailers have been expelled by Nianqin Snow somehow. There are me and Dongying breathing in this enclosure, and there is water flowing from nowhere from time to time.
"When is Dongying …" I grinned and hoped to ask these questions in a calm voice as much as possible, but I still got what I wanted.
"… Gege" Dong Ying surprised me. She smiled gently and explained to my eyes. "Gege naturally won’t know how the handmaiden can be so humble in Gege’s heart. Do you want to ask when the handmaiden tried to harm you? ….. "Her eyes flashed and she continued," It was Baylor who gave you a title and Dole’s prince gave you a title, but it was Baylor who stopped being attracted to his woman, and it was when you were interested in Baylor but forgot about the 14th May method! ….. So much resentment … Handmaiden put away bit by bit means that today’s Gege handmaiden doesn’t want you to become like this, but-only in this way will Baylor forget you and he will get what he wants. Do you deserve Baylor’s heart! " Winter jade-like stone suddenly excited. "Gege, will you regret it now that you think about it? Regret not being strict with handmaiden? Maybe … If you want to vanquish your handmaiden, you won’t have a chance to do these things … "
There was a momentary absence in Dongying’s eyes, but soon she smiled again. "But now Gege, you regret nothing. Everything is a foregone conclusion."
That’s why?
"So … how about Honghui?" I tried my best to restrain my heart from being hoarse and said, "Honghui … are you poisoned, too?"
Winter jade-like stone smell speech body can’t help fibrillation fibrillation way "yes is handmaiden medicine"
I looked at Dong Ying’s familiar and unfamiliar face, thinking that this is my own sister Dong Ying, thinking that this is the house that has been accompanying me regardless of hardships, and Dong Ying thinking that this is the time when I am timid and sometimes I am long …
In those memories, Dong Ying and the person in front of me, who is calm now, overlap so abruptly.
I licked my dry lips and said, "Hong Hui is a child and you have the heart to … I have always loved him sincerely …"
"Really?" Winter jade-like stone repeated my words with a painful look in her eyes. She smiled. "Sincerely … handmaiden has long been confused by herself. Handmaiden knows that the thing about Baylor in handmaiden’s heart is the most important thing … and he can ignore it."
"Including koo child? !” I finally cried out irrepressibly, "Dong Ying, if you hate me, do you have to?"? Take Honghui’s life for nothing! Have you ever thought that Honghui is a koo! He knows nothing! He knows nothing! You should borrow his life to … Winter jade-like stone is really unexpected … unexpected … haha … "I am crazy like laughing.
At this time, I don’t know what kind of complicated emotions have emerged in my heart that make me laugh so inexplicably.
Chapter 19 The truth [5]
"So what did Nianqin Snow promise you?" I gradually stopped laughing, but I didn’t feel numb in my heart, like I was lying in the icehouse made of ice for an hour the year before last, so I looked up at what I was staring at because I laughed wildly and froze Dongying.
It took her a little while to react, and she seemed embarrassed and replied, "Master Nian … said he would let Lord Baylor accept me …"
"This is what you want, or Dongying." I wry smile. "So that’s it … No wonder … it’s my fault … it’s Dongying." I called her name and smiled at her as gentle as before. "You will be so impatient … since I promised you, you won’t break your word in the future … and if you still have something else in your heart … then do something with Xiaoshun.
Winter jade-like stone stared at me for a long time and suddenly said, "Gege! Maybe … Maybe Baylor will … Kill … Kill … "
I was shocked and then turned around, stopped looking at her and didn’t answer her.
Winter jade-like stone still didn’t finish that sentence and left.
I sighed faintly, lying on my side in the haystack and facing the cold hard wall, I wanted to cry, but I couldn’t cry. After trying several times, I couldn’t squeeze out the tears, and I gave up the impulse to cry.
Yin Zhen, will you kill me? ……
If you trust me enough, then you won’t kill me.
I believe you. I always believe you.
Do you believe me?
I took out the bottle of acacia tears that Yin Zi gave me and stared at the porcelain bottle to moisten the bottle. Do you regret it if you miss it?
At this time, the jailer came from afar and snored, thinking that he was already asleep. I don’t know what kind of dreams he had this night.
I fell asleep with my eyes closed and listened quietly to all the movements around me.
"Don’t! Don’t kill me! " There was an exclamation in the ground, mixed with rustling footsteps. I listened attentively and vaguely heard the words "wronged" and "please" in the man’s mouth.
I also heard someone seem to keep cursing something.
Soon the cell was quiet again.
It’s a common practice. Every night, people who are detained here are sent out for trial.
Some of them will come back covered in injuries after suffering, while others will go out and never come back.
I once overheard the jailers chatting at dinner about the fact that most of the prisoners who were sent out at this time were going to die. Most of them either offended some important people or hid some important people’s handles to make them sleepless. It was the so-called adults who had to be ordered to come to this secret moment to nail those thorns in their hearts and then quickly.
Some people were directly killed by capital punishment.
But more because I couldn’t stand the pain of torture here and died by biting my tongue.
Therefore, it is understandable to say that suicide is a fear of sin in the copywriting.
I pinched my fingers and counted the hours. The man didn’t come back and thought it was run.
I couldn’t help twisting my eyebrows together … How many ghosts are there here? And am I about to become one of them? ……

Dean Zhang waved his hand. "They are all members. You should be a member now, right?"

"I am a member of the Chinese medicine branch."
Nodded, Dean Zhang did not continue this topic, but took out Li Chu to write the report.
It can be seen that Dean Zhang has read this report carefully, and many places are marked by his pencil.
Pointing to the top of the report, "Xiao Li, you divide the causes of renal failure into three types. The first primary kidney disease, you wrote nephritis, will his kidney disease cause renal failure?"
"Leader, you are right. There will definitely be other kidney diseases that will cause renal failure from time to time due to treatment, but the problem is that I don’t understand that I can master too little just by self-study."
Dean Zhang realized that the man sitting opposite him was a Chinese medicine doctor, and he actually discussed western medicine with a Chinese medicine doctor, which made him feel ridiculous.
Throw your pen on the table and pinch your nose. Nai said, "What kind of freak are you? I heard from Master Chen that you can understand all the data in the laboratory report now? "
"Some of them need to be checked if they can understand," Li Chu said modestly.
Dean Zhang feels even more headache. How can this product be a Chinese medicine practitioner?
Aren’t all doctors of traditional Chinese medicine very conservative? He remembers that the old doctors of traditional Chinese medicine were very indifferent to western medicine.
Not to mention that Li Chu still has a teacher. Isn’t it more important to respect the teacher? How can it be so deviant?
You, a Chinese medicine practitioner, don’t say anything about western medicine research. The key is that you have also developed something.
How can these self-proclaimed elites who come back from studying abroad live?
Dean Zhang doesn’t want to talk now, and he doesn’t want to see Li Chu.
This made him feel that he had read for nothing for so many years.
He didn’t know that Li Chu was bombarded by later generations. Even if he didn’t do this all his life, he could always see something on the Internet every day.
You can remember something even if you don’t know how to watch it.
He wrote part of this research report this time according to the judgment of uremia in later generations.
Of course, he also has data support, not just nonsense
"Come on, Xiao Li, you go home first. I’ll organize experts from the Medical Association to study your report carefully later."
Li Chu hummed a tune in his mouth when he left Dean Zhang’s office.
If Ding Qiunan is in front of him, he will definitely know that he is in a good mood now.
He is really in a good mood at the moment, but he really doesn’t know about that report, but some of it was deliberately not written.
He can be recognized as a genius, but he can’t be recognized as a monster.
If he writes too much, the experts will not be interested, and then the experts will come looking for him.
He needs to carve his name at the beginning of this road, so does it matter who gets to the finish line first? Maybe it’s important to others.
Without going back to the consulting room, Li Chu went directly to the Chinese pharmacy to see his wife.
Ding Qiunan is up to one’s ears at the moment. Today, she is alone, and the other two pharmacists have asked for leave temporarily.
At ordinary times, the Chinese pharmacy is handled by one person here. Who knows that so many people come to get medicine today? She came to work early in the morning and is so busy that she doesn’t even have a drink at eleven o’clock.
It’s the pharmacy where Master Yang also helps.
But after all, Yang Zhu is not doing this. He is slow to move. He has a prescription, and the doctor writes while dancing. He doesn’t know it at all. He has to ask Ding Qiunan.
Li Chu came over and saw more than 20 people waiting in line to get medicine. He was also a little puzzled when Chinese pharmacies were so busy. I didn’t listen to my daughter-in-law.
He pushed open the door directly and went into the pharmacy to help his wife.
Ding Qiunan looked back when he heard the door was opened. "Li Chu, how did you get here?"
"It’s nothing for me to turn around. Why do so many people take medicine and even Master Yang personally?"
"Oh, Dr. Li, you’re just in time to help your daughter-in-law. Who knows that there are so many people today, and I can’t see that many prescriptions are white and messed up?"
See Li Chu come and help Ding Qiunan and Yang Zhu are all relieved.
Li Chu didn’t take the prescription from Master Yang and got busy.
With Li Chu’s help, the number of people waiting in line outside is rapidly decreasing.
He took another prescription from the window and was just about to get it. He froze and looked at it carefully.
Then he looked up and handed it to the other party. It was a woman in her twenties.
His prescription is supposed to help patients pass the stool, but the prescription of light powder in Chinese medicine is too large
Under normal circumstances, the maximum amount of calomel is 1 to 2 grams, which will cause mercury poisoning and damage the human nervous system and gastrointestinal system. This prescription actually prescribed 2 grams.
Moreover, calomel can’t be boiled in water. If it is boiled, no matter how many grams it will poison people, there is no note on this side.
Li Chuyang waved his hand and asked the woman at the window, "Comrade, who will open it for you?"
The woman outside was asked by him for a moment before he said, "It’s a neighbor of my house who told Fang that she can connect …" She said that the woman here blushed and went on talking.
"For whom? It shouldn’t be you? " This woman doesn’t look like constipation.
At this time, both Yang Zhu and Ding Qiunan came along. Li Chuke never said anything just now. Now there should be something wrong with this party.
"Is there a problem with prescribing a doctor for my mother-in-law? Our neighbor said that this is what he ate at that time. "
"Did he tell you how to eat this recipe?" Li Chu didn’t answer her question, but kept asking.
"How to eat? Of course, it’s boiled and drunk. I said, doctor, could you please hurry up? I have to go back and cook. "
Chapter one hundred and sixty-two Murder
"There is something wrong with this prescription of yours and it’s a big problem. According to this prescription, boiled patients will be poisoned after drinking it."
Li Chu didn’t ask any more questions and just said it. He estimated that a doctor might have prescribed this medicine for him before the neighbor, but he got the wrong dosage this time.
And the boiled water, nine times out of ten, is the woman’s mistake.
"What? Poisoning? How is it possible? Do you know Chinese medicine or not? My neighbor’s family has eaten it all by themselves. "
"Hey, this comrade, what are you talking about? He is the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in our hospital. You said that he understood that Chinese medicine was caught in front of him, so he didn’t say anything. He asked you a few more questions just because you had a problem with this prescription. Why don’t you know how to be a good person?"
Li Chu and Yang Zhu haven’t talked Ding Qiunan. As soon as someone questioned her man, he immediately blew his mouth like a machine gun.
"As far as he’s still a doctor, Mao hasn’t grown up yet, has he? I think your hospital is disregard for human life. Any broken doctor dares to see a doctor. "This woman is not a provincial oil lamp.
However, Li Chu always felt that this woman’s reaction was a little too much.
Ding Qiunan just wanted to go back again when she was stopped by Li Chu and didn’t let her talk.
He gently said to Yang Zhu next to him, "Yang Zhu called the safeguard section. I suspect that this woman deliberately murdered."
"Dr. Li can’t talk nonsense." Yang looked at him in surprise.
"Hey, if you don’t give me the prescription, give it back to me. I’m going to your leader to sue you."
Didn’t take a reason that woman clamored that Li Chu was looking at Yang.
Ding Qiunan just wanted to go out and call the safeguard section to be stopped by Yang, and turned around and went out.
Although the woman couldn’t hear what was said inside, she was a little panicked when she saw someone go out. She turned around and was ready to leave.
Watching her go, Li Chu didn’t stop her. Ding Qiunan looked at the woman and went to the door of the hall. She just wanted to call outsiders for help when she saw Yang, the master, stopping her with the safeguard section.
That woman is also a wonderful flower, so she just lay down on the ground and began to roll in search of money.