Long Ze kissed her hot skin, stroking her eyes with big hands, and it was full of color *

It’s very simple and possessive, but it also carries *
Lip prints on her skin, not ambiguous kisses, but biting by wild animals …
In a short time, she had large and small tooth marks …
Long Ze looked up at the bandage that was in the way. He stretched out his hand to pull …
Suddenly, Long Ze suffered a pain in the back of his neck. His eyes turned black and his body slowly fell to Nalanqing …
Behind Long Ze, a man in a pale blue robe appeared behind him, and the moonlight shone on the man’s body and reflected on the silver side of his face.
A black hair is plated with a layer of fluorescence in the dark. Even if Bai Yueguang is quietly there, it is full of charm and charm, giving people a sense of noble Tsinghua
Even if you can’t see the face, you can guess that this person must be extremely beautiful. If you show half your face with silver, you can’t help but sink in.
In particular, those flashing eyes are particularly noticeable. Something flashes in his eyes so fast that people can’t catch it and peep at it.
Pull Long Ze aside. The man looked back at Long Bai and Na Lanqing lying on the ground, especially when he saw that Na Lanqing’s robe was broken and there was a chest cloth wrapped around his chest. He took off his coat and covered her.
"What if I haven’t seen such weakness for four years?" The man sighs lightly, but he can’t tell the complexity, and there is an unspeakable coldness and indifference.
Bend down and gently lift NaLanQing aside and take out medicine to clean the wound for her and wrap it up carefully.
Make sure that there is nothing serious wrong with her. It’s only when she loses too much blood that she narrows her eyes and covers her eyes for a flash and becomes angry.
Male indifference looked at lying in the medicine juice Long Ze looked at his face back to normal, and some curiosity put his pulse … Frown.
What’s going on? Recovered?
It’s not easy to calm down the world by being possessed. People can do this unless …
The man turned his head fiercely and looked at Nalanqing’s pale face. He seemed to have guessed something. His indifferent face raised a rare shock.
And then … He hooked his lips happily.
Go to the front of NaLanQing fingertips slipped a silver needle into her wrist, took out a small bottle of blood and put it in the bottle.
"If I didn’t guess wrong, you are … so it’s no wonder that your blood can dissolve Long Ze’s obsession!" The male voice is crisp and faint, like the sound made when Zhuyu falls, which is particularly moving and pleasant to listen to.
Lingcui is like a clear fireworks without eating people.
Slender as jade hand stroking Nalanqing’s face, the man looked at it very carefully. "So you are the recently famous Wan Ku Nalanqing, hehehehehehe … you really deserve to be your business genius Tian Wan Ku Nalanqing … I look forward to meeting you again!"
The man came and went quietly and didn’t find him.
Na Lanqing frowned and opened her eyes. She suddenly sat up for a while, and she fell back abruptly.
Long Bai Long Ze both lay on the ground and didn’t wake up. It can be seen from the ups and downs of the chest that they are still angry.
She struggled to get up and put a hand over her head. What happened not long ago came to her mind.
Only in hindsight did I realize that her gown was not the original one, and the size was obviously someone else.
Long Bai woke up slowly, and she was awake for a moment, looking for Long Ze. When she saw Long Ze beside her, she immediately took the pulse …
Suddenly stare big eyes …
"Why? Ok? " Long Bai was very surprised that it was impossible.
"How is he?" Na Lanqing sat in the distance and covered her head with some nausea.
"Not only has she recovered, but she is being neutralized … what’s the matter … yes …" Long Bai looked at Na Lanqing and found that she was wearing that coat. Her eyes were happy and excited and said, "Ah, it’s Master! It’s Master!"
"Master?" Na Lanqing is a little curious. Which master in the world would teach his brother such an evil spirit to be heretical?
"This is Master’s favorite robe. He must have come to save his brother. Great. If Master comes, he will be fine. He is so skilled in medicine that he will find a way!" Long Bai has thousands of letters to the master, which can be clearly read from her expression at this time.
Na Lanqing looked down at the robe, which was as dull as Tao, and she had seen it before, and the man loved it the most.
"I’m going to find master. He must have a way to solve this problem of my brother …" Long Bai went out to find someone regardless of his whole body injury.
Na Lanqing got up. When she went to the door to call someone, she found that Ji Sumu and the unknown dark guard department fell to the ground and lost consciousness
Her eyes froze and she pulled Sumu’s collar and shook it. "Sumu, wake up!"
Sumu faint woke up consciousness and attacked NaLanQing. When she found that the person in front of her was her, she quickly withdrew her hand.
"Lord forgive me!"
"What is this?" Na Lanqing frowns. Sumu’s martial arts are very high, and so are his martial arts. Why are they put down one by one?
Sumu thought a frown. "A silver-faced Tsing Yi man has high martial arts. We are not rivals!"
It’s rare that Sumu can’t fight back.
It seems that Long Bai just said something about Master Long Ze, right?
In order to thank you, you have been supporting the moonlight fairies. On the 1 ST of the month, Moonlight plans to hold a small activity, which can be attended by qq reading, hand Q or Xiaoxiang.
The specific participation process is announced in the group. If you want to participate, join the group to learn more about the activities, right?
For details, please add group 53371262.
For details, please add group 53371262.

She’s so proud that people will recognize him if they do it.

He felt bad at the thought that he had wronged Ji Yue.
The new emperor looks ugly and has to smile. "… Cousin aside, the most important thing now is to get people back …"
It’s too disturbing for him to leave her outside. She could come back at any time.
Nangong Hanxi’s face sank. "Get it back?"
The room temperature dropped several degrees, and the new emperor choked back his anger. "Yes, please come back. I’m afraid she will do something bad for God bless, and please ask my cousin to help me."
Nangong Hanxi flatly denied that "she is not that kind of person"
The new emperor is depressed. This cousin has never been against him since childhood.
"Can you guarantee? She is a love-hate person. I have sinned against her. Sooner or later, she will retaliate against me. There must be nothing wrong with the lives of my subjects. "
To put it bluntly, I am afraid of death!
He cooed for a long time and carried the first emperor out. The Nangong Hanxi moved in his heart. "All right, then I’ll take a trip."
Now that the country is in a stable situation, he might as well go to Ji Yue to make amends.
The new emperor was beaming and knew that it would be very comforting to move out of his father’s house.
Nangong Hanxi doesn’t like to hear this. "Too many words like this will hurt feelings, although we don’t have much feelings."
It’s a shame to say this. "Cousin, you are the most trustworthy person in my heart. We are brothers."
He frequently tries to pull in two people, but it’s quite annoying that Nangong Hanxi doesn’t get oil and salt.
The nangongshan Han Xi gave him a deep look. "I don’t want to be your brother. I still want to live."
"…" The new emperor is all bad. Is there such a face?
He really wants to drag Nangong Hanxi out and cut it down, but he can’t.
"I know you’re upset about that, but I can’t help it. If I don’t kill them, I can’t live …"
He tried to take it off himself and put himself in the victim’s position.
But it’s all in vain to say that Nangong Hanxi has convicted him in his heart. "There’s nothing to say. I’ll go first."
He bowed his hand and turned away.
This is also the interest of Mr. Yu. "That day will not be too far away."
The new emperor is happy and finally has a loyalty. "Fortunately, I have you around me, Mr. Yu. If you help me well, I will give your grandson a good background."
Mr. Yu was stunned. "Grandson?"
When he returned to Beijing, the second emperor called his eldest daughter into the palace. I heard that he had been favored and sealed by Yu Fei.
This made him very anxious at the moment?
It’s filial piety now, and everyone is staring at the new emperor’s every move, but the new emperor himself doesn’t care about doing whatever he wants.
Maybe it’s broken. There’s no good name anyway.
The new emperor smiled and said, "I and Yu Fear are not your grandchildren? Rest assured that my first son must come from Yu Fei’s belly. "
Mr. Yu’s heart moved with a smile and bowed deeply. "Thank you for your kindness."
He’d like to hold his grandson’s throne. It’s too difficult to control this new emperor. It’s often difficult for people to defend themselves. Every day, he cleans up the rotten stalls.
Seeing that he is so sincere, the new emperor is very proud and feels that his control level is high. "Get up."
Mr. Yu got up and hesitated. "The emperor …"
The new emperor frowned. "If you have something, just say it. We are not outsiders."
Mr. Yu struggled for half a ring. "Xie Huangxiao can’t have a child …"
Filial piety is not a good name and can’t be a great cause.
For the sake of the future, he doesn’t want this name to fall on his grandson’s head.
But the emperor’s reaction was so wonderful that he said casually, "What are you afraid of? It’ s a big deal to change the child’ s birthday. I’ m an emperor. Can’ t it be decided? "
He was so sexual that he completely ignored the power of former ministers and imperial clan.

But at this time, Qu Ningning’s fist clenched and pinched, and he couldn’t help but tremble and sweat dripping from his forehead.

Suddenly they felt a palpitation.
Lin Ying’s eyes shine with "Yes"
Say that finish before Lin Ying hands surging will QuNingNing side a feminine vitality into his body.
As the primordial qi enters Quningning, the characteristics of corpse vanish instantly.
Suddenly Qu Ningning opened his eyes and shouted, "If you kill old people, you dare to rob old women and money."
Say that finish QuNingNing blow to the Lin Ying.
Chapter seven hundred and sixty-one Rob people
Lin Ying waved his fist and punched Quningning.
"Bang!" Two people fist intersection issued a flips.
Qu Ningning thumped back more than ten steps before stopping, while Lin Ying did not move.
Lin Ying carrying a hand cold hum a "hum old just saved your life you he will kill me bite the hand that feeds you? But your strength is still a little too spicy. "
QuNingNing holding his arm hurriedly his whole arm is going to be broken with a full face of horror at Lin Ying.
The bean sweat keeps dripping. "It’s so strong that my hands feel like they’re going to be ruined."
But for a moment QuNingNing suddenly reacted, touched his face and exclaimed, "I’m not dead? I’m not dead! I didn’t die. Ha ha ha ha ha. "
Qu Ningning shook an awakened person next to him like a madman and said excitedly, "Hit me, hit me, try me. Is this not a dream?"
Next to the awakened one, Qu Ningning looked excited and slapped him in the face without hesitation.
"Pa" palm QuNingNing face a crunchy.
"Ow, I stung you, did he really fight? It hurts so much." Qu Ningning covered her face and grinned and cursed, and then she was ready to call back.
The awakened one immediately dodged back and said, "Qu Ningning, stop. You asked me to hit you."
QuNingNing smell speech leng one and then a burst of laughter "old this is not a dream, I really didn’t die, I came back to life, hahaha"
Looking at there, Quningning Lin Ying shouted, "You’re not dead, but you always save your life. Come here quickly."
Qu Ningning looked at Lin Ying and suddenly felt his arm hurt again, so he took two steps back.
Lin Ying immediately rolled up his sleeves and walked forward. "You have been saved and it’s time to fulfill your promise."
Qu Ningning heard that his face changed and he bit his teeth. "What promise?"
Lin Ying grimaced in a row. "Hehe, it seems that you forgot, so let me wake you up."
Qu Ningning looked at the fierce Lin Ying and immediately took a few steps back to Yang Gao’s back. "Yang Lao Da wants to hit me."
Yang Gao took a step forward and stopped the avenue "living" in front of Lin Ying.
Lin Ying squinted at Yang Gao and asked, "Why do you want to stop me?"
Yang Gao’s face was gloomy. "I just want to stop you and me. You can’t touch him."
Lin Ying suddenly smiled "want to stop me? But also want to see if you have the strength. "
Say that finish Lin Ying held out his hand and pushed Yang Gao in the past.
Yang Gao saw Lin Ying shaking his body, then a powerful momentum rose from him and reached for Lin Ying.
But when master Yang takes Lin Ying’s arm, it’s like taking a piece of steel.
At the same time, a huge force came from Lin Ying’s hand.
Then Lin Ying palm directly press Yang Gao chest.
Lin Ying shook Yang Gao’s hand and flew out directly and fell to the ground.
Lin Ying slapped Yang Gao and then continued to catch Quningning behind him.
Qu Ningning saw a genial smile that she was about to slip away when Lin Ying grabbed her by the collar.
Then Lin Ying took Qu Ningning by the collar and dragged him away like a dead dog.
Yang Gao, who fell to the ground, immediately shouted to his hand, "Kill him, kill him, kill him quickly."
Hear Yang Shouting Lin Ying turned and stared at Yang Gao with a murderous look on his face.
Yang Gao’s throat immediately seemed to be choked, and he couldn’t make any sound at all.
Qu Ningning also felt Lin Ying’s murderous look, but his eyes rolled and he shouted, "Boss, boss, I’m sorry, I’m willing to fulfill my promise."
Lin Ying threw QuNingNing to the ground and looked at him.
After being thrown to the ground, Qu Ningning turned over and fell on his knees, and then said, "I will meet my eldest brother, my eldest brother, and my mighty younger brother will do anything for you."
Qu Ningning saw the wind make Tuoling first-class, but Yang Gao beat Lin Ying and immediately took refuge in Lin Ying.
Yu Zhenzhen doesn’t really have his own knowledge.
At this time, Yang Guobin looked at Quningning’s face and smoked. "Xiao Lin, he should fulfill his promise to me and make me a cow and a horse."
Lin Ying took a white look at Yang Guobin’s way, "I saved people."
Yang Guobin: "I came to save him, but you forced it."
Lin Ying "It was an emergency and you were helpless. I saved him."
Yang Guobin stared angrily. "You’re not me. How do you know I’m helpless?"
Lin Ying was dismissive. "You see, none of the questions you asked were asked."
Yang Guobin was so angry that he didn’t know what to say.
The people next to him couldn’t help laughing when they saw Yang Guobin and Lin Ying bickering.

"Know the cheapskate" Qinhuai Roupa Miao Honghai arms "I also lied to you about something"

"Oh, hurry up and I promise not to get angry." "Really"
"truer than pearls"
Qinhuai soft bit his lip "I’m not ten years old, I’m ten years old this year ~"
Chapter 25 A surname fairy she chan.
Chunyu blushed and a plum cut broke the hammer, and there was a baby in leopard print jumping around in front of the left and right.
The hammer girl’s first visit to Beijing represents the broken knife door. It is natural for them to do their best to visit the bustling area of Beijing first.
The broken hammer is still curious. "Why didn’t Sakura come?"
Cut the plum. "She’s injured and has lost a lot of blood. She’s recuperating in the palace."
Chunyu blushed and said, "How did this happen?"
The broken hammer is also "ah"-"I think she is very strong. How can the palace still be injured?" Who did it? "
A prune looked at the two men’s choice of truth and truth.
The broken hammer was angry and said, "How can your emperor work for him like this? He also made Sakura bleed!"
You may even get a swollen belly. When you cut the plum mouth, you sobbed. "It’s not intentional to learn. It’s a bit frivolous. We ignore her."
Listening to this, Chun Yu blushes and is lost in thought. If there is no light and heavy bleeding, it should be Xiao Hulu. How can it be cherry blossom bleeding?
If you can’t turn back, you must go to the palace to help her check and don’t leave any hidden diseases.
They walked around the hammer girl’s bag and could hardly hold it. The girl was fine, but she still had some secular thoughts and bought a lot of mundane things that she had never seen before. Every time the bag was revealed, the store enthusiastically said that she would not accept money.
This means that there are still few practitioners, especially those who are willing to reveal their identity. There are even fewer practitioners, and ordinary people are still curious about and respect them. When will this interesting social phenomenon disappear?
And many mortals with spiritual roots have pinned this hope on the Green Forest Villa.
Nowadays, Lvlin Villa is definitely the hottest sect in Xidan Xianjie, which has undertaken more than half of Xidan’s traffic. Linggen people have to consult Master Wang Tianwang every day. Many aspiring young people outside Beijing who are eager to cultivate truth are the first thing to do when they come to Beijing, but they also visit Lvlin Villa.
There are not enough people in the imperial court to master Yuepu’s primary knowledge of cultivating immortals, but they can also rely on Wang Tianba and Wang Liuwang to drink them. This is not a good job, and their cultivation progress will inevitably be affected.
Xiao Erlang and Wang Tianba have been refined, but once Liulang and Jiulang still can’t see the hope of cultivating immortality.
I’ve had enough shopping outside. When the party returns to Xidan, the first thing to do is to sit on the throne of Xianbu yamen. It’s Xianbu Shang Kun’s adult.
Next to him, he left and right assistant ministers. During this period, he intended to train two assistant ministers. After he left, he would not make a mess.
Before he was ready to leave, he agreed that Liu Bo would send him to visit the major sects and listen to their hearts.
"Oh, I’m so innocent!" Seeing someone come in, Kun found out earlier than the two deputies that the expression of the newcomer was more flattering than flattery. This is a midwife!
Later, Kun rushed to cut the plum arch and handed it over. It was also very polite. Although the principle of Huang Wei was also responsible for fixing the truth, it seemed that it should be under the jurisdiction of Xianbu, but the actual emperor never said it.
Moreover, Xianbu’s hand didn’t dare to fight and fight to fix the truth. Although there are also two people, Liu Bo and Yi Jianmei, there is also a Qiushan Sect in Liu Bo’s hand. Xianbu wants to restrain the city from fixing the truth and has to rely on the law enforcement of Huangwei.
Yi Jianmei introduced the broken hammer to Kun. "This is the head of the broken knife door. My elder daughter, Duan Yilang, broke the hammer and broken the knife door. I’m going to Xidan to find an adult to go through the formalities."
The broken hammer asked, "What procedures does Mei have to go through?"
Chunyu blushes and laughs. "How can I choose a store for you without going through the formalities? Paying attention to a rule in court affairs may be more complicated than that in sects, but it is already optimized."
Kun also laughed. "Hammer Fairy doesn’t have to worry about filling out a horse without trouble to take you to the store."
The "divination" in Tiange has been replaced. After all, he is a recorder who can do anything. Yan Hongji also needs someone to change shifts.
The question Lanpang wants to ask is "Is Qin Lan, the owner of Qinlan Island, alive or dead now?"
Imperial Palace Tingxuege
Sun Qiaoer wondered, "How come the two emperors didn’t come at such a time?"
Cloud light "it’s not just that he doesn’t come, so you can practice and I can rest assured."
Sun Qiaoer, "I hope the emperor has not forgotten you, or you will die if you are so ill."
Just then, Chu linked up with Yunqing, "Something’s wrong with the master!"
Chu Wei, "The emperor has been slept!"
Yunqing "What’s the big deal? When will he not be slept?"
"No, he slept with someone else before. This time, someone else slept with him. He didn’t find out who it was last night!" Chu Xu gua Dao
Although tea didn’t ask her about it, Xiao Guo’s mouth was too big, and Jin Yuzhu accidentally let it slip when she visited there, which happened to be Chu Qi.
"Is there such a thing?" Yunqing couldn’t help but regret that she deliberately didn’t go to Yuxiu Palace to teach Sixth Princess last night. I didn’t expect to miss this drama.
I can’t help laughing at the thought that the little emperor should have suffered from this disaster, but I think it’s not very kind to laugh like this. I don’t know who is so good at this.
"It’s not a man or a woman!"
"Female?" Cloud gently snorted. "Then what is this? He has nothing to lose."
"It seems that it is also this person who hides his head and reveals his tail. I don’t know whether it is the palace or the outside of the palace." Chu Chu’s expression is weird. "Master, you often go to the West Palace in the middle of the night and always wander outside the Yuxiu Palace. Don’t you know that it is a person?"

Feng Baobao said wearily that she was tired and tried to know that she had just been severely demanded. She wanted to sleep, sleep and sleep …

"I’m here to see you, Feng Baobao. I think it’s necessary for us to talk."
Bai Jing with soft laughter but slightly heavy.
Before Feng Baobao got confused and didn’t react, she took a step forward and squeezed Feng Baobao into the room.
Feng Baobao bared his teeth at her behind her and secretly lamented Nima’s face.
It happened that Bai Jing turned back.
Feng Baobao looked at his fist raised awkwardly and smoked the corners of his mouth. "I really want to treat you to a fist, you know."
"You are still so naughty and cute, and you are so restrained when joking." She paused again and said, "Is that what he likes about you?"
It seems that there are some things that she can’t learn in a generation.
"Hell yes," Feng Baobao asked with a lip curl. "What would you like to drink?"
She wants to come and be safe. Politeness is always appropriate.
Bai Jing sat casually and freely on the sofa, smiling.
"Oh, I drink jasmine tea. Yes, it’s in the red box on the second floor of the refrigerator."
Feng Baobao felt inexplicably relieved that she seemed to know more about this family than she did, as if she were the owner of this family and she was a guest.
Feng Baobao poured out some dried petals and served them to the tea table in front of her.
Bai Jing took a sip of his shallow took a glance around.
"Hey … where did the Chihuahua go? Before I come, it will wag its tail to meet me. "
I remember that rogue dog was mean to her at the airport.
She knew from Bai Jing’s words that this woman was deliberately setting something from time to time.
This is the great thing about this woman. Her words are still sharp when she smiles.
Vaguely, she thinks that Bai Jing and Liu Jin are the same type of people, and the same belly is a good match
Feng Baobao suppressed his mouth and smiled at her.
"Oh that dog? That dog was a birthday present from Lu Jinyuan three years ago, but it didn’t know how to please my master, and Lu Jinyuan sent it away because I was pregnant. "
Bai Jing heard the word "pregnant" in Polly’s shot.
Soon her face returned to smile and nodded. "That’s no wonder that the dog was too stupid and deserved to be sent away. But you can’t blame the dog. Although it used to be your dog, after all, it will always be unfamiliar with you for three years, and I will try my best to take care of it for three years. It’s hard for you to say, isn’t it, baby?"
☆ Chapter 45 You must never touch her.
What is Bai Jing saying and implying?
What does Lu Jinyuan have to do with her?
Bai Jing see Feng Baobao expression slightly stiff face smile see deep drink a mouthful of tea and then said.
"You’re going to have a baby soon, aren’t you?"
"The doctor said that there are still more than two months."
Lu Jin kept it a good secret. She knew that Lu Jin’s original flowers and plants were falling outside, but she didn’t expect him to suddenly break off his engagement with her.
If she hadn’t sent someone to check it out, she wouldn’t have found out about him and Feng Baobao.
"Look at your pale face and dark circles. You look as thin and weak as a panda. It’s too much for your body to have a baby."
Bai Jing’s sharp eyes shot at her as if she had seen through her.

Third, Xuanyang citizens must believe in religious gods or they will be punished by retaliation.

4. Call for encouraging believers to attack or discriminate against non-believers.
Five, in violation of the principle of freedom.
Organizing the establishment of religious institutions in Somalia to preach teachings must be reviewed by the administrative department, which does not violate the above provisions. This provision is aimed at the situation of publicly establishing religious institutions, and it is necessary to review classics to preach teachings and not interfere with personal belief choice.
Ke Mengchao wrote it quickly. He translated the "freedom principle" while writing Locke, and then stipulated the principles of equality, anti-discrimination and anti-superstition, which were extended and supplemented according to the foundation of freedom principle.
The so-called principle of equality is not only the equality of all sects, but also the equality of believers and non-believers.
The principle of anti-discrimination further refines all kinds of forbidden behaviors. For example, if an institution is to be established to teach, the public, including believers and non-believers, must be allowed to interpret and judge.
The principle of anti-superstition does not mean that a certain belief is superstition, but a series of specific rules. For example, people should not call themselves gods, people should not claim that they represent the will of the gods, and people should not deceive or coerce others to believe in a certain god.
Finally, the draft emphasizes once again that if the gods come to people, no matter which gods they are, they will enjoy the same benefits as the citizens of Somalia and abide by the same regulations.
At this time, Pi Dan wrote a "ridiculous mortal"
Ke Mengchao was not angry when he heard this. "We are all ridiculous mortals. This is the rule made by mortals."
Pitan: "Do the teachings preached by the Gambisi Court also need to be audited by the local administrative department of Somalia?"
Ke Mengchao shook his head and said, "What teachings are preached by Gambistine Gambistine is of course not under the jurisdiction of Somali Port, but the establishment of institutions here must abide by the religious management regulations of Somali Port."
Pitan: "How do you know these rules are reasonable?"
Ke Mengchao smiled. "We can argue that logically it must be reasonable. For example, if it is unreasonable, are you like Poseidon?"
Pidan wanted to say something, but Brech shook his head gently at him and motioned for him to stop pestering this topic.
Lianna interjected, "If the gods come here … but don’t forget that the gods have divine power!"
Ke Mengchao asks, "You also have magical power! Everyone’s knowledge, ability and skills are your advantages, your enjoyment, your resources and your detachment.
If the god you believe in comes to people, does it not believe in anyone or believe in anyone’s freedom? Does it also believe in itself according to your will? "
Chapter 17, prevent micro duration
In the backyard of the grocery store, Joko suddenly laughed.
Hua Zhenxing wondered, "Is it so funny?"
About Gao Le waved his hand and said, "Ignore me and let me laugh for a while!" It was a long time before he accepted the smile. "I think it’s so interesting!" This draft clearly refers to the regulations of the East, but it is stricter than the regulations of the East. "
Hua Zhen trip "must be strict, because once some things take root and sprout and have a fait accompli, it will be too expensive to remedy them. If it can be strictly stipulated from the beginning, it is best to do so, which will avoid many troubles and disasters in the future.
The situation here is very special. People’s world outlook is chaotic and they believe in all kinds of messy things, but these have not affected their values and their judgment in daily life. People don’t care about ghosts and gods, and their hearts are not these. "
Hua Zhen seems to be able to formulate such a draft because the port of Somalia has the conditions to implement it. Although people here believe in all kinds of witchcraft, the secular life has not been infiltrated by various religious organizations
It is necessary to promulgate and implement this draft as soon as possible. If it is changed to another place, I am afraid that the provisions in this draft will not be implemented so well, and it will cost a lot to implement it.
Yogoro asked again, "What do you want from implementing such a policy?"
Hua Zhen line "you might as well ask another way what we don’t want? There are too many contradictions and conflicts in this world. How are they provoked? The place of Porto de Somalia is too small, too poor, and too chaotic to withstand that kind of tossing.
I have seen the lesson. Why should I make the same mistakes and take those detours? If someone has already visited the minefield, they should avoid it. This is not specifically aimed at the Gambyshire policy.
As a matter of fact, a law should discuss the appointment of lawyers from three aspects: rationality, necessity and feasibility. Do you think there is anything wrong with it? "
Ke Mengchao just said that the draft was reasonable, while Hua Zhen explained the necessity and feasibility.
About Gao Le blinked to "no problem, I also think no problem! In my opinion, this is to ensure that people can choose what they believe in, what they trust and what they realize.
The laws made by people are all people themselves, even if it is God’s, it is not God’s. The so-called temples are all built by people. Of course, there is no temple, and God does not need these. "
Hua Zhen also asked curiously, "What do you think of God, Master Yue Gaole?"
Jogoro put his right hand on his chest. "I was once a god walking with me. I was trapped in chains. I was saved."
This whole trip to Hua Zhen was a bit stupid. He paused for a while before saying, "Your experience is quite complicated! What about now? "
About Gao Le seems to be irrelevant answer "now? This is the way to understand the world and the world. "Then I looked at Hua Zhen’s street." If God comes to people, it should be simple. I don’t think you can. You think too much. "
Hua Zhen said with a smile, "Are you trying to say that I am colorful?"
About Gao Le is happy again. "You are a little careless. Who taught you?"
Hua Zhen line "adults teach!"
You answered a lot of questions today. It’s hard to imagine that a child who didn’t go to school said it.
Hua Zhen trip "Although I didn’t study, it’s not that I haven’t learned anything and it’s not that I haven’t been taught."
You’re not surprised that Mr. Ke Lao drafted the rules. Even if he didn’t say anything, you said it. Is that what you mean?
Hua Zhen trip "that’s what I mean, and it’s the same if I have to draft it."
About Gao Le "It turns out that Boss Hua is the boss behind the new alliance. All the changes here are disrespectful!"
Hua Zhen trip "didn’t Mr. Yue already know? Otherwise, why would you come to me today? You are definitely not looking for a grocer! "

Wei Taitai pointed at Chen Yan and shouted a little nervously, "Chen Yan … You, you licentious Cao Jiansheng killed Chen Yan!"

Cao Qiudao stared at Chen Yan and said, "Chen Yan is different today. You are no longer my opponent. Please choose a weapon. I won’t take advantage of you."
Chen Yanxiao said, "This time is different? This sentence is also what I want to say to you, Cao Jiansheng, since you are so confident, just draw your sword and attack me. Actually, my best martial arts is not fencing, so you don’t necessarily need weapons to deal with you. "
The cold light in Cao Qiudao’s eyes flashed "boastful"
Just as Cao Qiudao was about to draw his sword, Zou Yan, Qin Qing and Long Yangjun arrived.
Zou Yan saw that Cao Qiudao wanted to start a fight, and his face changed slightly. "Cao Qiudao, you have been killing and killing Mr. Chen all your life. Are you a distinguished guest in Wang Wei? Do you still want to start a fight with Mr. Chen?"
Cao Qiudao and Zou Yan are old acquaintances, and they also taught Qi Guotai at the same time.
They have different ideas and ideological realms, and they don’t like each other.
Zou Yan thinks that Cao Qiudao can kill people and is a butcher. It is the meanest way to make money by killing people. Cao Qiudao thinks that Zou Yan is ignorant and stubborn and even more annoying than those pedants.
Cao Qiudao stared at Zou Yan coldly, "Zou Yan, don’t meddle with this matter. Cao and Chen Yan are bound to tell a winner."
Qin Qing is a little anxious.
Cao Qiudao’s swordsmanship practice, she knows that although Chen Yan is also very powerful, he is the first strong man in Zhao, but he rarely shows martial arts, swordsmanship and piano. It is difficult to worry.
Long Yangjun said, "Cao Jiansheng, if you really want to compare swords with Mr. Chen, it’s better for you two to hold a sword meeting. Then the whole girder warrior and nobles will come to watch the battle, and Shijun is also very curious about who is more advanced, Cao Jiansheng or Mr. Chen."
Cao Qiudao nodded. "Well, just follow what Long Yangjun said. You remember that Cao will beat you in full view!"
Cao Qiudao, the second time in Handan City, failed to defeat Chen Yan. He has always been angry that Cao Qiudao has made a breakthrough in fencing. Of course, if he wants to find his face, he must defeat Chen Yan to completely stabilize his position as the first in heaven.
There is no conflict between comparing swords with Chen Yan and completing the stag Hou Zhaomu’s confession.
Cao Qiudao has no reason not to agree.
Chen yanxian’s physical fitness and repair have recovered more than half. Even if there is no aura and true qi, it is not Cao Qiudao who can compete with Cao Qiudao. Chen yanxian’s eyes are like a clown.
But Cao Qiu said he didn’t know it was waiting to know.
Doing nods "Cao Qiu way you have confidence is a good thing, it is said that ZuLao handwritten the Tao Te Ching in your hand? I will give you three chances to beat me. If you lose, I hope you can lend me the Tao Te Ching to study for two months. "
Cao Qiudao sneered, "It’s good that you are well informed. I have the Tao Te Ching written by Daozu personally, but you didn’t have a chance to see it. I can completely defeat you without fighting three times."
Chen Yanxiao said, "Don’t talk too much. It’s better to leave some room. I said I’d give you three chances and I will give you three chances. Cao Qiudao hopes you can take advantage of them."
Long Yangjun said to Wei Taitai, "Taidian, you should leave."
Mrs Wei’s face is gloomy. He knows that it is impossible to take Princess Zhao Qian away with Long Yangjun today.
Wei Tai cold hum a turn round and then walk.
Shaoyuanjun immediately followed
When Cao Qiudao turned around, he said to Chen Yan, "Chen Yan, you are very good at Yi Shu."
Compared with before, Chen Yan’s appearance has changed a bit.
After Chen Yan gave general Zhao Rong their healing, Zou Yan said, "I didn’t expect Mr. Chen to discriminate against Huangshu. Did Mr. Chen also study the knowledge of doctors?"
Chen Yan nodded and said, "I know something about the knowledge of doctors. Sometimes we practitioners need to go into the mountains alone, which is much more dangerous. We can’t defend ourselves without a little doctor."
Zou Yan touched the beard and nodded, "That’s that."
Long Yangjun came to see Chen Yanshi with Zou Yan and Qin Qing. He wanted to say that Chen Yanshi stayed in Wei, but today he met Wei Taihe and Cao Qiudao to trouble Chen Yanshi and Princess. Long Yangjun felt that it was inappropriate to talk about soliciting things now. Let’s wait.
Zou Yan, they stayed behind for dinner.
The food is still cooked by Chen Yan himself.
Se Xiang Wei ju
Long Yangjun, satiated with food and drink, said apologetically, "Mr. Chen is really sorry that I let you and Cao Qiudao have a sword fight without your consent."
Chen Yan said, "Long Yangjun didn’t expect Cao Qiudao. This person is really annoying. Since he wants to compete with me, I can become a person. After he defeated him in public, I may be able to be quiet for a while."
Princess Zhao Qian asked, "Are you really sure to defeat Cao Qiudao, Mr. Chen? He’s Qi blade master, the best swordsman in the world. "
Zou Yan said, "Mr. Chen Cao Qiudao still knows something about swordsmanship. He hasn’t lost in ten years. Cao Qiudao is called’ blade master’, but he is ruthless and kind. The old man thinks that the title of’ Demonbane’ is more suitable for him. If he is not sure about Mr. Chen, it is too dangerous not to compete with him."
Chen Yan said, "You are not worried that I will repair Cao Qiu Dao. Even if he is holding an Excalibur, he is still not my opponent. I will beat him openly."
The gap between Cao Qiudao and Chen Yanxiu cannot be bridged by a sword.
Chapter 43 The beast is vulnerable, Tao Wei Mou
In the next few days, Long Yangjun didn’t come to Ulrich again. He was busy with Cao Qiu’s sword fight with Ulrich.
Less than two days after the news was released, all the nobles and warriors in Daliangcheng knew that Cao Qiudao wanted to compete with Mr. Chen of Zhao.
Cao Qiu-dao is a tyrannical figure in blade master, Qi.
Chen Yanze is the first strong man in Zhao recently.

Xuanyu Daojun gently denounced a fingertip generate out of a mana into the fire cover.

Going round and round from the fire hood in the wind is almost instantaneous and has come to Sumo’s head!
Sue ink look a fiercely.
This fire shield is a jade princess. He dare not let it buckle!
Su Mo’s palm patted the bag and moved out of a gray-black mountain peak.
Ancient treasures, Xuanci Mountain!
He wants to use the power of Xuanci Mountain to pin down the fire cover.
However, after the arrival of Xuanci Mountain, there was no deviation from the fire cover!
"Not good!"
Su Mo’s heart sank
The fire shield is made of metal, but there are some rare metal materials in the wild continent that are not attracted by the mysterious magnetism!
That is to say, Xuanci Mountain has nothing to do with the fire cover!
This level of killing a misjudgment may fall into the wind and even disappear!
A large shadow came over.
Far from the center of the fire hood, it exudes a strong pulling force to form a field, and Sumegan can’t escape!
And Xuanyu Daojun has taken this opportunity to rush to the crowd!
The situation reversed in an instant!
Sumo is in great danger!
"Empress, you are quick to shoot!"
The little fox was in a hurry and urged, "You just take back the fire cover and give it to the public!" "
The woman in white shook her head unmoved and said, "It’s only natural that he took it back with his own hands because he lost the fire cover."
"What’s worse, he made an appointment with XuanYu. What about my budget? If you can’t get through this, how can he protect you in the future? "
At this time, the battlefield will have a drink.
Seeing Su Mo flying out of the sea, a statue of a blue lotus stand with six circles of petals blooming, and the sunlight diffused towards the fire hood and hit it hard!
Nature lotus!
There was a loud noise when the two instruments collided!
The fire hood wants to cover it, and the top of the lotus stand is desperately against the fire hood!
The wrestling of the two great instruments was hard to separate for a while!
But it is such a delay that Xuanyu Daojun has already killed the crowd, and the blood is surging, and a punch is shining and an unparalleled violent atmosphere is erupted!
Su Mo can meet him with a backhand punch.
Boxing collision

"People are … filthy."

Is to let the undead bible Sun Jin Jing Economic Cooperation 21 Mark involuntarily look at the curator with white beard.
This guy didn’t abandon his surname in his previous life, did he?
This sentence is not something that ordinary people can say. If fate can’t suppress a few people, they will die suddenly.
But the curator is still alive …
The pentagram array is abrupt, and the light from Mark’s feet is bright, which leads the force of hades to be transported to the fusion and collision.
One second!
The pentagram’s large array of light instantly gave way to the crowd, and everyone had to close their eyes. The thick light directly smashed the museum floor and completely disappeared into the virtual …
"bad guy"
"Don’t you want us?"
"Is the bad guy"
"Why did you come to see us?"
They slowly opened their eyes after hearing the movement for a long time, but they saw two children in front of the man who was as magical as God.
The two children all looked at Mark in the chair with their waists crossed.
Mark rubbed and danced, and his eyebrows ached, staring at the two children in front of him who were very porcelain.
There is a burning sun in the eyebrows of the left child. The attribute is a boy.
There is a cold moon in the eyebrows of the child on the right. The attribute is girl.
Very obvious
The boy on the left is the incarnation of the Golden Sutra of the Sun, and the girl on the right is the incarnation of the Bible of the Dead.
The two dolls are bulging and cursing at Mark’s various adverbials of past lives, so quickly that Mark has no chance to throw the pot out …
in ten minutes
The two children’s speech speed slowed down.
Mark quickly reached out and said, "Wait a minute."
The girl opened her mouth and blinked.
Nanwa is a face like a brother looking at a sister looking at a girl.
Mark breathed a sigh of relief and said, "See clearly that I am not the former self. You can’t blame the former things on me and don’t pay attention to your past lives. Aren’t I white at this moment?"
"not white"
"Sister is right."
Just then.
Mai directly put away the devil’s wings and came in from the window. After seeing the boys and girls, he greeted them and said, "Hi, it’s been a long time since the sun and the cold moon."
The girl turned and looked at Mai’s arms directly, which was very proud and slightly lifted.
Boys and girls follow suit.
There was a smile on Mai’s mouth, which seemed to have long been accustomed to the attitude of the two children. Then Mai looked at Mark and said, "What about the Dark Book? Lucifer? "
Mark leng leng.
Something is wrong.
Mark thought about watching Mike pointing at the two children who were chattering in front of him for ten minutes and saying, "You don’t know them?"
Mai frowned and said, "Know the fierce sun and the cold moon in hades, and be responsible for the rotation of the sun and the moon in hades. I was just about to ask you where to find these two little guys."
Mark has grown up.

Only in this way can we regenerate and eliminate all the dark wounds in our bodies.

Lian Jin was happy that his hamstring could still pick it up, but when he learned that he could use the first half of his strength, Lian Jin felt gloomy again.
Took one look at Lian Jin’s left hand and said, "Practice your left sword after Lian Jin Gong."
"Left-handed sword?" Lian Jin one leng.
The left-handed sword is not so easy to practice.
The same swordsmanship is powerful with the right hand, but poor with the left hand. Not only can you not kill the enemy, but you will also hurt yourself.
Lian Jin is a fencing master. He didn’t think about practicing sword with his left hand before. Unfortunately, many attempts have failed and ended.
Chen Yan nodded, "Yes, it’s the left-handed sword. I once knew a swordsman named Zhao Danchen. He was the top ten super strong man in the list of law enforcement elders in clear lake Island. His right arm was cut off, which led to a great decline in martial arts. Years later, he developed a left-handed swordsmanship, which was even better than the past. After Zhao Danchen, he was honored as’ one-armed blade master’. I have his left-handed swordsmanship cheats here."
Clear lake island law enforcement elders day list strong one-armed blade master.
Lian Jin has never heard of it.
However, it gives Lian Jin a feeling that he is not aware of it.
Lian Jin immediately knelt down and pleaded, "Mr. Chen also asked you to teach me’ one-armed blade master’ Zhao Danchen’s left-hand swordsmanship."
Lleyton lifted Lian Jin up and said, "I told you not to kneel Zhao Danchen’s left-hand swordsmanship. I hope you can practice it well and don’t let this swordsmanship get dusty."
Chapter 413 Draw the snake out of the hole. Big things will happen tonight.
"Lian Jin, you go back first and come to Wujiabao early. I’ll give you your left sword." Ulrich is going to Fujian.
Lian Jin was a little impatient and asked, "Can’t I learn now, Mr. Chen?"
Ulrich shook his head and said, "Haste makes waste. You are now mentally unstable. It would be better to get twice the result with half the effort if you go back and calm down."
Wu Tingfang said, "Lian Jin is home now. Where else can he go? Just live in Wujiabao. I’ll arrange accommodation for Lian Jin now. "
Off Lian Jin and Wu Tingfang Chen Yanzheng is going to have a good rest, but unfortunately things didn’t work out.
Zhao Ya came with a sad face. Her eyes were red and swollen, and she obviously cried.
Zhao Ya saw Ulrich and shed tears. "Mr. Chen didn’t see Pan Er after I went back to the office. He was arrested by Zhao Mu. I still don’t know where Pan Er was. Zhao Mu just came to me to ask for Lu Gong’s secret record. He said that if I didn’t give him Lu Gong’s secret record for three days, he would start work on Pan Er."
Zhao Pan was Chen Yandi’s first visit when he came back to Handan Zhao Pan, but he didn’t come.
It turned out that he was detained by Zhao Mu.
Chen Yan said, "Lady Ya, you don’t worry that Zhao Mu won’t hurt the public plate until he gets the secret record of Lu Gong. Go back and tell Zhao Mu that I will take the secret record of Lu Gong to see him one day. Where is the best pub in Handan City?"
Zhao Ya said, "It’s the Zui Xiang Building, just east of the strip, not far from my mansion."
Ulrich nods, "Well, the meeting place will be Zui Xiang Building."
Zhao Ya said, "I’ll go back and tell Zhao Mu now."
Zhao Ya had to rely on Yan Yan when Wei was in Daliangcheng. I didn’t expect to return to Handan, Zhao. She still had to rely on Yan, not because she was too timid in princess royal, but because Zhao Mu was too powerful.
Zhao Mu didn’t put the royal family of Zhao in the eye.
Zhao Mu is the illegitimate son of Chun Shenjun of Chu State.
Zhao Mu is not a native of Zhao. He can be said to be the biggest undercover hiding Zhao Chaotang. Zhao Mu has no awe of the Zhao royal family.
Ulrich sent Zhao Ya out of the back channel outside the house. "Zhao Mu is a little too eager to get Lu Gong’s secret record."